

The Effects of Different P and Zn Combination on the Growth, Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Wheat

【作者】 尹恩

【导师】 郭熙盛;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 试验于2006-2007年在安徽农业科学院蒙城马店试验站进行.以强筋小麦烟农19为供试品种,采用盆钵试验和田间试验相结合的研究方法,研究了不同磷、锌配比对小麦的生物量、产量、养分含量、养分积累与分配、转运情况、土壤磷含量、土壤锌含量的影响。主要试验结果如下:1 P、Zn对生物重的影响低P水平下,施锌肥能促进小麦根系的生长;高P水平下,施适量锌肥能促进小麦根系生长,但高锌时出现磷锌拮抗。磷锌拮抗作用发生在成熟期,磷锌呈协同作用发生在分蘖期,抽穗期为磷锌关系过渡期,高磷高锌易出现磷锌拮抗,磷锌比例适当可以避免发生磷锌拮抗。2 P、Zn对产量的影响小麦籽粒重量随Zn肥用量的增加而增加。低P水平施高锌产量显著下降,低P水平加大锌肥用量可减小因P肥用量过大造成的产量降低的程度。几个处理中,P0.9Zn0.2处理产量最高,与其它处理差异达到显著水平;两个施磷水平,Zn0处理的产量都相对较低,且随着施磷量的增加而减少。适当的P、Zn配比有利于小麦籽粒产量的提高和经济效益的增加。结果表明:低磷水平,Zn水平过高,易造成P素营养不足,导致增产幅度降低;高P水平,导致锌营养缺乏,施锌增产效果显著。3 P Zn对养分含量的影响(1)施磷对根系氮含量影响不大,适当施锌增加小麦根系氮含量,高锌减少增幅;施磷会减少各个时期小麦茎秆氮含量,适当施锌增加各时期小麦茎秆氮含量,高锌会减小增加幅度。施磷效果不明显对籽粒氮含量影响不明显,适当施锌增加籽粒氮含量,高锌会减小增加幅度。高磷适当施锌效果最好。这表明适当施锌会促进茎秆中磷、锌协同作用,而高锌会出现磷锌拮抗作用。(2)施磷增加根系和茎叶磷含量,抑制磷素向籽粒转移。但高磷降低抽穗期小麦茎叶和籽粒磷含量;施锌增加籽粒磷含量,减少茎叶磷含量,且高磷减少幅度加大。(3)施磷增加分蘖期和成熟期根系锌含量,降低抽穗期根系锌含量,高磷施锌减少小麦根系锌含量。适当施锌有利于锌的转移,而高锌却抑制了抽穗期小麦根部的锌向茎叶转移。高磷促进锌向茎叶部分转移,抑制了锌元素向籽粒的转移。4 P、Zn对养分积累的影响(1)施磷提高小麦茎叶氮积累量,减少籽粒氮素积累量。高磷适当施锌最适合小麦根系氮素积累,高锌减少小麦茎叶中氮积累量。抽穗期磷锌协同作用明显,成熟期若磷锌比例失调则会出现磷锌拮抗现象,影响生殖器官氮素积累量。(2)施磷增加根系和分蘖期、成熟期茎叶磷积累量,但不利于成熟期磷素向籽粒的转移。低磷水平随着锌用量的增加,抽穗期小麦根系磷的积累量增加,高磷水平恰恰相反。施锌增加小麦茎叶的磷累积量,但高磷水平增幅被削弱。施适量锌增加小麦生殖器官磷的积累量,高磷增幅度减小。(3)施磷减少锌的积累量。低磷水平施适量锌增加小麦锌积累量,高锌增加根和茎叶锌积累量,减少生殖器官锌积累量。高磷水平施锌增加分蘖期和抽穗期的小麦根部和分蘖期小麦茎叶锌积累量,施适量锌能增加成熟期和抽穗期小麦茎叶锌积累量,但高锌减少了成熟期小麦根部锌积累量。5 P、Zn对养分分配影响(1)磷、锌量的增加,均能增加分蘖期小麦氮素吸收总量,施磷增加分蘖期茎叶中氮素的比例,减少分蘖期根中氮素的比例,减少成熟期小麦总吸氮量,增加成熟期根部氮素比例,减少成熟期茎叶氮素比例,对穗部氮素比例的增加影响不大。施锌增加成熟期穗部氮素吸收比例,减少成熟期根和茎叶氮素吸收比例。低磷处理施锌增加小麦氮吸收总量,高磷处理适当施锌显著提高小麦总氮吸收量,高锌增幅严重减少。(2)施磷增加分蘖期和抽穗期小麦磷素吸收总量,减少成熟期磷吸收总量,增加分蘖期根部磷的比例,减少分蘖期茎叶磷的比重,增加抽穗期根部和茎叶部磷的比重,减少抽穗期穗部磷的比重。施锌增加分蘖期小麦磷吸收总量,低磷水平施适量锌可显著增加茎叶中磷的吸收比例,降低根部磷比重,高磷增幅减少;施锌增加抽穗期小麦磷素吸收总量,但高磷增加幅度严重减少;适当施锌能增加小麦对磷的吸收总量和小麦穗部对磷的吸收比例,有利于磷向穗部运输,施磷有利于茎叶对磷的积累。(3)施磷、锌均能增加分蘖期和抽穗期小麦锌吸收总量,减少成熟期小麦锌吸收总量。分蘖期施磷可增加茎叶中锌的比重,减少根中锌的比重,施锌会增加根部吸收比重,减少茎叶吸收比重;抽穗期施磷增加茎叶锌吸收量比重,减少根部和穗部锌吸收量比重;成熟期施P增加根部、茎叶锌吸收比例,减少籽粒锌吸收比例,且高磷加重了小麦锌运转抑制现象。

【Abstract】 Tests in 2006-2007 in Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences at Madian of Mengcheng . In varieties for strong gluten wheat‘yannong 19’,use pots bowl tests and field trials the combination of research methods to study the different P, Zn ratio biomass of wheat, yield, nutrient content, nutrient accumulation and distribution, transshipment, the soil P content, Zn content of soil. The main test results are as follows:1 Effects of different levels of P and Zn on BiomassLow P level, Zn fertilization can promote the growth of wheat roots; high P level, Zn adequate facilities to promote the growth of wheat roots, but when the high-Zn antagonism of P and Zn. Antagonistic effect of Zn and P occurred in the mature stage Zn and P showed synergy occurred at tillering stage, heading stage the relationship between P and Zn for the transition period, high P and high-Zn and P Zn readily antagonist, the appropriate ratio of P and Zn and P Zn antagonism avoided.2 Effects of different levels of P and Zn on yieldWith the weight of wheat grain Zn fertilizer increased dosage. Low-P