

GIS-based Crop Mapping for Oat in China

【作者】 万帆

【导师】 孙国钧;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 生态学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国半干旱地区和广大西部地区,生态环境脆弱,农业资源短缺,农业经济发展受阻严重。燕麦可以忍耐寒冷、土地贫瘠、干旱和盐碱等恶劣环境,是一种农牧兼用和环境友好的作物。本研究寻求将其作为“第三主粮”的可能性,研制中国燕麦填图,是中国作物决策支撑系统的一部分。本研究借鉴国外CropMAP系统的概念和原理,以气候、地形、土壤和土地利用为主要的环境条件因素,以GIS为主要技术手段,进行中国燕麦适宜种植区评价及品种产量空间分布模拟。本研究主要完成了以下三个方面的工作:1.通过全国DEM的制作、气象数据的空间插值和基于海拔的修正以及土壤类型属性特征的提取等工作,建立全国气候、地形、土壤和土地利用数据库。2.采用基于GIS的多标准评价(MCE)方法对中国皮燕麦和裸燕麦适宜种植区进行评价,选取九个环境因子作为评价燕麦适宜条件的主要限制性因子,对各因子进行适宜等级划分和权重的确定。通过多标准评价过程得到中国皮燕麦、裸燕麦适宜等级分布和适宜种植区面积。3.收集和整理燕麦优良品种产量区试和田间数据,对几个优良品种“青永久444”、“坝莜3号”和“品5号”产量与环境因子进行相关分析,选取与产量相关性显著的环境因子,通过逐步回归方法构建作物产量——环境多元回归模型,通过栅格计算制作这几个代表性高产品种的潜在产量空间分布图。在本研究中得出了如下结论:1.研究得到的皮燕麦适宜性高的地区主要分布在甘肃、青海、四川、西藏、内蒙古、新疆、山西等省的冷凉山区。裸燕麦适宜性高的地区主要分布在黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古、河北、山西、甘肃、宁夏、陕西等省的冷凉山区。研究得到的结果与我国目前实际的燕麦主要种植地区分布基本符合。2.皮燕麦和裸燕麦在中国的适宜种植区面积分别为39,772,000 hm~2和55,623,200 hm~2。此外在盐碱地土地类型中有3,071,700 hm~2适宜种植皮燕麦,有2,731,500 hm~2适宜种植裸燕麦。研究结果与行政边界数据叠加后得到在中国有17个省744个县具有皮燕麦适宜种植条件,有19个省779个县具有裸燕麦适宜种植条件。其中黑龙江省适宜种植区面积最大。3.对几个优良燕麦品种产量与环境因子之间进行的相关分析表明水分和土壤养分含量是与燕麦产量相关性最高的环境因子。燕麦播种初期(4月)需要充足的降水和温度进行保证;而燕麦抽穗—灌浆期的温度和风速通常与产量呈现负相关关系。4.研究得到几个代表性高产品种的潜在产量空间分布,其中皮燕麦品种“青永久444”在川西高原、甘南、黑龙江等水肥条件较好的地区潜在产量最高,青草产量可达到30,000kg/hm~2以上。裸燕麦“坝莜3号”和“品5号”在黑龙江大部地区、内蒙古东部、山西北部山区、甘肃南部等水肥条件较好的地区具有较高的潜在产量,籽粒产量可达到3000kg/hm~2以上。在处于半干旱地区的甘肃省中东部、山西北部、河北等地旱作条件下也有1000-2000kg/hm~2的潜在产量,显著高于当地老品种,具有推广价值。5.本研究建立的空间数据库和研究得到的各项结果目前已组建成为“中国作物填图决策系统”的一部分,相关Web站点已经建立(。数据开始发挥与使用者的交互能力,可对燕麦及其他作物提供科学意见,对地区农业发展与生态治理提供决策参考,并可以实时扩充新的数据和知识库。

【Abstract】 Deterioration of ecological environment and unsustainable use of the natural resources has become a serious impediment to agricultural development particularly noticeable in the West of China. Because of the tolerance to infertile, arid and salt environment, cultivation of common oat (Avena sativa L.) and naked oat (Avena nuda L.) can achieve the harmony and consolidation of production and improvement of the environment. In this research the Crop Map of oat in China was conducted as a part of Crop Support System in China.The identification of the suitable areas for oat and the modeling of potential yield distribution for different varieties for oat in China based on GIS are presented in the current article. The main works conducted in this research were as follows:1. Climate, topography, soil and land use databases at different spatial and temporal resolutions were created.2. The suitable areas for common oat (Avena sativa L.) and naked oat (Avena nuda L.) in China using Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) approach based on GIS were identified. Relevant criteria, suitability levels and their weights for each factor were defined. Then the criteria maps were obtained and turned into the MCE process, and suitability maps for common oat and naked oat were created. The land use and the suitability maps were crossed to identify the suitable areas for each crop.3. The correlation of the yield of three oat varieties and Environmental factors were analyzed, factors have significant correlation were select to create a model. Then the stepwise regression models were established for each variety, and the potential yield distributions for each variety were calculated.The results obtained in this research were:1. Very high suitability areas for common oat were located in some mountain areas in Neimenggu, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xinjiang and Xizang provinces. Very high suitability areas for naked oat were located in some areas in Heilongjiang, Neimenggu, Jilin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and Xinjiang provinces. This corresponds with the actual distribution of existing oat plantation sites.2. The results identified 39,772,000 hm~2 of suitable areas for common oats of forage purpose distributed in 744 counties in 19 provinces, and 55,623,200 hm~2 of suitable areas for naked oats of grain purpose distributed in 779 counties in 19 provinces.3. The correlation of the yield of three oat varieties and Environmental factors indicated that precipitation and soil nutrition content were the most important factors to oat yield formation. Precipitation and soil nutrition in April were positively correlated with yield while temperature and wind speed in July were negatively correlated with yield formation of oats.4. The common oat variety of "Qingyj444" could get high yield of 30,000kg/ hm~2 in west of Sichuan, southwest of Gansu, some part of Qinghai and Heilongjiang province. The naked oat varieties of "Bayou3" and "Ping5" could get high yield of 3000kg/ hm~2 in Heilongjiang, north of Shanxi, east of Neimenggu and south Gansu, these areas usually have better rain and soil nutrition conditions.5. "China Crop Mapping Decision System" based on the research results have been constructed and connected with the internet to facilitate the work of decision-makers and farmers.

【关键词】 燕麦作物填图GIS多标准评价回归模型
【Key words】 OatCrop MappingGISMulti-Criteria EvaluationRegression model
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

