

Ethical Issues in Strategy of HIV Harm Reduction in China

【作者】 于宁

【导师】 翟晓梅;

【作者基本信息】 中国协和医科大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 截至2008年9月30日,我国累计报告艾滋病病例264302例,其中艾滋病病人77753例。中国现存艾滋病病毒感染者和病人约70万(55万~85万人),全人群感染率为0.05%(0.04%~0.07%)。我国的感染率虽然不是很严重,但是形势非常严峻。因为还有相当多的人在实施有感染艾滋病风险的危险行为。艾滋病传入期导致感染人数大幅度增长的几种主要途径(静脉注射吸毒、嫖娼卖淫、非法采血和母婴传播),除了大规模的非法采血途径基本被遏制住以外,经另外几种途径感染的人数持续增加。我国具备爆发大规模艾滋病流行的条件,所以我国必须在低流行期就控制住艾滋病的增长,否则后果不堪设想。减少危害战略是国际普遍实施用来干预和预防艾滋病,减少艾滋病危害的措施。在我国也已经实施了很长一段时间,收到了一定效果。但是对于其中的一些措施,很多还存在很多的质疑。作者首先介绍了世界和中国艾滋病的流行状况及艾滋病的危害,回顾了国际上某些国家、地区和我国减少危害战略的实施情况,简单介绍了我国现在正在实施的几项减少危害的具体措施。然后针对不同的措施中存在的伦理问题和质疑给予论证。最后得出结论在我国进一步推广实行减少危害的战略,将大大有利于艾滋病的防治,有效控制艾滋病的蔓延。

【Abstract】 As of September 30, 2008, China reported a total of 264,302 cases of AIDS cases, of which 77,753 cases were AIDS patients. The existing HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients in China are about 700,000 (550,000~850,000); the infection rate is 0.05% ( 0.04%~0.07%) of total. Our country’s infection rate, although not very serious, the situation was very grim. Since there are a considerable number of people who could infect HIV doing some high-risk behavior. In afferent phase of AIDS, several major ways of high-risk behavior lead a substantial growth of the number of infections (intravenous drug abuse, prostitution, illegal blood collection and mother to child transmission), apart from large-scale illegal blood collection almost being disappeared the number of infections persons who infected by other high-risk behavior continued to increase. The conditions of the outbreak of large-scale AIDS epidemic do exist in our country, so we must control the growth of AIDS at the low prevalence time, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable.Harm reduction strategies are globally used for AIDS intervention and prevention. It has also been implemented in our county for a long time, and it has a certain positive effect. But for some of these measures, there are still controversial. The author first describes AIDS epidemic situation in the world and China and the danger AIDS causes, and reviews the implementation of harm reduction practice of certain countries, regions and our country in general, and some specific programs developed in our country in particular. Then the author addresses some important ethical issues in harm reduction and provides ethical arguments.. Finally the author comes to the conclusion that in our country further promoting the implementation of harm reduction strategies, will contribute greatly to the AIDS prevention and effectively controlling the spread of AIDS.

  • 【分类号】R512.91;R-052
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】109