level of facilities and high-Zn and Production decreased significantly, low-P level increased the amount of Zn can be reduced due to excessive use of P fertilizer resulted in lower production levels. Several processing, P0.9Zn0.2 deal with the highest yield, and other processing to achieve a significant level of difference; two levels of P, Zn0 have to deal with relatively low production, and with the increase in the number of P reduction. Appropriate P and Zn ratio is conducive to the improvement of wheat grain yield and economic benefits increase. The results showed that: low P levels, Zn levels are too high, easy to under-nutrition caused by P, resulting in lower production rate; high P levels, leading to Zn deficiency, the effect of Zn increased significantly.3 Effects of different levels of P and Zn on the nutrient content(1) P of the root N content has little effect on the appropriate increase in Zn content of N in wheat roots, high Zn to reduce the rate of increase; P will reduce the different periods of wheat stem N content, an appropriate period of Zn increase the N content of wheat stem and high Zn will reduce the rate of increase. P effects on grain N content was not obvious was not obvious, appropriate measures to increase grain N content of Zn and high Zn will reduce the rate of increase. High appropriate Zn and P best. This indicates that appropriate measures will promote the stalk in the Zn and P, Zn synergies, there will be high-Zn antagonism of P and Zn.(2) P increased root and stem and leaf P content, inhibiting the transfer of P to the grain. However, to reduce the high P heading stage and grain of wheat stem and leaf P content; increase in grain Zn and P content in leaves and stems to reduce the P content, and high P to reduce the rate of increase.(3) P increased tillering stage and the Zn content of mature roots, lower root Zn content at heading stage, high-P roots Zn to reduce the Zn content of wheat. Zn is conducive to the appropriate transfer of Zn, and high-Zn wheat heading date has restrained the roots to the stems and leaves of the transfer of Zn. High P to promote the transfer of Zn to the leaves and stems in part, inhibiting the transfer of Zn to the grain.4 P and Zn on the impact of nutrient accumulation(1) to increase P N accumulation of wheat stems and leaves, reducing the volume of grain N accumulation. High P Zn appropriate the most suitable N accumulation of wheat root system, high-Zn wheat stems and leaves to reduce N accumulation. Heading stage Zn and P synergy Obviously, if P maturity imbalance occurs Zn and P, Zn antagonism phenomenon, the impact of genital N accumulation. (2) P increased tillering stage roots and mature stems and leaves of P accumulation, but the maturity is not conducive to the transfer of P to the grain. Low P levels increase with the amount of Zn, heading date of wheat roots increased the accumulation of P, high P level of the contrary. Increase in wheat stem and leaf Zn and P accumulation, but high levels of P increase is being undermined. Fertilize amount of Zn increased the accumulation of wheat genital P and high P reduced the increase degree.