

Literatre Study to Huang Yongnian’s Thought

【作者】 赵欣

【导师】 时永乐;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 黄永年是海内外知名的史学家、文献学家,以藏书闻名,并在多个领域皆有建树,著述亦多。本文拟以黄永年的文献学著作作为第一手资料进行综合性研究,并结合其治学思想和各方面成就,总结出他在版本学、目录学、古籍整理等方面的一些方法和经验,并将其在文献学史上的地位予以恰当的评价。这一论题突破了以往学者对黄永年文献学思想不够系统的研究,拓展了对黄永年研究的空间。本文首先在绪论中介绍了黄永年的生平和著述情况,并总结了学界关于黄永年文献学思想研究的现状。在文章的主体部分:首先,版本学思想主要表现在黄永年对古籍版本学领域中各种问题鞭辟入里的阐述,如:中国古籍的上下限、古籍版本的上下限和善本问题等,既有对传统的继承又有所创新发展;他还注重对后学进行方法论的指导,并提出版本鉴别须结合版本史等观点。其次,目录学思想集中体现在黄永年对目录学的诠释,文章进一步探讨了其在类目设置、书籍收录、史料价值评价等方面的特色。再次,古籍整理方面侧重研究黄永年在长期实践过程中摸索出来的一套整理古籍的方法和工序;他认为古籍整理最好选择善本为底本,并为古籍今译和校勘提供了科学的理论与切实可行的实践经验。最后,则对黄永年在文献学领域引起的一些学术争议,作了具体的论述。综观全文,主要通过研究黄永年在版本学、目录学、古籍整理等文献学领域内的思想,并结合其学术实践活动,归纳总结其在理论上提出的诸多独到的见解,进而来评价他对我国文献学的影响和贡献。

【Abstract】 Huang Yongnian is a famous historian at home and abroad, the expert of literature, is well-known by the books collection, and has the achievements in many domains, the writings are also many. This article planning to take Huang Yongnian’s literature study works as the first comprehensive study of data, and combining with his academic thought and various aspects achievements, summarizes some methods and the experience of his edition, bibliography, books organization and so on, and gives the appropriate appraisal in the literature study history. This thesis broke through the insufficient system’s research of the former scholars to Huang Yongnian’s literature study thought, has developed the space which studies to Huang Yongnian.This article first introduces in the Huang Yongnian’s biography and the writings situation, and has summarized the present situation of educational world about Huang Yongnian’s literature study thought.The main body of the article is:First of all, the edition study thought mainly displays in Huang Yongnian each kind of question whip wards off into to the ancient book edition study domain in the elaboration, Such as upper and lower limits of the Chinese ancient books and ancient book’s version, rare book problem etc. both has the inherits to the tradition and has the innovation development; he also places emphasis on the guidance of the methodology to descendants, and pose the edition distinction should combine the version history etc. Second, catalog thought manifests to the study of the interpretation of catalog, and to further explore the catalog at the settings, books record, the value of historical features of evaluation. Third, the ancient book reorganization focusing on aspect of Huang Yongnian in the long-term practice to explore a set of methods and processes about reorganize ancient books; he thinks the best choice of libretto is rare book and provide scientific theories and practical experience about ancient book modern translation and collation. Finally, about Huang Yongnian’s academic disputes which causes in the literature study domain, has made the concrete discussion.The comprehensive survey full text, mainly through studies to Huang Yongnian’s literature thought such as edition, catalog, ancient book reorganization and so on, and unifies his academic practice, summarizes many original opinions which he proposed theoretically, then evaluates his significant influence and contribution to literature study in our country.

【关键词】 黄永年版本目录古籍整理
【Key words】 Huang YongnianEditionCatalogAncient books organization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】G256
  • 【下载频次】235

