

The Discussion of Controlling of the Credit Risk of Our Commercial Banks

【作者】 邬晓东

【导师】 吴弘;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 经济法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,经济全球化进程不断加快,我国银行业的开放程度也在进一步加强。商业银行已经成为一国经济的核心单元,商业银行的文件经营及健康发展是一国经济运行的基础条件和根本保障。然而,伴随着经济体制改革的不断深化以及外资金融机构的抢滩扩张,各种体制矛盾不断加剧,在外资商业银行的竞争中,我国国有商业银行的信贷风险管理面临越来越大的压力。特别是在近期发生的次贷危机爆发的背景下,我国应该及时吸取国外银行的经验和教训,提高自身抵抗风险的能力。本文按以下思路进行论述:第一章是在次贷危机背景下商业银行信贷风险的再认识,首先是对这次次贷危机的爆发进行了分析,解析了次贷危机爆发的原因以及源头所在,并对我国商业银行在这次次贷危机中的损失进行了简单的介绍;其次对银行的信贷风险进行了详细的理论分析,对风险的种类进行了简单的介绍,从而使我们对银行商业银行的风险有一个全新的认识。第二章是对我国商业银行信贷风险防控机制的法律分析,首先是从四个角度对我国商业银行的外部环境进行了分析;其次是对我国商业银行内控制度的法律做了分析,包括内控制度法律的发展和不足;第三节全方位分析了商业银行内部治理存在的问题以及监管法律体系的不完善;最后从商业银行的外部监管来阐述监管存在的问题。第三章是对国外商业银行防范信贷风险的法制的介绍及对我国的借鉴,分别从英美模式和德日模式的银行风范信贷风险的机制入手,并以德意志银行和花旗银行为例子,详细阐述了两种模式的不同点;其次分析了国际各大银行的授信模式;最后阐述了各国银行监管法律的发展趋势。第四章是本文最重要的一章,详细论述我国商业银行信贷风险防控法制体系的完善。首先是对我国商业银行公司治理的完善,其次是我国商业银行内控法律制度的完善,第三是我国商业银行授信监管法律体系的完善,最后论述了我国外部对银行监管的措施以及法律制度的完善。

【Abstract】 With the economic globalization developing more and more quickly,thedegree of ourcountry commecial banks opening to the outside world reinforces furthuer.Commercial banks become the core economic unit of a country’s economy,steady management and healthy development of the commercial banks become the basic condition and fundamental insurance to a country’s economic development.However,according to the continuous intensification of Chinese economic system and the expansion of foreign financial institutes, the management of credit risk of China’s state-owned commercial will under increasing pressure. Especially the outbreak of the sub-loan crisis inrecent,we should learn experiences and lessons from foreign banks in time to improve our capacity of resisting risks.This article does some research by following approach:The first chapter discusses the credit risk of commercial banks under the sub-loan crisis,firstly,the article analyse the outbreak of the crisis of the sub-loan as well as the source of where the reasons for, And have a brief introduction of he loss of China’s commercial banks in the sub-loan crisis;the secend, analysing the detailed theoretical of the credit risk of banks and a brief introduction of the types of risks, So that to have a new awareness of the risk of the bank.ChapterⅡdoes a legal analysing to how to prevent and control the credit risk of commercial banks in China, the first, carrying out an analysis the external environments of China’s commercial banks from four perspectives;the secone, carrying out an legal analysis of the internal control system in Commercial Bank, including the internal control system and the lack of the developments of the law;the third, carrying out an all-round analysis of the internal governance of commercial banks as well as the problems of inadequate supervision of the legal system; the last,discussing the problem from the external supervision of commercial banks.ChapterⅢdoes a introduction of the law of againsting credit risk in foreign commercial banks, discuss the style mechanism of controlling the credit risk of banks from England-American model and German-Japanese model respectively, and Deutsche Bank and Citibank as an example, describing the difference between the two modes; secondly, analysing of the international banks of the credit model; lastly, discussing the trends of legal regulation of banks.Chapter IV is the most important chapter in this article,discussing how to improve China’s legal system of preventing and controlling the credit risk of commercial banks. First of all, improving the corporate governance of China’s commercial banks, secondly, improving the legal system of internal control in China’s commercial banks, the third, improving the legal system of internal controlling in China’s commercial banks,fmally,discussing the regulation of banks and the improveing of the legal system.

  • 【分类号】D922.282;F832.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】217
  • 攻读期成果

