

A Study on Application of Autonomy of Will in International Employment Contract

【作者】 郭琼颖

【导师】 单海玲;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 国际法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 意思自治原则的研究虽然是个老话题,但时代在变,思想理论在变,该原则也在不断的发展变化中。近年来,随着经济全球化和国际民商事交流的愈加频繁,意思自治原则呈现出在合同各个领域多向发展的有趣趋势:在一般国际合同领域淡化对意思自治原则的限制,越来越多地尊重当事人的选择;在特殊国际合同领域则强调限制这一原则的适用,比如消费合同、劳动合同领域。劳动合同具有一定的特殊性,既有私法的属性又无法逃脱国家的干预,被深深打上民法和劳动法的双重烙印。劳动合同的法律适用是否纳入一般合同的法律适用范畴?意思自治原则作为首要还是补充原则?如何界定意思自治的适用范围和劳动法领域的强制性规范?如何看待劳动关系的平等性和隶属性,契约自由与倾斜保护劳动者利益?这些问题都存在着一定的争议性。本文共分五章,第一章为概述,从四方面对意思自治原则进行了法理分析,包括意识自治原则的国际私法功能和价值、法律渊源、权利边界、意思自治原则的适用范围和法律地位。第二章对国际劳动合同的特殊性加以阐述,分析意思自治原则在国际劳动领域的理论基础、适用现状及适用特点。第三章阐述意思自治原则在国际劳动立法中应用。第四章详细分析了我国在涉外劳动合同法律适用领域的立法现状,并通过各地法院仲裁庭的案例对我国的司法实践中存在的问题进行探究。第五章为我国涉外劳动合同法律适用的立法建议,笔者通过分析比较现有学者的观点以及各国的立法,最后提出立法思路和立法建议。本文试图通过比较研究各国国内及国际上对国际劳动合同的立法,分析国内各地法院的司法案例,以得出自己的观点和立法建议。希望本文起到抛砖引玉的作用,吸引更多的学者进入该领域研究,为意思自治原则及国际劳动合同法律适用制度的发展作出贡献。

【Abstract】 Although study on principle of autonomy of will is an old topic, this principle has been developing and changing while time flows and theory changes. In recent years, with the economic globalization and more international civil and commercial communications, autonomy of will has demonstrated a very interesting multi-trend in contract area:on one hand, weaken the restrictions of autonomy of will in general contract area, which means show more respect to party’s choice; on the other hand, emphasis on the restrictions of autonomy of will in special contract area, like consumer contract and labor contract.Labor contract has certain specialty, that is, both have nature of private law and public law. Labor contract is marked with double brands of civil law and labor law. Whether the law application of labor contract should be included into general contract area? Whether autonomy of will should be considered as a first principle or a supplemental one? How to define the application scope of autonomy of will and mandatory rules in labor law area? All these questions have disputes.This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is a general introduction of autonomy of will. It analyzes the principle from four aspects:value and function, the legal source, boundary of rights, application scope and legal status. And In Chapter two we describes the characteristics of labor contract, studies the theory basis, application situation and features and developing trend in future. Chapter three demonstrates the application and exceptions of autonomy of will in foreign countries. Chapter four researches on the legal and practical problems in Chinese labor contract area. Chapter five give the writer’s suggestions and advises.The thesis is trying to have a contrastive study on the differences of intra-national and international labor contract applicable law, as well as to analyze practical cases in Chinese courts, in order to conclude a better choice of legal advises. Wish this thesis can attract more researchers into this area, and make progress to the development of applicable law of international labor contract.


