

The Two Cultures: From Division to Meger

【作者】 张友平

【导师】 张建民;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在英国思想家查尔斯·斯诺明确提出两种文化及其分裂的命题之前,关于不同文化立场引起了的文化争论和思想论战就早已出现,如英国的赫胥黎与马修·阿诺德的辩论、1923年在中国发生的“科玄之战”等。两种文化分裂是一定历史阶段的产物,是随着自然科学的迅猛发展而出现的。两种文化分裂的现状是复杂的,形成的原因是多样的,带来的后果是严重的。在两种文化分裂成为一种事实的背景下,探讨两种文化及其发展趋就显得十分必要。两种文化究竟是会越走越远,还是逐步走向融合?从两种文化分裂带来的严重后果来看,两种文化的融合是非常之必要;从两种文化的内在关系、两种文化的人文价值、现代科技发展的人文化趋势、现代科技的发展需要伦理约束、人文关怀以及人类对两种文化的反思来看,两种文化的融合具有现实可能性,也是历史发展的必然趋势。从学科整合、加强科技工作者与人文学者的沟通与对话、推动教育的文理交融、在实践中坚持科学发展观等方面分析,实现两种文化融合的途径也是多种多样的。两种文化的融合是社会发展的必然要求,是人类解放的必然结果,是人类社会从必然王国走向自由王国的文化基础,也是人类努力的方向。因而深入探讨科学文化与人文文化的内在统一关系及其融合的途径,无论在理论上,还是在实践上都具有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Before British ideologist Charles Snow clearly stated the proposition of two cultures and their divide,the war raised by different culture standpoints had lasted for quite some time. For example,the debate between Thomas Huxley and Mathew Arnold in Britain,The War Between Metaphysics and Science in 1923 in China,etc.The divide of the two cultures is a product of its age,along with the rapid development of natural science. Born with various reasons,it has aroused complecated situations and severe results. Facing the grim fact of this divide,we find it necessary to explore the two cultures and their development. Will they drift apart,or go gradually to a merge?Considering the severe situation,the merge of the two cultures seems to be extremely necessary, and also practically possible,as we can observe from the following aspects:the inner connection of the two cultures and their humanistic value;the humanistic tendency of modern science development and thereby demand of moral restriction ; the humanistic consideration and reflection of two cultures,and the advocation of all-round education. This merge also has various approaches to realize,as we consider aspects like integrating subjects,strengthening communication between scientific and humanistic fields,promoting amalgamation of literature and science,persisting the Scientific Outlook on Development in practice,etc。The merge of two cultures is the demand of social development and necessary result of humane liberation; it also lays the cultural foundation for human beings to advance from realm of necessity to realm of freedom, and points out the right way for human effort. In sum, to launch a intensive research into the approach of finding the consistency in the two cultures would be extremely meaningful both theoretically and practically.

【关键词】 科学文化人文文化分裂融合途径
【Key words】 humanistic culturescientific culturedivisionmergerapproach
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

