

Comments on the Extraterritorial Effects Provisions of Anti-Monopoly Legal System

【作者】 郭迎利

【导师】 徐士英;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 可口可乐公司收购汇源果汁案引起广泛争论,这是我国《反垄断法》自2008年8月实施以来第一个被禁止的涉及域外效力的案件。随着经济全球化,国际贸易活动的繁荣,国际市场竞争日益激烈,原来只局限于国内市场的反垄断法开始向国际市场延伸,反垄断法域效力成为一个必须要面对问题。我国《反垄断法》顺应了国际反垄断法的潮流,规定了反垄断法的域外效力,这无疑是一个正确的选择。但是,对于我国而言,无论是反垄断法域外效力的理论,还是域外效力实践,都相对滞后。因此,有必要对这个问题进行深入研究,为完善我国反垄断法域外效力的规定提出一些建议。本文对于反垄断法域外效力的研究可以分为三章,加上导言和结束语,共五部分内容,本文综合运用了法理分析、案例分析、比较分析等方法进行研究主要内容如下:第一部分为导言。以可口可乐公司收购汇源果汁案为例子,说明研究反垄断法的域外效力具有重要的现实意义。第二部分是对反垄断法域外效力的概述。首先,从法理上介绍了法的域外效力及相关理论;其次,详细分析了反垄断法域外效力的含义、产生及现状:最后,通过对比的方法对国际上反垄断法域外效力适用的几个主要原则进行介绍和分析。第三部分是反垄断法域外效力冲突的冲突及协调。实事求是地分析了冲突产生的原因,之后归纳了冲突的几种表现形式,最后是解决冲突所进行的协调与合作。第四部分主要是对我国《反垄断法》域外效力规定的分析及建议。首先是把我国现行法律中有关域外效力的规定进行了概括,随后对《反垄断法》第2条的内涵进行了剖析,最后提出了完善我国反垄断法域外效力规定的建议。第五部分为结束语。主要总结笔者对于反垄断法域外效力的总体看法。

【Abstract】 The Coca-Cola Co. to merger Huiyuan Juice has aroused widespread controversy, this was a first prohibited case involving extraterritorial effect since Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China has been implemented in August 2008. With the economic globalization, prosperity of international trade, an increasingly competitive international market, anti-monopoly law which was originally confined to the domestic market is extending to the international market, it is unavoidable problem in the extraterritorial effect of anti-monopoly. It is undoubtedly a correct choice that Anti-Monopoly Law of the people’s Republic of China provides for the extraterritorial effects of the anti-monopoly law, and conforms to the trend of the worldwide anti-monopoly law. However, it’s relatively lagging behind in the theory and practice of the extraterritorial effects of the anti-monopoly law in China. There is necessary to conduct an in-depth study on the issue. To improve the extraterritorial effects of China’s provisions of the anti-monopoly law, the author try to make some suggestions.In this paper, there are totally five parts. Study on the extraterritorial effects of the anti-monopoly law can be divided into three parts, plus introduction and conclusion. The legal analysis, case studies, comparative analysis and so on were used in this paper. Are as follows:Introduction The first part was. Set the Coca-Cola Co. to merger Huiyuan Juice for example, explaining there is important realistic significance to research on the extraterritorial effects of the anti-monopoly law.The second part is an overview of the extraterritorial effects of the anti-monopoly law. First of all, author presented extraterritorial effects of the law and related theories. Secondly, there is a detailed analysis of the meaning of the extraterritorial effects of the anti-monopoly law. Finally, the author introduces the main principles of the extraterritorial effects of the anti-monopoly law, by the methods of comparison.The third part is the conflict and co-ordination of the extraterritorial effects of the anti-monopoly law conflict. The author carefully analyzes the reasons for conflict, and summarizes the several manifestations of the conflict. Finally, every country makes coordination and cooperation each other to resolve conflicts.Part IV are mainly the analysis and recommendations on the extraterritorial effects of Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China. Author Summed up China’s existing laws concerning the provisions of the extraterritorial effects, followed by the analysis of the Article 2 of Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China. Finally, the authors suggest how to improve the extraterritorial effects of China’s anti-monopoly law.Part V is the conclusion. The author summed up the overall view on the law extraterritorial effect of anti-monopoly.


