

A Study on the Financial Guarantee Problems of Rural Compulsory Education in China after the Reform of Taxes

【作者】 陈英虎

【导师】 李熠煜;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是个农业大国,农村中小学生占全国中小学生的比例达75%。农村义务教育开展的好坏,直接关系到“三农问题”的有效解决、和谐社会和社会主义新农村建设的成败,乃至于影响整个中华民族未来的前途命运。但一直以来,我国农村义务教育发展面临着经费保障的困难,尤其是在税费改革后,作为农村义务教育重要收入来源的农村教育附加费的取消和普遍存在的县乡财政困难,使得农村义务教育财政面临诸多现实困境。特别是在一些国家贫困县、省贫困县,由于县(市)级财力的匮乏、可调财政余地的缩小,致使农村义务教育的发展受到很大的制约。对此,党和国家对此高度重视。2005年12月23日国务院总理温家宝主持召开的国务院常务会议,专门研究加强农村义务教育和深化农村义务教育经费保障机制改革问题。本文通过分析和梳理我国建国以来农村义务教育的财政保障机制的历史演进,从而把握我国农村义务教育财政保障机制的产生、发展和演变的历史脉络,并针对我国税费改革后的农村义务教育财政保障改革的现状、主要问题及其原因进行客观、深入地研究和评价;最后,主要从财政学、制度经济学相结合的角度对税费改革后如何完善农村义务教育财政保障的问题系统性地提出了相应的对策建议。

【Abstract】 China is a large agricultural country, the country’s total primary and secondary school students in rural primary and secondary school is in the proportion of 75%. The quality of compulsory education in rural areas is directly related to the effective solution of "three kinds of rural issues", the results of construction a Chinese harmonious society and a new socialist countryside. Moreover, it will has an impact to the Chinese national destiny in the future. But until now, China has faced with the funding ensure difficulties on developing the compulsory education in rural areas. Education surcharge, as an important source of income for the rural compulsory education which has been eliminated after tax reform, are putting widespread financial difficulties to counties and making many practical difficulties to compulsory education in rural areas. Especially in some national poverty-stricken counties and some provincial poverty-stricken counties, the lack of financial resources have resulted in the reduction of the room for fiscal adjustment and great restrict on the development of the rural compulsory education. In response, the party and the government attaches great importance to those problems. On December 23, 2005 , Chinese Premier Wen Jia-bao chaired a State Council executive meeting to study the strengthening of rural compulsory education and deepening the mechanism to ensure funding for rural compulsory education reform.In this paper, in order to grasp the historical skeleton of financial guarantee mechanism’ beginning, developing and evolution of the rural compulsory education in China, the writer analyzed the historical evolution of financial guarantee mechanism of the rural compulsory education in China since the founding of country. Then the author focused on an objective and thorough research and evaluation on the status quo, the main problems of the financial guarantee mechanism reform of rural compulsory education after China’ reform of taxes. Finally, some corresponding advices and countermeasures were given on how to improve the financial guarantee mechanism of rural compulsory education after China’ reform of taxes mainly from the perspective of Finance, Institutional economics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】G522.3
  • 【下载频次】194

