

The Silver-gold-bearing Ore Beneficiation Technology Research

【作者】 宋丽丽

【导师】 张文军;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文研究的矿石来自池州梅山金矿,通过多元素分析,得出该矿石中含有可利用价值的元素金和银。通过物象分析,矿石中含有大量的石英、方解石及一些影响金、银选别的粘土、黄铁矿和赤铁矿等矿物。根据矿石的性质确定了采用浮选法和氰化法,对矿石在各种条件下分别进行了试验研究。浮选进行了药剂种类的影响、磨矿细度影响、捕收剂用量影响、精选条件等的试验。氰化浸出吸附试验,对磨矿细度、浸出时间、浸出浓度、氰化钠用量、石灰用量等做了研究。经过两种方案试验数据的经济效益的对比,最后确定氰化法适合该矿石的选别。由于矿石中含铁量在39%左右,进行了初步选铁试验。

【Abstract】 The present paper research ore comes from the Chizhou Meishan gold ore,through multi-ultimate analysis, obtains in this ore to include may use the value element gold and silver. Through physical image analysis, In the ore includes massive minerals、calcite and some influence gold, silver classification clay, yellow iron ore and hematite and so on quartz.Had determined according to the ore nature uses the mineral separation process and the cyanidation, has conducted the experimental study separately to the ore under each kind of condition. The flotation process has carried on the medicament type influence、rubbing degree of fineness influence、collector amount used influence、selection condition and so on experiment. Cyaniding leaching adsorption experiment,to rubbing degree of fineness、leaching time、leaching density、cyanide sodium amount used、the lime amount used and so on has done the research. After two kind of plan tentative data economic efficiency contrast, finally determined the cyanidation suits this ore the classification.Because in the ore the iron content about 39%, carried on has chosen the iron experimental study initially.


