

Relationship between the Anthracnose Development of Oiltea Camellia and It’s Inclutions and Enzymatic Activity

【作者】 董传媛

【导师】 束庆龙;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 森林保护学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对在舒城县河棚镇选择四个不同感病品种的油茶单株的炭疽病发病率进行了定期调查,同时对其果实和叶片内含物(单宁、花青素、可溶性总糖、还原糖), pH、缓冲容量及三种酶(苯丙氨酸解氨酶、多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶)活性进行了测定分析,主要研究结果如下:1.在对油茶林的病害调查中发现,不同品种油茶发病率差异极为显著。高抗植株叶片全年累计发病率为11.4%,果实累计发病率为17.8%,;而高感植株叶片(尤其是新叶)发病率在30%以上,果实发病率高达100%,发病率是高抗植株的4倍,基本上绝产。2.在发病季节,所有油茶品种的果实单宁含量大致呈下降趋势,与果实成熟度、累计发病率呈负相关,一元回归的相关系数最高达到0.9237;单宁含量与品种抗病性之间也呈负相关,8、9月份的相关系数达到R2=0.8314。抗病植株Ⅰ、Ⅱ叶片的新增发病率与叶片单宁含量呈反比;感病植株Ⅲ、Ⅳ叶片的新增发病率与叶片单宁含量呈正比。3.油茶各单株果实的pH值在抗病单株和感病单株间差异不显著(方差分析结果分别为F=2.351,p=0.1109),在发病季节, pH值与新增发病率呈显著的正相关,与抗病性呈负相关。叶片滤液的pH值在5~9月间变化很小,且抗病单株和感病单株间差异不显著(方差分析结果分别为F=0.1410,p=0.9342),相关系数最高值仅为0.6955(一元回归)。但pH值总体上还是呈现上升趋势,即与叶片成熟度呈正相关,发病率呈显著的正相关,与新增发病率也呈显著的正相关。4.油茶叶片和果实滤液的缓冲容量在5~9月间变化量很大,其趋势呈现上升态势,且与果实和叶片发病率呈明显的正相关,相关系数最高达到0.935。果实的缓冲容量与抗病性呈正相关,叶片前四个月油茶植株缓冲容量与抗病性成正比,9月份呈反比。5.油茶果实和叶片的花青素含量在生长季节总体上呈波浪式的上升趋势,而各感病等级的植株之间花青素含量差异在5~6月、8~9月较为显著,这一期间也正是病害发生的盛期。但果实5个月份平均花青素含量与最终发病率呈负相关,即花青素含量越高,果实的抗病性也越强。6.油茶果实和叶片中的可溶性总糖含量呈递增趋势,与成熟度和发病率呈正相关。不同感病品种的单株之间的果实可溶性糖含量差异均极显著,且除品种Ⅱ外可溶性糖含量与抗病性呈正相关(9月),果实可溶性糖含量与果实的新增发病率也呈显著的正相关。叶片可溶性糖含量与抗病性也呈负相关。7.油茶果实和叶片中的还原糖含量总体上呈V型曲线。果实的还原糖含量与抗病性无明显相关性。叶片的还原糖含量与发病率呈微弱的正相关。8.油茶健康果实中PPO活性与各品种的发病率呈正相关,相关系数最高的为R2=0.86;油茶健康果实中多酚氧化酶活性与抗病性呈负相关(8、9月),健康叶片中PPO活性与抗病性呈正相关(9月)。9.油茶健康果实中的POD活性与不同感病品种的抗病性呈负相关(7、8、9月);但与果实的成熟度及发病率呈正相关。油茶健康叶片中的POD活性与各单株的发病率呈弱的正相关,最大相关系数R2为0.6808;感病植株叶片过氧化物酶活性在发病的两个高峰期5~6月、8~9月POD活性忽然下降,并且与新增发病率呈反比。10.油茶健康果实和叶片中的PAL活性与感病率和叶片果实的成熟度呈正相关,与抗病性也呈显著的正相关,最大相关系数分别达到0.944和0.9987(二元回归)。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the inclusions such as tannin, procyanidins, soluble sugar and reducing sugar and pH, buffer capacity and enzymatic activity (PAL, PPO, POD) of fruits and leaves of four different camellia varieties were determinated and analyzed in HePeng town, ShuCheng country. Main results are as follows:1. It was found that the different of incidence rate of different camellia varieties was difference in disease survey. The cumulative incidence rate of highly resistance plants’leaves was 11.4% all year round, and the incidence rate of fruits are 17.8%. But the incidence rate of most highly susceptible (especially the fresh leaves) about 50%,the most high of the incidence rate of fruits arrive 100%,four times of highly resistance plants, and it almost must yield.2. The tannin content of fruits exposed features as downward trend. Fruits maturity and incidence were negative effect on tannin content, the highest correlation coefficient of Simple Liner Regression was 0.9237; tannin content was negative effect on resistance and the correlation coefficient of simple liner regression was0.9325 in September. The tannin content of resistance plants’leaves was negative effect on additional incidence rate, and the tannin content of susceptible plants’leaves was positive effect on additional incidence rate.3. There were small difference in the fruits’pH value and the results of the analysis of variance Were F=2.351,p=0.1109,the pH value was negative effect on resistance