(3) P to reduce the accumulation of Zn. Low-P Zn adequate measures to increase the level of Zn accumulation in wheat, high increase in roots and stems and leaves of Zn accumulation in Zn, Zn accumulation in genital reduction. High levels of P and Zn increased tillering stage of wheat heading stage roots and tillering stage of wheat stem and leaf Zn accumulation, Zn appropriate measures to increase maturity and heading date of wheat stem and leaf Zn accumulation, but a decrease of mature and high-Zn wheat Zn accumulation in roots.5 P and Zn distribution on the impact of nutrient(1) Increase P and Zn, can increase the total N uptake of wheat tillering stage, tillering stage stem and leaf P increase in the ratio of N to reduce the tillering stage of the root of the ratio of N to reduce the total maturity of wheat N uptake, mature roots of N to increase the ratio of N to reduce the proportion of mature stems and leaves on the ear to increase the proportion of N have little effect. Zn increased maturity the proportion of N uptake ear to reduce the mature root and stem and leaf proportion of N uptake. Zn increased to deal with low P wheat total N uptake, appropriate measures to deal with high Zn and P significantly increased the total N uptake of wheat, high increase of severely reduced Zn.(2) P increased wheat tillering stage and maturity to absorb the total amount of P to reduce the total amount of maturity to absorb P, P roots increased the proportion of tillering stage, tillering stage to reduce the proportion of stems and leaves of P to increase the heading stage and root the proportion of stems and leaves of the Department of P to reduce the heading stage panicle weight of P. Zn increased the total P uptake of wheat tillering stage, low P level adequate facilities can be a significant increase in Zn stems and leaves of the ratio of the absorption of P, reducing the proportion of the roots of P and high P to reduce the rate of increase; Zn absorption of P increased the total amount of wheat heading stage However, the high rate of increase was severely reduced P; appropriate Zn can increase the absorption of P in wheat and small Pseudorasbora the Ministry of the total amount of P absorption ratio is conducive to P transport to the ear, stem and leaf P is conducive to the accumulation of P.(3)Both P and Zn can increase wheat tillering stage and heading stage total Zn absorption, Zn absorption to reduce the total amount of wheat maturity. Tillering stage the stems and leaves of P can increase the proportion of Zn to reduce the proportion of Zn in the root. Zn will increase the proportion of roots to absorb. Reduce the proportion of stem and leaf absorption. Heading stage P uptake of Zn increased the proportion of stem and leaf, root and ear to reduce the absorption of the proportion of Zn. Fertilize P increase in mature roots, stems and leaves of the proportion of Zn absorption, Zn absorption to reduce the proportion of grain and wheat of high Zn and P increased suppression operation.


