

Research on the Core Competitive Ability of the Specialty Chain Store

【作者】 何珊

【导师】 王春和;

【作者基本信息】 河北经贸大学 , 企业管理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 专业连锁零售企业作为一种新兴零售业态在我国出现后,得到了蓬勃发展,并显示出强大的生命力。当前,在我国实行全面对外开放条件下,更多的外资零售企业开始涌入中国零售市场。我国零售业已经发展较为成熟,但与外资企业相比,还存在着管理经验、资金实力、信息技术等方面的不足,特别是我国专业连锁零售企业,若要与强势的外资企业抗衡,获得长远的生存与发展,构建核心竞争力则是当务之急。虽然我国一些大型的专业连锁零售企业,如国美电器、苏宁电器、恒信通讯等知名企业在经营管理和规模扩张方面取得了成功,为我国专业连锁零售企业的成长与发展提供了宝贵的借鉴经验,但在理论研究方面,关于专业连锁零售企业核心竞争力的研究还尚存欠缺。本文通过分析当前专业连锁零售企业所处的宏观环境和自身发展现状,运用SWOT分析法分析构建专业连锁零售企业核心竞争力的可行性,并研究有关专业零售企业、连锁经营以及核心竞争力的相关理论,对专业连锁零售企业核心竞争力的定义和结构进行了界定,即专业连锁零售企业在其发展过程中通过对各种资源与市场进行有效整合,成功实现自身市场定位,从而取得超越其他零售业态和零售企业,且能够保持长期竞争优势并获得稳定发展的能力,其主要由产品服务能力、物流管理能力、信息管理能力和市场拓展能力四个部分构成。运用问卷调查法和SPSS统计分析法对专业连锁零售企业核心竞争力的结构进行实证研究,从而证实了对专业连锁零售企业核心竞争力的理论研究具有一定的科学价值。在结合专业连锁零售企业核心竞争力结构的基础上,分别从加强人力资源管理、构筑物流配送中心、实行电子商务以及实施顾客关系管理四个方面来培育专业连锁零售企业的核心竞争力,并从政府和零售行业协会两个角度提出了保护专业连锁零售企业核心竞争力的途径。

【Abstract】 As a newly rising retail trade form, specialty chain stores have appeared in our country and have had the huge development and showed the powerful life. Nowadays, under the condition that our country executes the open to the foreign countries overall, more foreign retail companies have begin to enter the retail market of our country. The retail trade has develop maturely in our country, but comparing with the foreign retail companies, our retail companies are short in the management experience, capital strength, information technique, and so on. Especially, if the specialty chain stores in our country compete with the foreign retail companies and get the further growth and development, they must construct the core competitive ability at once. Some big spatiality chain retail enterprises have been successful in operation & management and expanding scale, for example, GOME and SUNING, and they offer much valuable experience for the growth and development of the specialty chain stores in our country. However, there is still much shortness in the aspect of the theory research on the core competitive ability of the specialty chain stores. This article will analyze the outside environment and the current situation of the specialty chain stores. Then, it will operate the SWOT analysis method to analyze the possibility of the structure of the specialty chain stores’ core competitive ability, and research the theories on the retail enterprises, chain operation and . the core competitive ability, then; define the specialty chain store’ core competitive ability and its structure. The specialty chain store’ core competitive ability is that the specialty chain store realize its marketplace successfully in fixing position through integrating any kinds of resources and marketplace to exceed other retail business state and retail enterprise, and the ability that is able to keep the competitive strength and stabilize development include four parts that are the product service ability, the information management ability, the material entity transportation ability, the marketplace exhibition ability. This article apply the questionnaire investigation method and the SPSS statistic analysis to practice and prove the theoretic research on the structure of the specialty chain stores’ core competitive ability is valuable and sciential. On the basis of the structure of the specialty chain store core competitive ability, this article will research on the cultivation ways with the specialty chain store’ core competitive ability in four parts, which include strengthening human resource management, constructing the centre of material entity distribution & transportation, practicing the electric commerce and practicing the customer relation management. Then, this article will research the ways on preventing the specialty chain store’ core competitive ability in two points which include the industry associations and governments.


