

Trajectory Planning during Shield Tunneling Process

【作者】 凌研方

【导师】 邵诚;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 论文以全断面大型掘进装备设计制造中的基础科学问题为研究背景,对盾构掘进机的轨迹规划相关问题进行了分析,详细分析了影响盾构机轨迹规划的主要因素,分别从盾构机本身特性和管片结构特性进行了考察,进而提出了将最小转弯半径作为纠偏轨迹设计参数,来确定缓和曲线的设计方法。为了完成纠偏轨迹的设计,论文对隧道工程相关的地面控制测量、联系测量和地下控制测量的各种测量方法做了系统介绍;通过将隧道设计轴线分解成平面曲线和纵面曲线,并根据测量所得数据,推导了盾构掘进机切口中心坐标、盾尾中心坐标的计算,通过与设计轴线相应坐标比较求得盾构位置偏差和角度偏差,进而来确定轨迹纠偏控制策略。当盾构机的偏差超出管片的纠偏范围后,就需要进行纠偏轨迹规划。本文分别针对平面线形的直线段、圆曲线段和缓和曲线段提出了轨迹规划算法,并结合具体盾构机实际参数对各种情况下的纠偏问题进行了仿真,从而为实现盾构掘进过程轨迹纠偏控制奠定了重要基础。

【Abstract】 This thesis is on the research background of basic scientific issues of full-face large-scale excavation equipment design and manufacturing, analyzing trajectory planning-related issues of shield tunneling machine, a detailed analysis was giving about main factors impacting trajectory planning of shield machine, investigating the shield machine their own characteristics and structural characteristics of the segment respectively, and then putting forward a design method using minimum turning radius as a corrective trajectory design parameters to determine the ease curve.In order to complete the design of trajectory, this paper was giving a systematic introduction of ground control survey, contact measurement and underground control measurement associated on the tunnel project. Through breaking designed tunnel axis (DTA) down into horizontal axis and vertical curve, and the measured data, the computation about the cut center coordinates and tail center coordinates of the shield was derived. Position deviation and angle deviation were obtained through the comparison with the corresponding coordinate axes, and thus to determine the trajectory correction control strategy. If the shield machine deviations were beyond the segment’s correction range, the trajectory planning would be needed. In this paper, trajectory planning algorithm about linear straight line segment, circular curve segment and transition curve was proposed, and combined with the actual concrete shield machine parameters carrying out simulation trajectory planning, so as to lay an important foundation for realization of trajectory deviation control in the shield tunneling process.


