

【作者】 吴文敏

【导师】 黄万抚;

【作者基本信息】 江西理工大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 ABS树脂是在聚苯乙烯改性的基础上发展起来的三元共聚物,它体现了三种组分丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯的协同性能。由于它具有价格较低,综合性能优良的特点,被广泛应用于汽车、电子电器和建筑等行业。所以它是目前世界上产量最大,应用极广的一种通用工程塑料之一。随着科学技术的不断发展,近年来国内外对汽车、电子电器及建筑方面使用的材料相继作了有关阻燃规定,ABS树脂阻燃改性可用三种方法实现:(1)在合成ABS过程中添加反应型阻燃剂;(2)ABS与含卤阻燃剂等共混(3)ABS树脂与高阻燃性聚合物共混。本课题研究开发了马来酸酐(MAH)、苯乙烯(St)、接枝ABS的相容化剂。文中探索了其接枝机理,探讨了MAH、St的用量对ABS树脂的接枝率的影响。文中以此相容化剂作为载体与阻燃剂和加工助剂混炼而成阻燃母料。把阻燃母料和纯ABS树脂以一定的比例复配就可以与阻燃ABS树脂一样直接注塑产品。但加工母料与加工阻燃ABS相比而言,可以减少约2/3的能源。根据欧盟的RoHS指令的要求,本研究所采用的阻燃剂和其它加工助剂均不含RoHS指令所禁止的有害物质。本研究的环保意义在于所开发的母料符合欧盟的RoHS指令。因此,本课题所开发的母料与纯ABS树脂复配注塑成塑料产品可以出口到欧盟地区。本研究分为两步:第一步,先开发阻燃ABS,这样可以确定母料的基本配方。第二步,再添加加工助剂确定阻燃ABS母料的配方。文中探讨了阻燃剂的用量对阻燃ABS树脂的力学性能的影响和阻燃性能的影响。文中还讨论了润滑剂对阻燃ABS木料的流动性影响。本研究的母料分为两种:(1)A#母料的开发。此母料采用含卤阻燃剂及加工助剂与与自制的相容剂共混而成,其特点是;加工温度比较高,可以在240℃以上加工。但是成本比较高。此母料与其它母料的优势在于采用了高接枝率的相容剂作为载体,改善了阻燃剂与ABS树脂的相容性,提高了力学强度。(2)B#母料的开发。此母料主要采用高阻燃性聚合物PVC及加工助剂共混成而成,此母料与A#相比稳定性不好,加工温度最高只能是180℃,温度过高会分解,变色。但此母料的成本比A#母料低。

【Abstract】 The development of ABS resin copolymer based on PS modification. It shows synergy properties of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene. ABS resin is applied Automotive、Electronic & Electric production construction etc. Because of cheap and excellent properties. At Present, the ABS resin is one of the greatest yields and applied widely of generally engineering plastics. Last years ,with development of science & technique, there have been great demand for flame retarded material abroad and domestics which are applied in Automotive、Electronic & Electric production construction etc. Flame retardant ABS can be modified by three way: (1) adding reactive flame retardant to ABS in the process of ABS synthesis;(2) blending ABS resin and halogen flame retardant together; (3) blending ABS resin and high-flame retardant polymer.The characteristics of the research includes the compatibilizer (ABS-g-(MAH-St)) is produced by ourselves which is used for vector resin, the flame retardant and the other additives & vector are blended together , and the flame retardant masterbatch is prepared. The masterbatch & ABS resin can be mixed at suitable proportion, and the mixture can be injected directly as the flame retardant ABS. Compared with the flame retardant ABS, the masterbatch can save about 2/3 energy.Based on the instructions of RoHS of EU, the flame retardant and the other additives do not contain material which is forbidden by RoHS. So products of plastics which are injected by the masterbatch and ABS resin mixing can export EU.The research is divided two steps: firstly, the flame retardant ABS development. As to it, formulation of masterbatch can be determined probably. Secondly, additives add to then the formulation of masterbatch of flame retardant ABS.In the article, there are two masterbatches are developed. (1)A# masterbatch development. The masterbatch is prepared by halogen flame retardant & additives & vector resin blending. The features of the masterbatch : processing temperature of it can be more 240℃. However, the cost is high. (2)B# masterbatch development, the masterbatch is prepared by high-flame retardant polymer & additives & vector resin blending. The masterbatch is easily decomposition when the processing of temperature more 180℃. As a result, the color of the products will become yellow even red. But the cost is low than the A#. So the processing of masterbatch have to be below 180℃.

  • 【分类号】TQ325.2
  • 【下载频次】225

