

【作者】 康建雄

【导师】 罗仙平;

【作者基本信息】 江西理工大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 安徽青山含砷金矿属于难处理金矿,金与砷、硫嵌布关系密切,若采用单一氰化提金工艺金浸出指标较低,若应用浮选法富集,金可以获得较高的回收率,但含砷超标,同时由于砷硫分离困难,使得该类矿石的综合利用受到极大的限制。本文针对该含砷金矿矿物组成复杂,共生关系密切、嵌布粒度较细,含砷较高等特点,进行了一系列的浮选条件试验研究,主要探索研究了选金捕收剂种类的选择、砷硫分离调整剂的选择,并对砷硫分选进行相关机理分析,提出了使用BK-301优先捕收金,石灰和LA为硫、砷分离的调整剂,从而使金、硫、砷得到有效分离。实验室小型试验结果表明:对于综合样采用BK-301作为金的捕收剂,在自然pH值条件下优先浮选金,选金尾矿在高碱条件下添加LA作为硫的保护剂,以丁基黄药为捕收剂浮选硫。在原矿含金3.9g/t、硫41.01%、砷1.6%的原矿品位下,可获得金精矿含金40.15g/t,含砷0.35%,金回收率为70.2%。硫精矿含硫49.87%,含砷0.38%,硫回收率为70.7%。对于老尾矿样在添加YN后在高碱条件下使用LA为硫的保护剂,以丁基黄药为捕收剂浮选硫,在老尾矿含硫35.17%,含砷0.88%的品位下,可获得硫精矿含硫41.89%,含砷0.39%,硫的回收率为74.42%。安徽青山金矿金硫砷分离结果表明:BK-301优先捕收金的良好捕收剂,石灰和LA是硫砷分离的有效调整剂,此金硫砷分离方案较好地解决了该难处理金矿石的选矿技术难题,获得了较理想的技术经济指标。其试验结果也可以为同类矿山提供极大的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Qinshan’s arsenic-containing gold ore belong to the refractory gold mine, gold and arsenic, sulfur inlay close cloth, the use of a single gold cyanide leaching process payments to a lower standard, if the application of flotation concentration, the higher will be the recovery Rate, but due to the arsenic standard is difficult to sell at the same time as a result of arsenic sulfur separation difficulties, making comprehensive use of mineral resources under severe challenge.A certain Qinshan’s arsenic-containing gold ore is regarded as the research object in the paper. For the gold mineral composition of the complex, and a large variety of complex symbiotic relationship, cloth inlay smaller size, the characteristics of high arsenic. Made use of the BK-301 collector priority gold, lime and the use of LA as a pulp sulfur separation readjustment agent, to achieve the gold arsenic, sulfur, arsenic separation of the test method.A small lab experiment based on the practical ore from Qingshan gold ores shows that:the concentrates is obtained that Au 40.15g/t(arsenic 0.35%)and Concentrate sulfur content 49.87%(arsenic 0.38%), the corresponding recovery was 70.2% and 70.7 under the condition of the gold grade Au 3.9g/t, S 41.01%,arsenic 1.6% and BK-301 as priority flotation gold’s collector in natural pH conditions while gold tailings in a high alkaline conditions with LA As a protective agent sulfur and butyl xanthate as the collector.It is obtained that sulfur concentrate content 49.87%(arsenic 0.38%),the corresponding recovery was 74.42% under the condition of original tailings, S 35.17%, with As 0.88% and butyl xanthate as the collector while add YN in the high-alkali conditions.The result of separation of Qingshan gold ores show:the use of BK-301 priority gold collector, and the use of lime pulp as the LA agent can be adjusted to achieve gold, sulfur, arsenic separation. The test results can provide a great reference to similar mine.


