

On the Theory of Mao Zedong’s New Communist Person

【作者】 赫英红

【导师】 刘景钊;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 共产主义新人学说是毛泽东关于人的解放和发展理论的有机组成部分,大致经历了三个相对独立的演进阶段。萌芽时期以圣贤、豪杰理想人格的强烈追求为主要特征;形成时期以对生活在社会最底层普通人民群众的密切关注为基本特点,同时以认识到只有人民群众才是拯救中华,实现民族复兴的决定力量为重要表现;成熟时期则以“又红又专”、“德育、智育、体育”全面发展的新人的培养为典型表现。毛泽东共产主义新人学说是基于马克思主义的立场对中国传统文化的萃取和对时代内容的融合。中国优秀的传统文化特别是“经世致用”的湖湘文化为共产主义新人学说的形成提供了基本的思想资源,近代西方进步思想为其建构了时代性内容,空想社会主义观点则为其提供了历史教训,而马克思人的发展理论为其规约了共产主义新人学说的价值取向。在长期的革命和建设实践与不断的理论思考和构建过程中,毛泽东对共产主义新人学说的基本内容、“新人”的培养原则、实现路径等做了大量论述,形成了以高尚的人格为起点,以全心全意为人民服务为核心内容,以人的自由全面发展作为出发点和归宿的理论体系;把理论与实践相结合视为培养共产主义新人的重要基本原则;认为“教育与生产劳动相结合”是实现共产主义新人的根本途径,而坚持密切联系群众,塑造光辉典范是培养共产主义新人的有效路径。在全面落实科学发展观,建设和谐社会的时代实践中,毛泽东共产主义新人学说对增强建设中国特色社会主义的主体性,对新时期人生价值实现的范导,对中国特色社会主义教育事业的发展具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 The forming of The Theory of Mao Zedong’s New Communist Person has viewed three stages. In the embryonic stage, Mao Zedong tried to pursuit the ideal personality of saints and hero; then he began to concerned about the grass-roots of society, which can be seen as the basic feature of the forming stage——he awared that only the masses of people can save China and revive the Chinese nation. In the maturity stage, Chairman Mao paid attention to the cultivating of new communist generation who are“both red and expert”, and“moral, intellectual, physical”all-round development.It is no doubt that The Theory of Mao Zedong’s New Communist Person was the extraction of traditional Chinese culture and the integration of new time contents from Marxism position. The Excellent traditional Chinese culture, especially the Huxiang culture provides basic resources of thoughts for the formation of The Theory New Communist Person, and modern Western progressive thoughts added new time contents to it. As history lessons were learned form utopian socialism, the human development theory of Marxism restricted the value orientation of The Theory of New Communists Person.In the long-term practice of revolution and construction, and in the process of theory thinking, Mao Zedong did lots of dissertation about The Theory of New Communist Person main contents and the cultivating way of new communists. Eventually he created a theoretical system which set the formation of noble personalities as a starting point, serving the people wholeheartedly as the core content, promoting the free and comprehensive development of people as the end point. From the viewpoints of Mao Zedong,“relating theory to concrete practice”is an important principle for cultivating new communist person;“relating education to production work”is the fundamental approach to realize new communist person; keeping close ties with the masses and creating shining examples are the effective path to shape new communist person. In the process of implementing the Scientific Development Concept and in the practice of building a harmonious society , The Theory of Mao Zedong’s New Communist Person has great significance for the enhance of the subjectivity of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the guide of realizing life value in new period, and the development of Chinese socialism education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

