

On Right to Informed Consent in Clinicial Practice

【作者】 何卫国

【导师】 朱晓喆;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 民商法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 患者知情同意权是患者的核心权利。在临床实践和医患关系理论研究中,患者知情同意权处于核心地位,医疗人员侵害患者知情同意权是引起医患纠纷的最主要原因。患者同意权是患者自由决定是否允诺医生对于其身体采取医疗行为的权利。对于阻却医生之肆意侵害患者权利和维护患者权利具有根本性的作用。本文围绕患者知情同意权的源起,性质和组成展开论述。全文共分三个部分共30000余字。第一部分:“患者知情同意权概述”。本部分主要论述了患者知情同意权的产生和发展、理论基础和基本概念。通过本部分论述,阐明了患者知情同意权为患者以个人意志允诺医生对于患者的身体行医疗行为的自我决定权。但患者对于医疗行为既具有选择性,亦具有强制性,患者不能拒绝挽救其生命的医疗行为。明确患者为允诺医生对于患者身体的医疗行为是义务,还是权利,甚为必要。探讨了患者对于患者的自我决定的性质,认为患者的知情同意乃是患者的一种基本人格权。第二部分:“患者知情权—以医生说明义务为视角”。本部分主要论述了医生说明义务的概念和性质、医生说明义务的标准和内容、医生说明义务的豁免和医生的自由裁量权。通过本部分论述,笔者认为患者知情同意权为患者知情权和同意权组成,但患者基于自身的医学信息的不对称,患者的知情权是通过法律规范强制和医疗契约约定医生履行说明义务实现的。医生说明义务并不能取代患者的知情权,患者具有的权利不能通过设定他人义务来涤除患者之权利。医生说明义务的标准应当采用双重性的说明标准,严格限制患者的自由裁量权和豁免是由。第三部分:“患者同意权”。本部分主要论述了患者同意权的主体、方式、效力和限制。通过本部分的论述,认为患者行使同意权的主体,应当根据病情的个案来判断,患者之代理人代理行使患者同意权应当从患者本身利益出发,适当时机可以通过专家认定患者本身利益所在。患者对于同意权之表达方式,不得默示推定。患者行使同意权只是阻却医生为实施侵害患者的医疗行为的违法性,对于医生因自己过失造成患者人身伤害不能豁免。

【Abstract】 The right to informed consent in clinicial practice, which protects the intrests of patients in medical malpractice as the most important legislative authority. Alternatively, to infringe by docotors the right of patients to consent becomes mainly the causation of medical malpractice. Patients has the right to freely consent to medical treatment on the patients’body. Forasmuch, this right to freely consent to medical treatment brings the fundmental way to recover the injuration of body and mind by doctors to treat without patients’consent. This aritcle has expalined the origin, nature and elements of the right to informed consent in clinicial practice. The article is divided three sections to expound the right, and is composited thirty thousand chinese characters.The first section, "general introduction to the right of informed consent in clinicial practice", has explained mainly the emergence, development, theoretical acedamics and basic concepts of the right of informed consent in clinicial practice. Also, in tis section author has expounded the right of informed consent in clinicial practic has two natures, one which bring the right to patients to freely choose the treatment provided by doctors, and the other which bring the obligation to patients to accept the treament provided by doctors to rescue your life or other important health values. In spite of this, author has thought the nature of right for patrients as citizens births with the autonomy to private affair, and catologed it into general personality. The second section, "the right to konw of patient—form the obligation to inform of doctors", explained the concept and nature of the obligation to inform of doctors, standards and contents of the obligation to inform of doctors, exemptions to inform of doctors and therapeutic privilege of doctors. Through this section, author thought the right of informed consent in clinicial practice contains the right to know of patients and the right to consent treatment of patients. The right ro know of patients is mainly protected by law through stipulating the obligation to doctors to inform patients. Certainly. Patients also has right to request doctors to inform. Therfore, it is impossible to instead the right to informed consent of patients by doctors’obligation. The standards to inform by doctors should use the "due standards", restrict strictly the exemption to the obligation ro inform to doctors, and therapeutic privilege of doctors.The third section, "the right to consent treatment of patients", explains the subjects of the right to consent treatment of patients, manner, effects and restrictions of exercision of the right to consent treament of patients. In this section, author thought to confirm the subjects should accord to the factual complexion to every secrete case; agent of patient exercises the right of patients should accord the intrest of patients themselves, better then, through expert to clear the intrest of patient. Doctor should not imply the consent of patient. And the effect of exercision the right to cinsent treatment of patients just give the promise to doctors to carry cautiously the treatment, not exempt the default of infringe the patient body.


