

Research on Legal Systems of Network Banking Supervision

【作者】 谢媛

【导师】 唐波;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 经济法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 网络银行是金融业与网络信息技术相结合而进行金融创新的产物,是当今世界金融业的重要组成部分。随着网络信息技术的不断创新和发展,网络银行以其巨大而特有的优势,在世界范围内迅速扩展,在银行业中发挥着不可或缺的作用。目前,我国银行、证券及保险等金融服务企业已经利用网络信息技术,以网络为平台为客户提供各种各样的金融服务,形成了从ATM、POS、自助银行到电话银行、手机银行、电子银行等全方位的金融电子化服务体系。但是,在以传统银行发展网络银行的主要模式下,我国网络银行发展过程中还面临着诸多的法律问题。如,监管模式不能顺应未来金融行业发展的趋势,监管主体体系缺乏必要有效的协调合作机制,信息系统、电子交易等安全问题而产生的发展瓶颈,客户正当权益缺乏必要的法律保护等。为此,政府监管部门应该建立并完善网络银行监管的法律法规,提高网络金融的技术水平,规范网络银行的经营行为,及时完善和补充监管内容,这对增强我国网络银行的竞争力具有重大意义,也是促进我国网络银行健康发展的基本保障。从论文的标题可以看出,笔者希望在我国网络银行蓬勃发展之际探讨现阶段我国监管当局在法律层面上应当采取的一些应对措施。基于这个主线,笔者主要从以下几个方面展开论述与探讨。第一章是我国网络银行监管法律制度的现状及存在的问题。首先,对网络银行及相关概念、特点、风险进行了阐述,并提出了对网络银行实施监管的重要性和必要性。其次,从监管主体之间的协调合作机制、安全保障法律机制和客户权益法律保护三个方面探讨了我国网络银行发展的现状以及亟待解决的问题。第二章是国外网络银行监管法律制度的阐述及其经验分析借鉴。首先,以美国、欧盟及亚洲等国家和地区为例,介绍了这些发达国家和地区在网络银行监管立法实践中的具体做法;其次,介绍和分析了巴塞尔委员会、经合组织等国际著名权威组织在网络银行监管方面所制定和出台的具有重要指导意义和参考价值的法律规则、规范文件等。最后,针对我国网络银行监管法律实践中所面临三个方面的问题,对国外网络银行监管在这三个方面的法律实践中所积累的丰富经验和所建立的有效监管法律体系加以进一步的分析、归纳和总结。第三章是完善我国网络银行监管法律制度的具体建议。笔者针对上述当前我国网络银行监管法律实践中所存在的三个方面主要问题,借鉴国外发达国家和地区、国际权威组织的立法实践和宝贵经验,结合我国的当前国情和具体情况,提出了具体的建议和措施。

【Abstract】 Network Banking is the product of finance industry and network information Technology, and so is the important component of modern finance industry. Along with the constant innovation and development of network information technology, the network banking with its giant and unique advantages, expanded quickly in the world and acted an indispensable role in the banking industry. At the present, using the network information technology,the banks, securities companies, and assurance companies in China have provided sorts of finance services with the network platform, and shaped the omnidirectional finance electronic service system from ATM,POS,self-helped bank to telephone bank, mobile bank and electronic bank.But in the main pattern from the traditional bank to network bank, our network banking faced many legal problems in the development process, such as, the supervising model can’t accommodate the tendency of finance industry in the future, the system of supervising main bodies are in defect of mechanism of coordination, the development bottleneck coming from the security problem of information system and electronic trading, and absence of necessary legal protection of the client’s legitimate rights. Therefore, the government supervising departments should establish and make perfect the legal system of network banking, promote the technology level of network finance, regulate the deal in the network banking, and they also should make up the supervising contents in time. All these procedures would have important meanings to strengthen the competition ability of our network banks, and they also are the basic guarantees of network bank’s development healthily in China.We can make out from the title of this thesis, which the writer hope to discuss the measures the supervisors can take now from the legislation angle when the network banks developed quickly in our country. Based on the direction, the writer spreads the discussion and dissertation from the aspects below.Chapter 1 discusses the status quo and the problems of the legal system of China’s network banking supervising. Firstly, the chapter expatiates the concepts, characteristics, and risks of network bank, and then recites the importance and necessary to supervise the network bank; Secondly, it discusses the development status of network bank in China and the problems to be dissolved from the aspects of cooperation and coordination system of supervising agencies, security guarantee legal system, and client’s rights legal protection.Chapter 2 recites the foreign countries’network bank supervision and then analysis their experiences. At first, making US, EU and some Asian countries as the samples, the thesis introduces the measures of these advanced countries in the practice of network banking legislation; and then it introduces some instructionally meaningful rules and files in network bank supervision instituted by International Economic Cooperation Constitution and other international famous units. At last, aimed at the three problems of the Chinese legal practice in network bank supervision, the thesis makes the further analysis, concluding and summarizing to the supervision laws of network bank in modern countries. Chapter 3 puts forward the material suggestions in perfecting the supervision legal system in China. This chapter is the center of gravity of the thesis. To the three main problems existed in the supervision legitimate practice in China, used the experience of modern countries and international famous institutions in legitimating as reference, combined with Chinese idiographic situation, the writer brings material suggestions and measures to the readers.


