
Moment in Peking及其两个汉译本对文化负载词语的处理

A Comparative Study of Culture-loaded Items in Moment in Peking and Its Two Chinese Versions

【作者】 尚路平

【导师】 苗正民;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪60年代以来,阐释学理论已经渗透到了几乎所有的人文科学,甚至自然科学,从而成为倍受人们关注的重要理论之一。而阐释学的理论内容对于我们的翻译研究同样具有巨大的启示和指导意义。阐释学与文学翻译有着密切的联系。哲学阐释学翻译理论突破了传统翻译理论中“作者之上”或“文本之上”及追求唯一标准译文的桎梏,为翻译研究提供了新视角。文学翻译即阐释。作者、译者及文学作品都有各自独特的视域。在理解与阐释作品的过程中,不同的译者带着各自不同的视域进入到文本的视域中。面对丰富的文本意义,译者不可能一次性的穷尽所有的隐含意义。因此,根据阐释学理论,译者与文本之间是在进行一场对话。通过平等对话,译者与文本之间的不断协商与妥协,最终能够达成某种共识,也即“视域融合”。不同的译者可以根据各自不同的“偏见”对文本作出不同的解释,最终产生出不同的“合适”的文本。这就是阐释学理论所强调的翻译过程中译者的主体地位。作为世界闻名的作家和学者,学贯中西的林语堂一生致力于促进中西方文化的沟通,用中英文两种语言向国内外读者贡献了大量著作。其中最负有盛名的莫过于他在1938-1939年间创作的Moment in Peking。这本英文巨著反映了中国近代从义和团运动到抗日战争爆发近四十年间的历史变迁,向西方读者真实再现了当时的中国社会与文化,被欧美汉学家们称为“现代版的红楼梦”。本文尝试以伽达默尔阐释学主要观点为理论基础,如理解的历史性、偏见、视域融合及对话理论,探讨文学翻译中文化负载词的翻译策略。作者认为在翻译中,译者和读者会根据各自的“偏见”和“视域”对原文做出“历史性”阐释。根据纽马克的文化分类,作者对小说原著及其两个汉译本中的文化负载词进行分析。通过对比,作者分析了林语堂怎样在原著中将中国传统文化信息移植到英文语境中以及两位译者又是如何将这些文化信息还原的,进一步阐明了译者在翻译过程中是如何利用自己的“偏见”而创造出各异的译本,并借此对华裔美国文学这种特殊的文学现象在翻译中所表现出对传统翻译理论发出的挑战进行了阐释和说明。

【Abstract】 Since the 1960s, hermeneutics has permeated into almost all subjects of the humanities, and has become one of the important theories which have drawn much attention from various academic fields, including translation studies.Hermeneutics is closely related to literary translation and with it, translation theories no longer need to focus on the "author-centered" or "text-centered" principle and on the pursuit of the exclusive correct translation, i.e. it provides a new perspective for translation studies. Literary translation is, in essence, a process of interpretation. The translator and the author have their own respective horizons. When interpreting the text, different translators step into the horizon of text with their own horizons. Facing the profound world teemed with potential meanings, the translator will feel it a daunting task to exhaust all the implied meanings all at once. According to the hermeneutic point of view, the process of translation is a dialogue between the translator and the text and a common ground is finally reached through incessant negotiations and comprises between the translator and the text. And this is what we call "fusion of horizons" in a hermeneutic way. Different translators possess different "prejudices", so that they will make distinct interpretations of the same text, and produce various "appropriate" translations. This is the translator’s subjectivity that the hermeneutists emphasize.Lin Yutang was a great master of language who had both the Chinese culture and the Western culture always in his mind and dedicated himself to the communication between China and the West. Of his many great English works, Moment in Peking perhaps is the most important one. This thesis is trying to study the culture-loaded items in the novel and its two Chinese versions from the perspective of Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. And the present author hopes to throw light on the transplantation of the cultural items in such a special literary work and their reconstruction in its translated versions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

