

Study on System of Special Chattel’s Rights Alteration and Correlative Legal Issues

【作者】 曹克睿

【导师】 陈康华;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 笔者作为基层法院工作者,意在通过本文对特殊动产物权变动进行深入研究,为司法实践中相关疑难问题的解决提供思路。主要研究内容包括:分析了特殊动产的范畴,区分了广义特殊动产和狭义特殊动产的范围,对特殊动产的特征及概念进行了归纳。阐述了特殊动产的法律性质对其物权变动的重要影响,提出应综合考量自然划分法和社会划分法二者的合理性,并从物理属性、社会经济学及各国立法例角度研究,得出特殊动产的本质仍属于动产,应遵循动产物权变动原则兼登记对抗的变动模式。采用比较分析方法,对国内外特殊动产物权变动的理论体系及主要立法模式进行了比较,分析了现代民法对特殊动产社会价值和法律发展趋势的影响。结合我国特殊动产物权变动原则的历史沿革和现实背景,对我国《物权法》采取“债权形式原则兼形式对抗原则”立法模式的合理性和必然性进行了分析。文章结合审判实践,对我国特殊动产物权变动原则的制度风险和诉讼风险进行了分析,主张通过司法证据审查和举证责任分配来避免风险,此外,对我国特殊动产物权变动制度规定的生效要件及对抗要件作了详细阐述,并在此基础上,对困扰审判实践的一些疑难问题进行了深入研究:一是分析现实交付和观念交付等不同交付方式对特殊动产物权变动效力的影响,认为基于交付而善意占有,并不足以对抗善意第三人。二是着重从法律逻辑、政策安定、交易安全、公平制衡等角度,对特殊动产物权变动中的“善意第三人”的构成要件进行了研究,并结合司法实践,提出了“善意”条件的司法审查标准。三是针对诉讼中突出存在的因诉讼财产保全产生的特殊动产物权归属争议,通过对诉讼财产保全的性质进行分析,并结合物权法定等原理,得出基于一般债权的诉讼财产保全申请人不构成善意第三人,不得对抗善意占有人的结论。四是就瑕疵登记对特殊动产名义登记人、第三人及登记机关的影响进行了分析。五是围绕特殊动产的物权变动特殊性,对特殊动产上设定质押权及担保物权竞合中的优先性问题进行了研究。

【Abstract】 The article intent to resolve the problems and doubts of special chattel’s rights alteration in judicatory practice.The main contents of the study include the following: what special chattel is,the distinction between the broad and narrow range of special chattel,the features and the concept of special chattel.The article tells that special chattel’s legal nature is important to it’s rights alteration. And consideration should be integrated with the rationality of natural and social division.According to the physical attributes,socio-economic and national law point of view, the nature of the special chattel is still movable property.It should follow the rules of movable property’s rights alteration and the registration can antagonize the possessor.With the the methods of comparative analysis used,the article compares domestic and abroad special chattel’s rights alteration theory system and main mode of legislation.It also analyse that how modern civil law influence the special chattel’s social values and legal trends.Combined with China’s legal history and real social background,the article analyse the reasonableness and inevitability of the rules of special chattel’s rights alteration in the China’s "Real Right Laws".At the same time, the article expatiates the risk of special chattel on China’s system and litigation,advices to avoid risk through judicial review of the evidence and the allocation of the burden of proof.In addition,the article also expatiates the effective conditions("agreement" and "delivery") and anti conditions("cautious"and "registered") in China’s special chattel alteration rules. On that basis, the article also study some of the difficult issues about special chattel’s rights alteration in judicatory practice.

【关键词】 特殊动产物权变动
【Key words】 Special ChattelReal Rights Alteration