and positive effect on additional incidence rate . There were also small changes in the leaves’pH range from May to September, and there were no significant difference between resistance plants and susceptible plants, the results of the analysis of variance Were F=0.1410,p=0.9342, the highest correlation coefficient of Simple Liner Regression was 0.6955; The pH value of leaves exposed features as upward trend, which was negative effect on leaves maturity, incidence and added incidence rate.4. There were big changes in the leaves’buffer capacity from May to September, and there were significant difference between resistance plants and susceptible plants, the highest correlation coefficient of Simple Liner Regression was 0.935; The buffer capacity value of leaves and fruits exposed features as upward trend on the whole, which were positive effect on maturity and incidence . The buffer capacity of fruits was positive effect on resistance, and the buffer capacity of leaves was positive effect on resistance from May to August and negative on resistance in September. 5. The anthocyanin content of fruits and leaves were positive effect on maturity and incidence. The fruits’anthocyanin content of different susceptible were positive effect on resistance from June to August, but there were negative effect on resistance in September. and have no significant relationship with resistance. The fruits’anthocyanins content was positive effect on resistance.6. Total soluble sugar content of fruits and leaves was increasing trend, which were positive effect on maturity and incidence. The soluble sugar content of fruit from different susceptible plants had significantly differences, which have positive effect on resistance except VarietyⅠand positive effect on additional incidence. On the contrary, the total soluble sugar content of leaves was negative effect on resistance.7. The reducing sugar content of fruits and leaves of Camellia oleifera was V-curve between May and September on the whole. The fruits’reducing sugar content had no significant relationship with resistance. But the leaves’reducing sugar content showed a weak positive correlation with incidence.8. PPO enzymatic activity of camellia healthy fruits were positive effect on maturity and incidence, the highest Correlation coefficient of Simple Liner Regression was 0.86, but resistance was negative effect on PPO enzymatic activity of fruits in August and September and positive effect on PPO enzymatic activity of leaves in September.9. POD enzymatic activity of camellia healthy fruits was negative effect on resistance in different susceptible from July to September, but it was positive effect on maturity and incidence between May and September. POD enzymatic activity of camellia healthy leaves showed a weak positive correlation with resistance, the highest Correlation coefficient of Simple Liner Regression was 0.6808; furthermore, there was negative effect on additional incidence between May and September.10. PAL enzymatic activity of camellia healthy fruits and leaves were positive effect on maturity, incidence and resistance, the Correlation coefficient of Binary logistic regression was 0.6955.


