

The Mutation Research for Mutant of Rice Variations Nipponbare and "9311"

【作者】 许学

【导师】 吴跃进; 姚大年;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 水稻是禾本科作物研究的模式植物。随着水稻全基因组序列的测定完成,对基因功能的研究已成为重点,研究基因功能最直接和有效的方法是构建水稻突变体库。理化诱变具有技术条件简单,突变频率高,能够在短时间内构建具有大量突变体的突变群体,是水稻突变体库构建的重要方法之一。本研究旨在选用已完成全基因组序列测定的粳稻日本晴和籼稻“9311”为研究对象,利用物理诱变(γ射线和氮离子束)的方法分别处理粳稻日本晴和籼稻“9311”种子,筛选植株农艺性状突变体和激素敏感性突变体,创建出类型多样的水稻突变群体,为水稻功能基因组学研究提供较好的基础材料。主要结果如下:一、在植株农艺性状上,(1)氮离子束辐照处理群体中,获得了日本晴740份突变体,辐照突变频率变幅度为1.35%~2.15%,平均突变频率为1.64%;“9311”获得571份突变体,辐照突变频率变幅度为0.47%~2.13%,平均突变频率为1.27%。(2)γ射线辐照处理群体中,获得了日本晴661份突变体,辐照突变频率变幅度为0.97%~1.89%,平均突变频率为1.48%;“9311”获得781份突变体,辐照突变频率变幅度为0.51%~3.15%,平均突变频率为1.74%。产生的突变类型主要包括叶片性状的突变、茎秆性状突变、穗部和子粒性状的突变、生理性状的突变等。与γ射线诱变群体相比,氮离子束诱变群体中不仅有着与γ射线诱变群体中相同的突变体,具有更广的突变谱。本实验的结果表明粳稻对氮离子束的敏感性比籼稻明显些,而籼稻对于γ射线的敏感性则明显于粳稻。二、赤霉素和多效唑的敏感性筛选表明,在GA3的筛选试验中,籼稻遗传背景对GA3的反应较粳稻遗传背景较为敏感,7份籼稻材料的苗高平均增幅为67.18%,12份粳稻材料的苗高平均增幅为54.92%;高秆材料对GA3的反应较矮秆材料较为敏感,9份高秆材料的苗高平均增幅为61.97%,7份矮秆材料的苗高平均增幅为57.44%。在多效唑的筛选试验中,籼、粳类型对多效唑的敏感度差异明显,7份籼稻材料的平均苗高增幅为155.4%,12份粳稻为193.0%;高、矮秆类型对多效唑的敏感度差异不明显,9份高秆材料的平均苗高增幅为152.2%,7份矮秆材料处理1周后平均苗高增幅为149.2%。三、对氮离子束和γ射线诱变获得粳稻日本晴和籼稻“9311”89份株高突变体的株高性状和产量性状进行相关分析。结果表明,株高和水稻的产量与其构成因素穗粒数、结实率、千粒重以及穗长、单株茎秆干重有着一定的相关性。株高与穗长、穗粒数、千粒重、单株茎秆干重、单株生产力呈极显著的正相关,与有效穗数呈极显著的负相关。通过对株高与其他产量结构因素的相关分析,进一步了解株高的变异对于水稻经济产量因素的影响。

【Abstract】 Rice(Oyrza sativa L.)has become a model plant for the study of the cereal genomes in the last decade.Recent completion of the draft sequence for the rice genome has resulted in an explosion of information on rice genes.The challenge for the post-sequencing era is to identify the biological functions for these genes.Of all the approaches used for discovering the gene function,the more useful one is based on a saturated mutagenesis population,which is a straight and efficient way to understand the role of all the genes.In all the methods for constructing the mutant liberary,the physicaland chemical mutangenesis might be the main methods,which were simple and effective.They can be used to produce a large number of mutants with high mutagenesis frequencein a short period and to establish a mutant population.The purpose of the present experiment is to screen different plant morphogenesis mutants and rice quality mutants by treating the seeds of the Nipponbare and indica rice variety 9311 with ion beam andγ-rays,of which has been completely sequenced in the whole genome.The mutants created by ion beam implantation andγ-rays irradiation will be helpful for gene identification and gene functional analysis.Main results are as follows:1.The seeds of Nipponbare and "9311" were treated with ion beam andγ-rays. Some mutants with the variations of leaf,stalk,panicle or root traits were found in the progenies.In the M2 generation,740 and 571 mutants were induced by ion beam implantation in "Nipponbare" and "9311",which the rate of different dose between with 1.35%~2.15%and 0.97%~1.89%,the average mutation frequency were 1.64%and 1.27%,respectively;the other 661 and 781 mutants byγ-rays irradiation,which the rate of different dose between with 0.47%~2.13%and 0.51%~3.15%,the average mutation frequency were1.48%and 1.74%,respectively.The mutants created by ion beam implantation andγ-rays irradiation will be helpful for gene identification and gene functional analysis.Compares with theγ-rays mutagenesis,in not only the nitrogen ion beam mutagenesis community has withγ-rays mutagenesis community in the same mutant,and has also discoved some new mutants without inγ-rays mutagenesis.2.The sensitivity of screening with GA and PP333 showed that in the GA3 screening test,Indica rice has more sensitive than Japonica rice and the tall has more sensitive than dwarf,the average height of Inddica rice and Japonica rice increased 67.18%and 54.92%,the tall and dwarf is 61.97%and 57.44%;in the PP333 screening test,Japonica rice has more sensitive than Indica rice and there is no obviously different with the tall and dwarf,the average height of Inddica rice and Japonica rice increased 155.4%and 193.0%,the tall and dwarf is 152.2%and 149.2%.3.The total 89 plant height mutant lines induced from rice cultivars Nipponbare and "9311" by ion beam implantation andγ-rays irradiation were used for analysis of correlation between plant height and yield component.The results indicated spike length,ear grains,thousand-grain weight,stem dry weight and yield have significantly positive correlation with the plant height,while the number of productive ear has significant negative correlation with it.The correlation analysis of the plant height and yield component will help to reveal the influence of the plant height and the factors of yield component.

【关键词】 水稻辐照离子束γ射线突变体
【Key words】 riceirradiationion beamγ-raysmutant

