

Research on the Reviewing of Housing Registrating Act in Administrative Litigation

【作者】 杨春旋

【导师】 沈福俊;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 房屋登记是指房屋行政主管部门代表政府对房屋所有权和居住权以及由上述权利产生的抵押权等房屋他项权利进行登记,并依法确认房屋权归属关系的行为。作为一种行政权力介入私权利的公行为,房屋登记在保护登记当事人权利,维护公正透明的房地产交易秩序以及保障国家房地产税收安全等方面都发挥了不可替代的作用。通过房屋登记使得法律上对房屋权利归属的抽象界定在实践中得到了具体确认,房地产权利状态得到明晰和确定,防止了纠纷的发生,保障了交易的安全,并确保了国家对房地产的管理,实现了国家对房产交易的宏观监控。近几年,随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,房地产市场日益活跃,人民法院行政庭审理的房屋登记行政案件数量迅速增加。《中华人民共和国物权法》以及建设部颁布的《房屋登记办法》的实施一定程度上为行政诉讼中对房屋登记行政案件的审查指明了方向,但由于这类案件法律关系固有的复杂性,现有的法律法规显得过于原则,操作性不够,远不能解决审判实际中遇到的问题。加之理论建构之缺失、法律解释与自由裁量技能之不足,导致各地各级法院在司法实践中对于房屋登记行政案件的审查路径、审查标准和裁判结果上均存在着较大的差异,房屋登记行政案件的司法审查已经成为了近年来行政审判的一个热点和难点。本文从行政诉讼实践需要出发,以《中华人民共和国物权法》的立法精神为导向,采用比较分析及理论联系实际的研究方法,从以下几个方面论述房屋登记的司法审查:(一)房屋登记登记是国家设立的担负公共职能的机关参与私法的一种特殊的行政行为,从实务角度而言可将其与其他不动产登记行为一起单独作为一类可诉的具体行政行为。(二)在司法审查标准上,应在行政诉讼中坚持合法性审查原则的基础上,把握好以房屋登记机关的审查权限为界的审查标准,对房屋登记行政行为进行有限度的司法审查。(三)在审查路径的选择上,审判机关应跳出行政与民事交叉的案件处理必须适用先决问题的思维定式,为当事人提供适当的救济指导,在现行的法律框架下充分发挥民事与行政诉讼两套诉讼程序各自的功能,通过民事诉讼的途径解决本案中的房屋所有权属的纠纷,通过行政诉讼行对行政机关的具体行政行为进行合法性审查。(四)在选择判决方式时,法官不仅要考虑到《行政诉讼法》及司法解释对不同判决方式使用条件的规定,还要考虑到房屋登记的效力、房屋登记行政诉讼的司法审查的标准、以及可能对实际权利人产生的影响等因素,根据判决所产生的法律后果慎重选择判决方式。最后本文提出,在充分发挥行政诉讼对于监督房屋登记机关,维护房屋交易安全、整顿房地产秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的作用的的同时,应努力构建兼顾登记安全与登记效率的科学房屋产权登记制度。

【Abstract】 Housing registration plays a basic role in safeguarding security and real property order. By housing registrating, the housing Property Rights that was defined abstractively can be in practice in a concrete way, which makes the rights determined,prevents the occurrence of disputes and also protects the security of the transaction,ensure management of the government for real estate. Along with China’s socio-economic development, the real estate market has become increasingly active, the cases raised by housing registration is also increasing rapidly. The PRC Property Rights Law and The Regulation on Housing Registration provide a way for judging those cases in administrative litigation,but there are still many problems making the reviewing of housing registration difficultly, which leads to the courts dealing with cases in different ways in judicial practice.In this paper, the author will analysis the the reviewing of housing registrating in the need of administrative litigation practice and based on the legislative spirit of PRC Property Rights Law.what will the thesis discussed can be listed as follows:Chapter One:we can regard housing registrating act as a specific administrative act, because this independent classification of housing registration acts can protect the security of transactions and realize the relief of litigant’s legitimate rights and interests.Chapter two:In order to choose the appropriate path of the reviewing, the judicial organs should provide appropriate guidance to the parties, make full use of functions of both civil and administrative litigation proceedings under the Chinese legislative system, only in this way,that the civil litigation deals with the civil disputes while the administrative litigation deals with disputes caused by administration.Chapter three:We should take the mandate of registration of housing registration office as a boundary for the standard of reviewing of housing registration acts in administrative litigation and carry on limited judicial reviewing to housing registration acts.Chapter four:We should choose correct way of judgment according to the standard of reviewing of housing registration acts in order to realize the justice.Finally, besides making full use of litigation proceedings, we should establish a scientific management system of housing registration.


