

【作者】 刘邦银

【导师】 杨可中;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着毒品犯罪、有组织犯罪和恐怖犯罪等的日益猖獗,卧底侦查作为一种特殊的秘密侦查手段,在实践中得到了越来越多的运用并备受关注。但是卧底侦查应遵循怎样的程序,卧底侦查人员的犯罪行为在刑法上如何评价,卧底侦查人员的安全如何保障等内容都是当前亟待研究和解决的问题。本文拟就上述问题展开探讨,以期为填补我国卧底侦查行为的立法空白起到抛砖引玉的作用。全文除导语和结语外共分为五个部分。第一部分辨析了卧底侦查的概念。在比较卧底侦查与诱惑侦查、特情侦查的相同点与不同点的基础上,界定了卧底侦查的定义,即卧底侦查是经特别挑选的刑事侦查人员,以隐蔽其原身份的方式,在一定时期内潜伏于所要调查的犯罪对象的组织或者环境中,在合乎法律规定的范围内,暗中搜集与犯罪活动有关的证据和情报,提供给刑事侦查机关,以对抗特别危险且侦查难度较高的犯罪的一种秘密侦查行为。第二部分讨论了当前我国卧底侦查存在的问题。首先从《刑事诉讼法》没有授予侦查主体运用卧底侦查的权力、《人民警察法》规定的笼统性方面,指出我国卧底侦查运用缺乏充分的法律依据;然后从司法实践的角度指出卧底侦查法律规范缺失产生的弊端;最后阐明了质疑卧底侦查正当性的几个观点。第三部分论证了卧底侦查的正当性和可罚性问题。首先从卧底侦查可能侵犯的法益、普通公众的伦理首先要求、侦查破案等角度分析了卧底侦查正当性的理论依据。同时还对卧底侦查人员犯罪行为是否免责,即可罚性问题进行了研究。第四部分阐述了域外卧底侦查的立法考察。在对美国、德国及我国的台湾、澳门地区有关卧底侦查制度进行比较分析后,就我国卧底侦查立法的模式和原则提出了自己的见解:在立法模式方面倾向于综合性立法,即把监听、跟踪、卧底侦查等秘密侦查行为一起归并入一部侦查权规制法中。第五部分探讨了对我国卧底侦查行为制度建构的思考。首先论述了侦查理念的转变,其次说明了如何选择我国卧底侦查的立法模式,再次认为卧底侦查立法应遵循的原则包括比例原则、用途正当性原则、司法审查原则。最后讨论了我国卧底侦查立法的基本框架。该部分依据把卧底侦查纳入法治化轨道的思路,从卧底侦查的适用范围、实体性要件、程序性要件、卧底侦查员的选拔机制、对卧底侦查员的监督机制、对卧底侦查员的保护机制、对卧底侦查中所获证据的证明力规定、对被侦查者的救济机制等八个方面比较全面、系统地提出了卧底侦查法制化的具体建议。

【Abstract】 While some terrible crime like drug crime, organized crime, terrorism crime etc become increasingly nowadays, undercover investigation, as a kind of investigation measure which is special and secret, is introduced and paid attention more and more in practice. But these present following problems need study and resolve:what procedure should be abided by undercover investigation, how do we judge the criminal acts of undercover detective in criminal law, and how do we protect the security of undercover detective, etc. And this article wants to discuss centered about these questions mentioned above, hoping for acting to use the little to get the big for our legislation on the acts of undercover investigation.This article has five sections except Introduction and Conclusion.The first section discriminated the conception of undercover investigation. We get the definition of undercover investigation on the base of comparison its sameness and differences with undercover investigation, temptation investigation and secret service investigation, which is undercover investigation, is an act of secret investigation to confront criminal acts which are extremely dangerous and superior difficult. It means that the investigators who picked up specially, by the way of concealed the identity of the original, hide in the organization and environment of object of crime investigated in a period of time, and collect the evidence and information related to the criminal activities in confidence in line with the scope of the law to provide to the criminal investigation authorities.The second section discussed the problems which consist in the present undercover investigation in our nation. First of all, this article points out that application of undercover investigation lacks sufficient legal basis in our nation from the aspect of that Criminal Procedure Law grants the subject of investigation to applicant the power of undercover investigation, and People’s Police Law of the People’s Republic of China only has some general provision. And then, the article fingers out the drawbacks for the sake of lacking the rules of undercover investigation law from the standpoint of judicial practice. At last, the article sets forth some kinds of standpoints which dispute the validity of undercover investigation.The third section demonstrated the validity and punishability of undercover investigation. At first, this article analyzed the theoretic foundation of undercover investigation’s validity on the point of view that legal rights which are probable to be violated, public’s want on ethic and solving crimes. And at the same time, this article researched whether the undercover detectives could absolve when they crime, which is to say the things about punishability.The fourth section explained the legislation of some foreign countries and regions on undercover investigation. After having compared and analyzed the undercover investigation system of the USA, Germany, Taiwan and Macao, the author put forward the opinions on the undercover investigation’s legislative pattern and basic principle of China. That is our country should be inclined to all-around legislation on the aspect of legislative pattern, that is to say, we should put monitoring, tailing after and undercover investigation into a law of investigate.And the last section discussed how to build the undercover investigation system of our country. At first, the author demonstrated the change on standpoint. Second, the author explained how to choose the legislative pattern on undercover investigation of our country. Third, in the article, the author holds that the principles of legislation should be followed includes principle of proportion, the principle of purposing validity and the principle of judicial review. And at last, this article discussed the basic fragment on the legislation of undercover investigation. And according to the thought of putting undercover investigation into the path towards rule of law, this part relatively entirety put forward material juridification proposal of undercover investigation on the view of eight aspects, these are scope of application of undercover investigation, substantial requirement, procedure requirement, the mechanism of picking up the undercover detectives, the mechanism of supervision on the undercover detectives, the mechanism of protection on the undercover detectives, the rule of strength of the evidence acquired in undercover investigation, the mechanism of the persons detected.


