

Research on the Detecting System for the Forward Light Scattered by Ship Wakes

【作者】 邵磊

【导师】 于清旭;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 光学工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 舰船尾流是舰船运动时在其身后产生的一段含大量气泡的湍流区域,它是舰船运动的特有产物,舰船尾流的各种物理特性对于自导鱼雷的研制具有很高的利用价值。本文的主要工作内容是研制一套尾流光前向散射特性探测系统。这套系统主要应用光电探测技术,检测散射光光学特性参数的变化,从而感知光传输路径上气泡的特性,这样就能判别出鱼雷是否进入或穿出舰船尾流区。作为一套前向光散射基本性质测试实验系统,在设计上综合了多项测试功能。系统具有同时测试不同的深度气泡散射、不同激光波长的散射、不同的光程的散射,以及散射光不同偏振特性测试的能力。在光电系统设计上重点考虑了低噪声和放大电路增益的均衡匹配,以及数据传输系统的实时性和抗干扰性。实验室模拟实验和海上舰船尾流实际测试实验结果表明,该系统综合性能指标达到设计要求,能够满足舰船尾流前向散射特性测试的需要,从而为光尾流自导鱼雷技术研究提供必要的实验测试设备。该系统可以用于真实海洋环境实验测试,120hr水中浸泡实验结果表明,测试阵架的水密性和耐压性均达到设计要求,阵架光电检测系统工作正常。在电子学系统方面,数据经过远距离传输(200m以上),能够保证实时性、准确性和抗干扰性;系统本底电子学信噪比大于60dB:通过长时间考核,650nm激光器功率稳定性大于95%,532nm激光器功率稳定性大于91%。此外,我们利用这套测试系统进行了模拟尾流测试实验。实验结果在时域和频域两方面均表明,在气泡产生前后,尾流光前向散射特性具有特征性的变化。

【Abstract】 Ship bubbles wakes is a streak of foamy and turbulent region behind a moving ship, which is a special production of ship movement. Any kind of physical characteristic of ship wakes is high usable for torpedo research. The main work of the thesis is to design and build up a system for detecting and analyzing the forward light scattered by ship wakes. The laser based photoelectrical detecting technology is used for the ship wakes detection. Through detecting the change of optical parameter of the scattering light, we can know whether the bubbles exists on the laser passing way, which can approve whether torpedo enters or get out of the ship wakes. As an experimental system, the system has many functions, such as measuring at different depth, with different incident light wavelength and different light path length and it also can detect the polarization characteristics of the scattering light. The system has low electric noise and balanced gain of the amplifying circuit. Experimental results demonstrate that the system is able to meet the requirements for actual application in the sea.The entire opto-electric detection system is hermetically sealed in a 7 meters high stainless steel frame, which is airtight and pressure tested by filling in 2atm air and immersing in water for 120hr. Experiment results also show that the SNR of the electrical system is lower than 60dB and the signal transmission (over 200m) is real time, accurate and interference resistant. The power stability of the 650nm laser is better than 95%, the power stability of the 532nm laser is higher than 91%. Simulated ship wakes detecting experiment is carried out with the system, which shows that the forward scatter light from the wakes bubbles could be clearly detected and recognized from the signal both in the time domain and frequency domain.


