

On the Construction of Food Safety Legal System in China

【作者】 包昌红

【导师】 刘丽;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 不论是发达国家还是发展中国家,不论是食品安全监管制度完善与否,食品安全法律体系的健全和完善在世界各国被都当作一件战略性任务、基础性工作给予高度重视。食品安全成为世界性的话题,成为各国共同关注的焦点。历史经验表明,食品安全问题发展到今天,已成为人类赖以生存和健康发展的整个食物链的管理与保护问题。因此,如何遵循自然界和人类社会发展的客观规律,把食品的生产、经营、消费建立在一个以法制手段为屏障的安全、健康的人类食物链上,具有重要的现实意义。文章在如实阐述近期我国发生的三鹿问题奶粉事件的基础上,客观分析我国现阶段的食品安全形势及食品安全监管现状,深入剖析了我国现行食品安全法律体系在消费者权益保障、重叠监管形成的监管真空、不同安全等级食品分类监管、违法相对人成本低廉等方面存在的弊端,进而对美国、德国、加拿大、日本等食品安全立法比较健全的国家的立法状况进行比较,客观论证了我国现行食品安全监管法律法规还很不完善,没有一揽子从初级生产到食品加工,再到食品市场流通,最后到百姓餐桌这样一个食品链条的完整安全法律体系。最后,在以上论证的基础上,描绘了构建我国食品安全法律体系的蓝图,提出制定《食品安全法》、建立完善的食品安全标准、建立食品安全市场准入和召回制度、全面推行HACCP体系、严格食品安全法律责任等一系列法律建议,从而实现我国食品安全法律体系同国际接轨,缩短和联合国粮农组织、世界卫生组织等国际标准的差距,使我国食品安全法律体系真正发挥保障人民群众饮食生活安全的作用。

【Abstract】 On the Construction of Food Safety Legal System in China-talking from "SanLu Incident"Developed or developing countries,the supervisory system perfect or not,every country pays great attention to improve the food safety supervisory system and treat it as a strategic task and groundwork.The food safety becomes a worldwide topic and a common focus.Historical experience indicates that the food safety problem has become a management and protection problem in the food chain which our human being relies for survival and development.Therefore,it has important practical significance to follow the objective laws of nature and human social development and build food’s production, operation and consumption on the safe and healthy food chain which treats legal means as a protective screen.This article is basis on the recounting recent incident of Sanlu baby milk powder,and bring an objective analysis.on the our country’s situation of food safety and status quo of food safety supervision at the present stage<app:at%20the%20present%20stage>,and deeply dissect the drawbacks of our current food safety legal system,such as the question of protection of customer’s right,vacuum of supervision owing to overlapped supervision, classified<app:classified>supervision according to different security level food and low cost illegal<app:illegal>of relative person.And then it makes a comparison with legislative situation among the fairly sound food safety country,such as USA,Germany, Canada,and Japan.And it objective proves a point that our current Laws and regulations of food safety are still not perfect.There is not a integrate safety legal system like the food chain which is blanket from primary production to food handing,and to food market circulation,and final to common people’s table.In the end,it designs the blueprint of our country’s food safety legal system,put forward some legal proposals,such as enact food safety law,and establish improved food safety standards and food safety market-access and recall system,and carry out HACCP system comprehensively,and make stringent the legal responsibility of food safety.Thus it could strive to reach the objective of integrating our food safety legal system with the world,and shorten the gap with the international standard of FAO<app:FAO>and WHO,and let our food safety legal system play a role in protection the safety of people’s food and drink really<app:really>.

【关键词】 食品安全监管法律体系
【Key words】 Food SafetySupervisionLegal System
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】F203
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】252

