

On the Employment Relationship Based on the Social Exchange Theory in All Perspective

【作者】 袁冬梅

【导师】 彭原;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 人力资本决定成败的时代已经来到,组织愈加重视人力资源管理。在全球金融危机及新劳动法实施的国际国内的大背景下,作为人力资源管理重要内容的员工关系管理显得格外引人注目。组织与员工究竟应该定位于一种怎样的关系以及二者之间的关系怎样维持着成为一个颇具理论与现实意义的值得探讨的课题。社会交换理论认为,组织与员工之间的关系归根结底是一种社会交换关系。以往对员工与组织之间关系的研究,均是单一视角进行探讨。如从员工角度展开研究的心理契约理论关注的是员工对于双方责任及其履行的认知,以及这些认知对员工态度及绩效的影响,而没有考虑组织的看法;组织视角的投入—贡献理论则是强调组织给予员工的投入及对员工绩效的要求和期望,以及这些投入和要求对员工绩效和态度的影响,而没有考虑员工对于组织投入的感受的影响。因此,从组织和员工双方系统、动态的对员工关系进行全面的分析探讨才能保证研究结论的不偏不倚。陈维政等人的双向视角的研究员工组织关系研究对此进行了尝试,为以后的研究提供了重要的借鉴。本研究首先对双方交换的内容进行详尽、深入的分析,根据组织与员工交换内容,将员工关系分为16种类型包括理想型、交易型、创业型和糟糕型四种平衡型员工关系和抱怨型,慈善型,愚蠢型,知足型,低效型1,低效型2,信仰型,脆弱型,低效型3,黄牛型,危险型,包袱型12种非均衡的员工关系。研究还创造性的将组织员工交换过程分为两个阶段,即组织提供投入及各因素影响员工贡献阶段和员工提供贡献及各因素影响组织投入阶段,深入研究了组织支持感、领导—成员关系、组织文化、绩效评价因素在两个阶段中影响。通过对组织—员工交换过程动态、系统的分析,较为全面的揭示了员工关系的作用机理。另外,针对员工关系的类型,研究还提出了分类的员工管理对策和建议。同时,针对全视角员工关系中影响因素,提出了相应的建立理想员工关系的人力资源对策,包括坚持对员工的全面激励,加强沟通、提高员工的组织支持感,完善组织的绩效评价机制,引导员工建立健康的领导—成员关系,建立支持性的企业文化。

【Abstract】 Human Resource Management was brought to the forefront by the organizations with the coming of human capital times. Under the backdrop of financial storm and the execution of The New Labor Law, the Employment Relationship becomes more arrestive as the important context of human resource. What kind of relationship between the organization and the employee, and how it is going have become academic and practical problems.The Social Exchange Theory holds that relationship between the organization and the employee is exchange in the final analysis. Most of the researches on the Employment Relationship before are unilateralism. For example, the Psychological Contract Theory from the employee perspective pays attention to the perceive of the responsibilities of the employee and organization that influence the employee’s performance and attitude, didn’t consider the perceive of the organization; the Input-Contribution Model focus on the organization’s input and the expectation to the employee that influence the employee’s performance and attitude, didn’t consider the perceive of the employee. So, only by systemically and dynamically analysising the employment relationship from the dual perspectives can ensure the conclusion of the research unbiased. The empirical study on I-P/C model of employee organization relationship from dual perspectives written by Chen Weizheng has make a try to that.The research analysis the context in the exchange thoroughly first. According to the exchange context, the employment relationship was divided into 16 kinds: perfect, bargaining, entrepreneur, awful which are balance employment relationships and complaining, charitable, foolish, content, ineffctive1, ineffective2, belief, tender, ineffective3, scalper, dangerous, encumbrance which are unbalance employment relationships. The research separated exchange process into two stage creatively, that are the organization providing its input to the employee and the factors affecting the employee’contribution, and the employee offering its contribution and the factors affecting the organization’s input, working over the affection of the POS, leader-member relationship, organization culture, performance appraisal in 2 stages. According to the systemically and dynamical analysis, reveal the EOR’s operation mechanism.Moreover, the research also proposed the countermeasures and suggestions with the EOR types. At the same time, in accordance with the influencing factor proposed some countermeasures to establish a perfect EOR, including insisting the comprehensive promoting, strengthening the communication to enhance employee’s POS, consummating the organizations’performance appraisal, guiding the staff to establish health leader-member relationship, establishing the supporting enterprise culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

