

The Competitiveness of the Service Industry in Hebei Province

【作者】 宋羽

【导师】 王小平;

【作者基本信息】 河北经贸大学 , 产业经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 服务业是国民经济的重要组成部分,服务业的发展受到了政府的高度关注。2007年3月19日,国务院颁布的《关于加快发展服务业的若干意见》中所指出:“服务业的发展水平是衡量现代社会经济发达程度的重要标志”。服务业要取得强劲的发展,必须依赖于服务业竞争力。服务业竞争力是直接反映服务业综合竞争能力和发展水平的指标,服务业竞争力水平的高低日益成为影响国家或地区综合竞争力的主导因素,对其进行评价和研究也逐渐成为国内外学者研究的焦点。本文的研究目的就在于对河北省服务业竞争力的实际水平进行分析和评价,进而找出差距和不足,提出相应的对策建议。其中的创新点包括三个方面:其一是理论创新,构建了区域服务业竞争力理论模型,将体现性因素和影响性因素分别进行分析,这样能够消除长期以来将竞争力体现性因素与影响因素混合在一起使用的不合理性。其二是评价分析方法创新,提出了基于增长程度的区域服务业竞争力综合排序方法。即对于直接体现性指标,不再混合使用绝对指标和相对指标,而是只使用相对指标,并加入考虑时间因素的增长程度指标求加权和,确定综合决策指标,来进行区域服务业竞争力水平排名。其三理论应用创新。首次针对河北省服务业竞争力问题,研究了河北省服务业在全国省际之间的竞争力水平,而且通过比较分析,对河北省服务业竞争力的地位变化进行了动态研究。本文包括六章,第一章主要介绍了服务业竞争力及相关理论的研究现状。第二章分析了服务业竞争力的相关概念及其层次性,并提出了区域服务业竞争力理论模型。第三章主要分析了区域服务业竞争力综合评价指标体系的构建及服务业竞争力排序方法的选择、模型的构建。第四章重点评价了河北省服务业竞争力水平,通过全国31个省市服务业竞争力排序比较,分析河北省服务业竞争力地位。第五章探讨了河北省服务业竞争力的影响因素及其影响程度的大小。第六章主要借鉴我国服务业发达省市的经验及政策措施,其中以北京、江苏和广东的经验措施为典型,提出了提高河北省服务业竞争力的战略目标和政策建议。

【Abstract】 The service industry is an important component of the national economy, the government’s concern for the development of the service industry has been referred to an unprecedented level. At present, China’s government has been the development of the services sector as a basic national policy, In March 19, 2007, the State Council promulgated the "accelerate the development of the service industry on a number of views", noted. "The service industry is the level of development of modern social and economic development measure an important indicator of the degree".Services to obtain strong development, we must rely on the competitiveness of the service industry. The competitiveness of the service industry is a direct reflection of the service industry’s overall competitive ability and level of development indicators, The level of competitiveness of the service level is increasingly becoming integrated affected countries or regions the dominant factor in competitiveness , Its evaluation and research has become the focus of domestic and foreign scholars. The purpose of this paper is to study the competitiveness of the service industry in Hebei Province the actual level of analysis and evaluation, thereby identifying gaps and shortcomings, propose appropriate countermeasures proposed. In this paper, the innovation consists of three aspects: One is the theoretical innovation, Construction of the regional competitiveness of the service industry theoretical model, the embodiment of the factors and impacts of the factors were analyzed, this can eliminate the competitive edge for a long time to reflect factors influencing factors mixed together with the unreasonable. The second is evaluation analysis methodology, in the analysis methods, On the one hand, the direct manifestation of the extent of growth based on the use of indicators of the competitiveness of the integrated sequencing methods; On the other hand, factors affecting the indicators taken in the econometric regression analysis methods, identifying the factors affecting the competitiveness of the size. The third is the study innovation; Hebei Province is the first time in the service industry research object, Research Hebei Provincial services in the country between the competitive levels.This paper includes six chapters, Chapter one introduces the competitiveness of the service industry and related theories of the status quo. Chapter two analyses the competitiveness of the services sector and its related concepts level, and proposed regional competitiveness of the service industry theoretical model. Chapter three analyses the main regional competitiveness of the service industry Comprehensive Evaluation Index System of the competitiveness of the service industry and the choice of sequencing method, model construction. The fourth chapter focuses on the evaluation of the level of competitiveness of the service industry in Hebei Province, through the service industry competitiveness ranking in 31 provinces, anglicizing the services competitive position of Hebei. Chapter five analyses the competitiveness of the service industry in Hebei Province factors affecting the size and impact. Chapter six draws on services developed provinces and municipalities in China’s experience and policy measures mainly, as Beijing, Jiangsu, and Guangdong experience measures as a model, the purpose is to improve the competitiveness of the service industry in Hebei Province’s strategic objectives and policy recommendations.


