

Study on Autonomy of Articles of Association

【作者】 陈刚

【导师】 朱晓喆;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 公司章程自治是私法自治在公司法上的体现,私法自治是整个民商法的核心理念。公司自治主要是股东利用公司章程来实现的,公司章程是股东自我设计治理空间的主要工具,所以公司章程自治是实现公司自治乃至私法自治的载体。对于长期欠缺私权文化传统的中国来说,公司章程自治似乎是一种奢谈。在我国很长一段时间内公司是作为国家规制的对象和工具而不是作为一个私权主体而存在的,因而也就没有公司章程自治可言。但是,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立并逐渐深入发展,公司法给予了公司以更多的自治空间,如何使得公司在市场经济条件下更加健康发展,对公司章程自治问题的研究就十分必要了。本文的框架如下:第一部分是公司章程自治的含义。通过对两大法系关于公司章程不同规定的介绍,探讨了公司章程的概念。在此基础上,对公司章程自治的含义作了解析,为本文的论证搭建了一个理论平台。公司章程自治包括订立公司章程的自由、修改公司章程的自由和规定章程内容的自由。而后,又通过比较公司章程自治与私法自治、公司自治和股东自治的含义,从多角度论述了公司章程自治的含义。笔者认为,公司章程自治是私法自治在公司法上的体现,公司章程自治是公司自治的媒介,公司章程自治的核心是股东自治。第二部分:是公司章程自治的理论来源。在这一部分中,首先从学者们对公司自治的实质入手,分析了传统公司自治与现代公司自治的区别,笔者认为章程的自治法规性质更能准确体现公司章程在实际生活中的作用。而后,对公司章程自治的理论基础从公司章程自治的思想基础、经济基础,政治基础和法学基础四方面进行了阐述,自由主义是公司章程自治的思想基础;市场经济是公司章程自治的经济基础;民主政治是公司章程自治的政治基础;公司契约理论是公司章程自治的法学基础;这四者的有机结合最终孕育出了公司章程自治的理念。第三部分是对公司章程自治之边界解读。公司章程兼具自治性和法定性特征,两者同时共存,密不可分,公司章程法定性与自治性特征的关系是公司法强制性与任意性性质的反映。为回答章程自治与公司法强制的边界究竟在何处?本文从基本边界、价值边界、规则边界三个角度进行了分析。基本边界是指法律的强行性规定和公序良俗,公司章程的自治是有限自治。价值边界是指公平与效率价值、自由与公益价值的平衡点,这两组价值既矛盾冲突,又协调统一。规则边界是在将公司法规则划分为结构性规则、分配性规则和信义性规则的基础上,结合闭锁公司和公开公司两类不同的公司类型,判断规则是否具有强制性,从而划分出公司章程自治的边界。第四部分首先阐述了对我国《公司法》章程自治性的优势评价。章程自治的规定要实现的最终目标是使公司章程成为充满个性化的公司最高自治规范。但是,我们也看到在具体的商事实践中,公司章程存在着很多问题。我们面临的首要问题就是改变经营者对章程的错误和淡薄的意识,突出强调章程在公司经营中的重要作用。其次,应当将公司章程的制定与公司治理紧密的结合起来,制定出有个性并切实可行的公司章程。同时,不应滥用公司章程的自治原则,不能超越自治范围,并在实践中加强公司章程的执行性,提高公司章程的实效性固然要依靠公司自身及其内部参与人的自律履行和遵守,章程实效性的强化更有赖于他律机制的监控,即国家作为外力要加强对章程实施的监督和管理。

【Abstract】 Autonomy of articles of association is the carrier and embodiment of the autonomy of will in corporation law. Autonomy of will is the core concept of civil law and commercial law. Owing to the long-term influence of the traditional Chinese culture, the autonomy of articles of association is as if one kind of extravagant thing to be discussed. Company used to be regarded as the target and tool of government regulation rather than an independent legal person. With the establishment and development of the socialist market economic system in China, autonomy of articles of association should be emphasized and undertook in a more rational way.The frame of this article as follows:The first part is the concept of the autonomy of the corporation. The idea of autonomy of the corporation is the representation of the autonomy of civil law; the former is the medium of the later. In the author’s opinion, the core of the autonomy of the corporation is the autonomy of the shareholders.The second part analysis the essence of corporation self-government firstly. After that this part elucidates the source of the theory of autonomy of articles of association from four different aspects. The idea of liberalism, market economy system, democratic politics, theory of company contract provide theoretic basis, economic basis, politics basis and legal basis for autonomy of articles of association respectively.The third part is the understanding to the boundary of the articles of incorporation autonomy. The articles of incorporation concurrently have the characteristics of autonomy and legality, and both of them are coexisted and inseparable. The relation between the legality and the autonomy characteristic of the articles of incorporation reflects the compulsory and free nature of the company law. In order to answer where the boundary is between the autonomy of the articles of incorporation and the compulsory of the company law? This article has carried on the analysis from three angles, the basic boundary, the value boundary and the regulation boundary. The basic boundary refers to the compulsive law rules, the public orders and good customs. The autonomy of the articles of incorporation is limited. The value boundary refers to balance point of the equity and efficiency, the freedom and the public welfare. These two groups of values both are contradictory and unification. The regulation boundary makes the foundation in dividing the company law rules into the structural rules, the distributional rules and the fiduciary rules, and compares two kinds of different company types of closed company and open company, and estimates the compulsion of the rules, thus divides the boundary of the autonomy of the articles of incorporation.The fourth part firstly elaborates the autonomy superiority appraisal to our country’s "Company Law". The ultimate objective of the "Company Law" which must realize about in the autonomous regulations is to make the articles of incorporation to become an individual company highest autonomous standard. However, in trading practices, there are still a lot of problems. The most important question we face to is how to change the wrong and the light consciousness of the operators to the articles and how to prominently emphasize the vital role of the articles in the company. Secondly, we must make the establishment of the articles of incorporation and the management of the company to be a closed union, and formulate individual and practical feasible articles of incorporation. At the same time, we should not abuse the autonomous principle of the articles of incorporation and surmount the autonomous scope. We should strengthen the articles of incorporation in the practice and in the execution. The enhancement of the actual effect of the articles of incorporation is no doubt to have to depend upon the company own and persons’ autonomy of its interior attendees, but actual effect strengthening of the regulations depends on the monitoring from the law, namely the country must strengthen surveillance and the management to the implementation of the articles as the external force.


