

Theory of the People’s Sovereignty Principle Limits Constitutional Amendment

【作者】 李响

【导师】 朱应平;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近代宪政史表明,宪法的无限制修改极有可能导致对自由民主宪政秩序的破坏,为了防止宪法的无限制修改,宪法修改界限论逐渐被理论界提出并接受。在宪法修改的诸多限制性因素中,人民主权原则占有重要的地位,这主要是由人民主权原则在宪法产生中具有基础性的作用决定的,利用好人民主权原则能对修宪产生较好的限制作用。人民主权原则对修宪的限制以维护宪法价值为核心,修宪中人民主权原则限制的实益在于肯定制宪传统价值、稳定宪法秩序与具有规范性的修宪。实定宪法明文化之下,大多数国家的宪法中,都明确提出宪法的人民主权原则。我国宪法第2条第1款也规定:“中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民”,这宣誓了主权在民原则,即人民主权原则。人民主权原则对宪法修改的限制主要通过两个方面来表现:一方面是内容上明确规定人民主权原则不得修改,譬如日本、德国的宪法规定。这些明确规定的人民主权原则能够对修宪起到直接的限制作用,任何违背人民主权原则的宪法修正提案都应属无效,一般通过违宪审查机构的审查即可。当然,有时宪法条文中并没有明确规定人民主权原则,或者即使规定却没有指出人民主权原则对修宪构成直接的限制,这时我们应该对人民主权原则进行扩大性解释,即只要某一宪法修正草案旨在破坏人民主权原则行使的基础、危害人民主权原则实现的条件、结果,动摇人民主权原则的地位或者产生对人民主权原则造成实质性损害的结果,就应该被认定为违背宪法中人民主权原则,违宪审查机关就应该根据人民主权原则进行限制。另一方面即将人民主权原则的精神反映在修宪条款上,通过程序的制约使得宪法修改不违背宪法的基本原则。综合各国修宪条文的依据,可以看出通过对修改宪法程序上的限制来达到对人民主权原则的保护已经成为一般做法。具体到我国来讲,要发挥人民主权原则对宪法修改的限制作用,就必须在我国修宪程序中引入有效的违宪审查制度和全民公决制度。即修宪草案在全国人民代表大会表决通过时,如果违宪审查机关不提出异议,则自然生效;如果违宪审查机关提出异议,则应当将这一问题交给制宪主体——即全体国民来裁决。当然违宪审查机关应该具有高超的法律技术和政治素质,在审查中应该坚持合宪性推断原则和最小干预原则,为有如此,才能真正发挥人民主权原则在修宪中的制约作用。

【Abstract】 Modern constitutional history shows that the constitution is likely to cause unlimited modification of freedom, democracy and constitutionalism, in order to prevent the constitutional revision, limited constitutional amendment are put forward and the theory of gradually. In many restrictive factors of constitutional amendment, the people’s sovereignty which occupies an important position is mainly produced in the constitution of the fundamental role,it has decided to good use of constitutional principles of people’s sovereignty to produce better limit function.People’s sovereignty to the constitutional restrictions to uphold the constitution value as the core, the constitution of the people’s sovereignty limit key lies in the traditional value, the stability of certain rewriting the constitution and constitutional order standard behavior. Most of the country’s constitution, are clearly put the constitution of the people’s sovereignty basic principles. China’s constitution article 2, paragraph 1 also stipulates:"all of the People’s Republic of China belongs to the people," this power was sworn in principle, namely the sovereign’s sovereignty.People’s sovereignty of constitutional change mainly through two aspects to limit:On the one hand, the content is clear people shall not amend the sovereignty, such as Japan, Germany’s constitution. These principles specified in the people’s sovereignty to the constitutional limit function has direct, any violation of the constitution of people’s sovereignty is void should be revised proposal, usually by examining the agencies unconstitutional ACTS. Of course, sometimes the constitution did not make clear a regulation in the people’s sovereignty, or even that people’s sovereignty is not a direct to the constitution principle, then we should limit on people’s sovereignty to expand, namely explain as a constitution draft amendments to undermine the basic principle of people’s sovereignty, endanger people’s exercise of sovereignty, shake the conditions, the people’s sovereignty to the position or cause substantial damage people’s sovereignty, the results should be recognized as against the people’s sovereignty in the constitution, principle of judicial review organ should according to the principle of people’s sovereignty. On the other hand the people’s sovereignty is reflected in the spirit of constitution, through the process of terms that does not violate the constitution of modified restricts the basic principles of the constitution. Comprehensive national constitutional provision, can see through to amend the constitution procedures to achieve the limit of national people’s sovereignty protection has become common practice.Specific to China’s sovereignty, will play the principle of constitutional amendment limits must be in our country, the introduction of effective constitutional program unconstitutional censorship and a referendum system. In the draft constitution that the National People’s Congress voted unconstitutional reviewing authority, if no objection, natural force, If unconstitutional reviewing authority, the problem shall be subject to the national assembly, namely to award. Of course unconstitutional reviewing authority should have high political quality of legal technology and should insist on examination, the principle of minimal intervention and inferred unposted, for such a principle, can play in the constitution of the people’s sovereignty.


