

Three Dimensional Reconstruction of Object Based on Color Gray Code

【作者】 常妍

【导师】 胡家升;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 作为图像处理的一个分支,三维轮廓重构是对物体表面形貌进行恢复的技术,它是获取被测物体表面空间三维坐标的主要手段之一。不同于传统的二维视图,三维重构结果蕴含高度信息,因此能够更加真实、完整的反映客观物体。正是基于三维轮廓重构技术的实际意义,它在逆向工程、医疗诊断、工业生产、文化古迹的重建等领域都有着广泛的实际应用和很大的商业价值。在众多的三维轮廓重构方法中,光学方法由于具有非接触性、高精度、测量速度快等优势日益成为研究热点。除常用的相位测量法、干涉测量法、傅里叶变换法等光学方法外,利用投影光的色彩信息获取物体表面形貌的结构光方法是目前广泛使用的方法,同时也是该领域的重点研究方向。本文研究了一种利用彩色格雷编码的方法对被测物体进行三维轮廓重构,论文工作主要包含以下几个方面:首先,本文介绍了多种三维轮廓重构方法,并详细阐述该领域目前的研究现状和发展趋势。以结构光方法为重点,讲解了结构光方法的基本原理及应用范围,对其中多种方法进行分析比较,并根据编码结构光方法的基本原理,建立了数学分析模型。其次,本文阐述了彩色RGB图像的组成原理,在考虑系统抗干扰能力的基础上,设计了一种彩色格雷编码方案,其中详细介绍了条纹编码、解码、码字修正以及为增加物体表面细节的纹理映射技术,同时对系统标定方法进行论述。再次,以原理分析为依据,利用MATLAB软件平台进行模拟重构。在验证设计方案理论可行性的基础上,详细考虑外界环境因素的影响,在暗室环境中搭建实验平台,对实际物体进行重构实验,并给出实验结果及误差分析。实验证明,本文提出的彩色格雷编码方案能够有效重构表面含有颜色信息的物体,因此该方法具有可行性。论文所做的工作为今后研究基于编码结构光方法的三维轮廓重构技术提供了参考和帮助。

【Abstract】 As one branch of image processing, 3D reconstruction technology which is a key mean of obtaining 3D space coordinates is used for recovering object’s surface. Compared with traditional two dimensional view, 3D reconstruction result contains height information, so it is able to reflect object more really and completely. Based on practical significance of 3D reconstruction, the technology has wide application and extremely high commercial value in the fields of reverse engineering、medical diagnosis、industrial production and reconstruction of culture historic site. Among many 3D reconstruction methods, optical method is more and more becoming research focus due to its non-contact character、high precision、high measurement speed. Besides phase method、interferometry method、fourier transform method etc, structured light method projecting light which is connected with color information on the surface of an object is used extensively and considered as a major research direction.In the paper, a color gray code reconstruction method is carried out. The main research topics are as follows:Firstly, many 3D reconstruction methods are introduced, meanwhile, current status and development trend in the area are described in detail. Emphasized on structured light method, not only its basis principle and application range are explained, but also various methods are analyzed and compared. Then mathematical model is established according to the principle of coding structured light method.Secondly, the theory of constitution of image combined by RGB is elaborated, as considering system’s anti-interfering ability, a color gray code proposal is designed. Afterwards, pattern encoding、pattern decoding、codeword correction、texture mapping which is used to increase details of object’s surface are introduced. Then, the calibration method of the whole system is precisely deduced.Finally, on the basis of principle analysis, the MATLAB software platform is used to make analog reconstruction. After the efficiency of the theory being checked out, considering carefully the effect of environment factors, an experimental platform is made to reconstruct real object, also experimental result and error analysis are provided.The experiment result proves that the color gray code method proposed in the paper is effective to reconstruct object which has color information on its surface. The research work in the paper provides reference and help for 3D reconstruction technology based on coding structured light in future.


