

【作者】 曹建立

【导师】 贺智明;

【作者基本信息】 江西理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着无线网络的不断更新换代,覆盖范围和带宽都有了质的提高,使得各种基于无线网络的应用成为可能。本文将无线网络应用到校园之中,基于JavaME/JavaEE技术和GPRS/CDMA网络构建一个无线校园信息系统,使原本需要使用传统有线网络和微型计算机的分数查询、选课、报名、评教等校园活动通过移动客户端(手机/PDA等设备)和无线网络便可完成,极大地方便了广大师生。GPRS/CDMA网络覆盖地区广、按流量收费、永远在线等特点更使得没有条件使用有线网络上网的地区也可以享受科技进步带来的便利。文中重点研究了如何设计和实现该信息系统,讨论了校园无线信息系统体系整体设计、客户端设计、服务器和后端数据库的设计。在设计阶段采用了UML图来建立模型,在客户端设计了离线/在线两种运行模式、低级图形用户界面和数据本地存储模块。在服务器端讨论并解决了中文编码、数据库同步等问题。在实现过程中,采用了MVC、Proxy等多种设计模式来提高代码复用率和可维护性。最后,给出了几个主要类的实现和系统运行结果。

【Abstract】 The development of the wireless network make applications based on wireless network become feasible.In this paper ,a system based on JavaME/JavaEE and GPRS/CDMA is discussed .The system makes many activities in the campus like query somebodys score,select an elective course,sign up and vote become more convenient .Those activities use personal computer usually .PC can be replaced by cell phone or PDA when using this system. obviously ,the latter are more convenient .Using the GPRS/CDMA wireless network bring more advantage:the larger cover range,charged by Bytes, on-line forever. Even the people without internet can take advantage form this system.This paper emphasized in how to design and realize campus wireless information system,it discussed how to build the framework of the system,how to design the client/server/DBMS software .The UML is used in designing the model. Two pattern(on line/off line) , graphical user interface and RMS system was used in the client software.Difficulties like chinese character coding and synchronization of database was discussed and resolved.In order to enhance maintainability and reuse of this software, this system use many design pattern like MVC,Proxy etc. In the end, several important classes were listed, how to uses this system was shown by pictures too.

【关键词】 无线信息系统无线网络JavaMEJavaEE
【Key words】 wireless information systemwireless networkJavaMEJavaEE

