

Research on the Securities Trading Information Right and Its Legal Protection

【作者】 查莹

【导师】 唐波;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 经济法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 2007年8月20日,上证所信息网络有限公司诉新华富时指数有限公司信息合同纠纷案经二审判决后,已尘埃落定。但此案留给我们的思考仍在继续。证券交易信息的权利归属和法律属性等基本理论问题并没有随着新华富时案的盖棺定论而浮出水面。证券市场的有效性本依赖于及时、准确且完整的交易信息,如何发布和管理证券市场中产生的交易信息关乎整个证券市场的发展,尤其是对提升证券交易所的核心竞争力至关重要。证券交易信息权利的保护,更是直接影响着证券市场的有序运行,关乎投资者对市场的信心,关系到证券市场的健康发展。但是,我国现行法律制度并没有对证券交易所的交易信息权利提供充足的保护。因此,面对愈演愈烈的侵权现象,深入研究证券交易信息权的权利类型及其法律属性等基本问题,进一步论证保护证券交易信息的必要性和可行性,推动相关法律法规的完善,显得尤为必要和紧迫。本文主要采用比较和归纳等方法,通过对世界主要证券交易所交易信息保护的研究,结合我国证券市场的具体实践,深入分析我国证券交易信息权利保护的可行性与必要性,探究证券交易信息权利的归属和法律属性,就其保护机制提出若干建议。论文正文主要分为四个部分:第一部分通过分类的方法,界定证券交易信息,明确本文讨论和研究的重点。通过分析证券交易信息的生产机制和功能,揭示证券交易信息对于证券市场运行具有不可忽视之作用。运用经济学的公共产品理论,分析证券交易信息的属性。第二部分通过两个典型案例的比较分析,揭示当前司法实践中对于证券交易信息保护所遭遇的困境,指出交易信息性质和权利归属不明的状态极大地制约市场的发展,厘清证券交易信息的性质和权利归属问题对于解决当前的困境具有关键意义。第三部分从法学的基本理论入手,借助经济学等多种视角,分析证券交易信息权与传统的权利在客体、法律性质、保护方法等方面存在的诸多差异,并尝试用演绎的方法进一步论证证券交易信息权利的性质及其归属。第四部分通过比较研究的方法,对世界主要证券市场保护证券交易信息的经验进行归纳总结,结合中国的具体国情,就加强中国证券交易信息权利保护的原则、模式和具体措施提出粗浅的建议。

【Abstract】 The dispute case of information contract between SSE Infonet Ltd and FXI Ltd was finally settled on Aug20, 2007 with the judgment of second instance. But we are still thinking about the issues the case left us. Such basic theory problems as types of rights and legal character weren’t carried out with the final judgment of the case.The effectiveness of stock market should have depended on timely, accurate and integral information on securities trading. How to publish and manage the securities trading information arises from stock market concerns the development of the stock market, especially the promotion of the core competitiveness of the stock market. The protection of information right directly impacts the orderly operation of the stock market, concerns the confidence of the investors to the market, concerns the healthy development of the stock market. But the existing laws and regulations of our country fail to provide adequate protection for the rights of the securities trading information . Therefore, it seems necessary and urgent for us to deeply research such basis problems as types of rights and legal character of the information rights, to further demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of the protection of the securities trading information, to facilitate the perfection of relevant laws and regulations, when we find infringements become increasingly intense.Comparison and generalization are mainly used in this paper. This paper researches the protection of the securities trading information of the main stock exchange in the world combine with the concrete practice of the stock market of our country, deeply analyzes the feasibility and necessity of the protection of information rights ,explores the right adscription and legal character of the information right , and provides several suggestion on its protection mechanism.This paper is divided into four chapters:Classification is used in Chapter One to defines the securities trading information and specifies the focus that discussed and researched in this paper. The inconsiderable effect of the securities trading information on the operation of the stock exchange is uncovered through the analysis of the production mechanism and function of the securities trading information .To analysis the attributive of the information by using the public goods theory.Chapter Two uncovers the difficulty of the judicial practice on the protection of the securities trading information through the comparative analysis of two typical cases, points out the constraint effect of vague status of the character of the securities trading information and the ownship of the rights on the development of the stock market, and indicates the crucial role of making clear the character of the information and the belonging of the rights on the resolution of current difficulty.Chapter Three analyzes the various differences between the rights of the securities trading information and traditional rights on object, legal character and protection methods start with the basic legal theory from economics visual angle, and tries to further demonstrate the character of the securities trading information rights and its belonging through deductive reasoning.Chapter four summarizes the experience of the protection of the securities trading information of the main stock exchange in the world combine with the specific national conditions of our country, and provides some superficial suggestion on the principle, mode and concrete measures of the reinforcement of the protection of the securities trading information rights in China.


