

On Legal Obligations of Commercial Banks in Personal Financial Services

【作者】 邱娟

【导师】 祁群;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 经济法, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 商业银行个人理财业务是指商业银行为客户提供财务分析、财务规划、投资顾问、资产管理等专业化服务的活动。具体而言,就是银行理财专家根据客户的资产状况、预期目标和风险偏好程度,为客户提供专业的个人投资建议,帮助客户合理而科学地安排投资方式,以实现个人资产的保值增值,从而满足客户对投资回报与风险的不同要求。关于商业银行个人理财业务开展过程中的一些问题一直深受学界和业界的关注,有些问题至今还存在着较大的争议。关于商业银行法律义务的理论也零散见于一些学者的编著或者实务作者的文章中,尚无深入、系统的理论,更无统一的立法规定,给实践带来了一些棘手的问题,希冀解决此问题也是笔者的初衷。本论文创新之处也在于此,通过对国内外商业银行开展个人理财业务的历史和现状进行系统的分析,从而找出我国商业银行个人理财业务在开展过程中存在的问题以及商业银行法律义务在理论和立法上的缺失,并据此提出商业银行在个人理财业务开展过程中应当履行的法律义务制度构架。本文结构如下:第一部分,概述了商业银行个人理财业务的发展历史和现状。通过对商业银行个人理财业务概念的界定、分类,以及对国内外商业银行个人理财业务发展的对比,得出我国商业银行个人理财业务中银行的行为尚不规范,银行的法律义务也不明确,亟需完善。第二部分,分析商业银行个人理财业务的性质。商业银行为客户提供个人理财业务时,银行与客户需要签订委托理财合同。该委托理财合同多数是格式合同,也是一种无名合同。实践中对于委托理财合同的性质有相当多的争论,本文针对目前争议最多的两类合同性质进行比较辨析,即辨析委托代理合同和信托合同之间的异同,得出商业银行个人理财业务中银行与客户的委托理财合同性质为委托代理合同、银行与个人客户之间是委托代理关系的结沦。第三部分,通过前文理顺商业银行个人理财业务中银行与客户之间的委托代理关系,对商业银行个人理财业务中银行应当遵守的各项义务进行系统构架。笔者认为,在商业银行委托理财业务中银行应遵守的法律义务有如下几点:理财告知义务、银行谨慎勤勉义务、银行独立运行资金及风险管理义务、信息披露义务和金融隐私保护义务。笔者对各义务进行了分类。分为理财合同签订过程中、理财合同履行过程中以及理财合同终止后商业银行应当履行的法律义务。本章分析理财合同签订过程中商业银行应当履行的法律义务,即理财告知义务。对该义务从义务概述、对比其他国家或地区的规定、我国现有的法律法规的规定、该义务的理论基础、义务的履行等方面进行了全面的分析。第四部分,分析理财合同履行过程中商业银行应当遵守的法律义务,包括谨慎勤勉义务、银行独立运行资会、风险管理义务和信息披露义务。对各义务从理论基础和义务履行等方面进行了分析。第五部分,分析理财合同终止后商业银行应当遵守的法律义务,即金融隐私保护义务。并借鉴英美法系的规定,完善我国的该义务制度。第六部分,笔者对商业银行个人理财制度提出了一些完善的观点,包括如何在混业经营模式趋势下构建良好的银行理财经营模式,针对客户投诉现象商业银行如何完善客户投诉机制,相关责任制度应该如何完善以及保护银行理财产品的知识产权等方面。最后笔者希望通过规范银行理财制度,并辅以适当的监管措施完善商业银行个人理财市场,保护个人客户的利益,使我国商业银行个人理财持续、健康发展。

【Abstract】 Personal financial services of commercial banks refer to these professional services such as financial analysis, financial planning, investment advisers, assets management arranged for customers by commercial banks. Specifically, according to customers’ assets, expected goal and the degree of risk appetite, financial experts provide customers with professional personal investment advices and help customers rationally and scientifically arrange their investments to achieve the preserve and increase of the value of personal assets and in turn to meet customers’ different requirements on investment return and risks.Problems appeared in the implementing process of Personal financial services of commercial banks have received great concerns in academic and industrial circles, and some of them are still of more controversy. Theories concerning legal obligations of commercial banks are scattered in some scholars’ authoring languages and some practical authors’ articles, but there is no sound, in-depth, systematic theory, not to mention unifying legislative provisions. All these bring a number of difficult issues in the real practice, and it is the author’s intention to solve this problem in this thesis. The innovation of this paper lies in the systematical analysis of the history of personal financial service carried by commercial banks at home and abroad, the finding of problems appeared in the carryout process of personal financial services of commercial banks and theoretical and legislative lacks of commercial banks’ legal obligations, and the proposed system framework of must-fulfilled legal obligations of commercial banks in the implementing process of personal financial services is also a highlight.The structure of the present thesis is as follows:The first chapter is an overview of the development history and current status of personal financial services of commercial banks. Through the definition and classification of personal financial services of commercial banks and the comparison of personal financial services of commercial banks at home and abroad, the author finds that banks’ practice in personal services of commercial banks is not normative, banks’ obligations are not clear, so there is an urgent need to organize it.In the second chapter, the nature of the commission of personal financial services of commercial banks is analyzed. When commercial banks provide customers with personal financial services, a financing contract should be assigned by banks and customers. Most of the financing contracts are form contracts, also a kind of unknown contracts, in fact, in the real practice, there is great arguments about the nature commissioned financing contract. In the thesis, the author compares the nature of two contracts of wide controversies: the similarities and differences between principal-agent contracts and trust contracts, and reaches a conclusion that in personal services of commercial banks, the nature of the commissioned financing contract between banks and customers is principal-agent, as is the relationship between banks and customers.The third part, through the brush of the principal-agent relationship between banks and customers in personal financial services in previous chapters, systematically architects the must-fulfilled obligations of banks in the personal services of commercial banks. The author holds that in commissioned financing services banks should take the following obligations: tell customers the fact, be cautious and diligent, run an independent financial regulatory, disclose the informations and protect the privacy of finance. Based on the classification of the obligations, there are divided into financial contract signing process, the financial contract performing process and after the ending of contract the commercial Banks shall perform the obligations of the law.In this part,The author soundly analyze the first obligations from the summary, regulations of other countries and regions , regulations of China’s present laws and regulations, their theoretical basis and fulfillment.The forth part, the author holds that in the financial contract performing process,the bank should perform the three obligations: be cautious and diligent, run an independent financial regulatory and disclose the informations.The fifth part,the author holds that after the ending of contract the commercial the bank shall protect the clients’privacy of finance. And draw lessons from the Anglo-American law regulation to perfect the system of this obligation.In the sixth part, the author offers some improving suggestions for the systems of personal services of commercial banks, including how to form a good finance operating mode in the mixed operation tendencies, how to perfect customer complaints system, how can relevant responsibility system be improved and the protection of intellectual property rights of financing products of banks is also included.Finally, the author wants to perfect personal financing market of commercial banks by regulating financial services and supplementing appropriate regulatory measures to protect individual customers’ interests and ensure the continued and healthy development of personal services of commercial banks in China.


