

The Exhaustion of Copyright for Architecture Works

【作者】 陈嘉

【导师】 王凌红;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑作品作为版权作品中较新的概念,由于其具有融实用性、艺术性于一体,且实用性占优的特点,不仅使得建筑作品较之一般版权作品具有更多的特殊性,也使得建筑物之上的物权与版权之间产生权利冲突的可能性大为增加,尽管近年来我国的版权立法水平有了很大的提高,但对于建筑作品版权保护,则仍显不足。本文从基本版权理论入手,针对广义的建筑作品(包括实体建筑物、建筑设计图纸和建筑模型)的特点,参考借鉴西方国家及国际公约相关立法、规定和司法实践,提出通过改进传统版权穷竭理论,建立针对性的建筑作品版权穷竭制度,廓清同时存在于建筑物之上的物权与版权权利分野,并对如何判定建筑作品版权侵权、如何规范建筑作品版权侵权的处理方式提出见解,希冀对完善我国建筑作品版权保护有所裨益。本文第一章作为概念铺垫,简要讨论了传统版权穷竭理论的产生背景、发展历史与基本学说,从经济学上之合理性、法理学上之正当性与民法学上之协调性这三个方面,来考量这一制度的创设目的与存在价值,最后总结出传统版权穷竭制度的两大特征:即“仅及于版权商品的穷竭”与“仅及于部分权利的穷竭”。本文第二章首先简要介绍了的建筑作品的概念与定义范围,作为版权作品范畴中较为特殊的一类作品,文章主要通过分析建筑作品在利用方式、受保护条件上与传统版权作品的区别,来揭示传统版权制度对其保护的局限。本文第三章主要是针对上述建筑作品的特殊之处,有针对性地分析海外各国对建筑作品版权保护问题的立法与司法实践,通过比较分析两大法系在处理这一问题上各自的特点与优势,来作为我国相关立法的借鉴;同时通过考量国际公约主要是《保护文学作品伯尔尼公约》关于建筑作品版权保护之规定,论证我国作为《伯尔尼公约》缔约国,在公约框架下制定符合自身国情的建筑作品版权穷竭制度的可能性。本文第四章首先分析我国建筑作品版权立法与实践现状,指出我国版权立法在建筑作品方面的不足与改良的必要性。着重论述了建立建筑作品版权穷竭制度需要解决的若干理论问题,最终得出建筑作品版权穷竭的作用与实质,同时指出引入该制度对我国建筑行业发展可能带来的的影响。本文第五章总结上文,对完善我国版权穷竭制度提出四点立法建议,包括:完善建筑作品发行权、销售权权利穷竭制度;建立建筑作品修改权的穷竭制度;引入法院对涉讼建筑物进行“艺术价值”判断,对修改行为进行“功用分析”的机制;规范对版权穷竭之外的建筑作品版权侵权的处理方式。

【Abstract】 Architectural works is a new concept of copyright works, because it has practical and artistic at the same time, and the dominant characteristics of practicality, not only makes the architectural works more specificity by other copyright works, but also makes the conflict between the rights of property and copyright on the same building more likely, although by recent years the level of our country’s copyright legislation has been greatly improved, the copyright protection for architectural works is still insufficient. In this Article, in the view of the broad architectural works (including the physical building, the architectural design drawings and building models),Discussing the basic theory of copyright and referencing from Western countries and the International Convention on the relevant legislation, regulations and judicial practice, to establish the "The Exhaustion of Copyright For Architecture Works "by improving the traditional theory of copyright exhaustion.clear the line between property rights and copyright on the same building, in order to prove the architectural works copyright protection.The first chapter of this Article discuss the background, development history and basic theory of the traditional theory of copyright exhaustion, consider the purpose and value of this system from three areas:the rationality of economics, jurisprudence,and the legitimacy of the co-ordination.Then finally summed up the two major features of the traditional copyright exhaustion:the " exhaustion of copyright goods only " and " exhaustion of some rights only".ChapterⅡintroduces the concept of the architectural works, as a specific areas of copyright works, the article works primarily through the analysis of architectural methods in the use of protected terms and conditions of copyright works with the traditional distinction between the traditional copyright regime to reveal the limitations of its protection.ChapterⅢmainly analysis the protection of architectural works copyright legislation of other countries, also the International Conventions.Analysis the Two Legal issues comparative,dealing with their own characteristics and advantages. ChapterⅣfirst point out the lack of Chinese architectural copyright protection and the need for improvement. Focuses on the establishment of the "Exhaustion of Copyright For Architecture Works ",then point out the influence to Chinese architectural industry.ChapterⅤ, the Legislative proposals, including:improve architectural works copyright exhaustion of the distribution right, establish architectural works copyright exhaustion of the right to amend,the introduction of the "artistic value" judgment by court, the treatment of copyright infringement.

  • 【分类号】D923.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】83

