

【作者】 阎玉

【导师】 薛进展;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 非法处理个人信息罪是刑法修正案(七)第七条新规定的犯罪,但我国的个人信息保护立法至今还未正式颁布,这使司法实践对非法处理个人信息罪的认定很困难。本修正案于2009年2月28日正式通过,对本罪的犯罪构成、犯罪形态及处罚标准还未见有正式文章进行研究。笔者在这里尝试对上述问题进行讨论,认真分析中国的国情,对信息立法与信息实践进行了认真的考察,分析与之相关的一些社会现象。同时借鉴国外与个人信息相关的立法,将国内与国外立法现状和法律实践进行比较,一方面可以通过比较发现处理问题的不同方式,为观察世界提供不同的角度,利于解决社会生活中一些难题,另一方面也是信息社会迅猛发展的需求。由于能力有限,本文有许多的不足,只求给对此罪有兴趣的读者些许提示,起到抛砖引玉的作用。全文共分个部分,从非法处理个人信息罪的罪名、罪状、犯罪构成、罪与非罪的界定和本罪与相关犯罪界定等五个方面加以论述。第一章从非法处理个人信息罪的基本问题入手,分析了非法处理个人信息罪罪名和罪状。首先,分析了非法处理个人信息罪所侵犯的法益,并借鉴国外立法的立法模式,认为本罪的罪名应当具有包容性,因此以非法处理个人信息罪命名。其次,分析了本罪的罪状类型,通过对个人信息立法的现状指出了本罪在适用过程中的实际困难。第二章则分析了非法处理个人信息罪的犯罪构成,分别论述了非法处理个人信息罪的犯罪客体、犯罪客观方面、犯罪主体、犯罪的主观方面。在犯罪客体部分,介绍了公民的个人信息利益。在犯罪客观方面这一部分,界定了四种行为的概念,并在行为对象中阐述了个人信息的概念,分析了个人信息与隐私的区别和联系。在情节严重的认定中,概括了四种情节严重的情况。在犯罪主体的研究中,分析了司法机关及司法工作人员的犯罪主体资格问题。最后分析了犯罪主观方面的内容。第三章讨论了非法处理个人信息罪的停止形态和共同犯罪形态两个方面。在停止形态的部分先论述了情节犯的停止形态,之后对非法处理个人信息罪的停止形态进行了分析。在共同犯罪部分,对本罪中的对向犯问题及在犯罪既遂之前对犯罪情节有严重影响的人是否构成共犯的问题进行了讨论。第四章主要是对非法处理个人信息罪认定问题的讨论。包括两个方面,一是罪与非罪。二是非法处理个人信息罪与相关犯罪的界定。

【Abstract】 The crime of illegal handling of personal information is the Criminal Law Amendment (seven) the provisions of Article VII of the new crime, but our personal information protection legislation have not yet formally enacted, which makes the judicial practice of illegal handling of personal information that is very difficult crimes. This amendment in February 28, 2009 formal adoption of this crime constitutes a crime, crime and punishment standards no formal research article. The author attempts here to discuss on these issues, careful analysis of China’s national conditions, and information on the practice of information legislation had serious study, analysis of a number of related social phenomena. At the same time, foreign and personal information relevant legislation, the status of domestic and foreign legislation and legal practice to compare, on the one hand can be found by comparing different ways to deal with the problem, in order to observe the world from different angles, which will help to solve some problems in social life, On the other hand, the rapid development of information society needs. Due to limited capacity, there are many shortcomings of this article, only to have the crime of those who are interested in some tips to start the role. The full text is divided into four parts. Illegal handling of personal information from the crime of crimes, crimes constitute crimes, the definition and crimes and non-crimes this crime and related crimes as defined in the five topics.The first chapter dealing with personal information from the basic issue of crime, an analysis of the crime of illegal handling of personal information on charges and counts. First of all, an analysis of the crime of illegal handling of personal information by violations of legal interest, and from abroad to deal with model legislation that charges of this crime should be inclusive, and therefore the crime of illegal handling of personal information on naming. Secondly, an analysis of the counts of this crime type, the adoption of legislation on the status of personal information out in the application of this crime in the process of practical difficulties.The second chapter analyzes the illegal handling of personal information constitutes a criminal offense, respectively, on the illegal handling of personal information the object of the crime of crimes, criminal objective, the main crime, the subjective aspects of crime. Part of the object at the crime on the individual interests of citizens. In this part of the objective aspect of crime, as defined in the concept of the four acts and the object of conduct set forth the concept of personal information, analysis and privacy of personal information and contact the distinction. That in serious cases, the summary of the four serious situation. The main body in the crime study, an analysis of the judiciary and judicial staff, the qualifications of the principal crime. Finally, an analysis of the subjective aspects of the crime.Chapter III discussed the illegal handling of personal information to stop the crime and common crime patterns two aspects. Form part of the first stop on the circumstances of the stop form committed, after the illegal handling of personal information to stop the crime patterns were analyzed. Crime in the common part of the of this crime to the crime committed and accomplished in the circumstances of the crime before the people who have a significant effect on the question of whether an accomplice was discussed.Chapter IV is the illegal handling of personal information that the crime issue. Two aspects, first, Crimes and non-crimes . Second, the crime of illegal handling of personal information with the relevant definition of crimes.

  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【下载频次】100

