

Logistics Policy Research of Chang-Zhu-Tan City Group under the Object of Resource-efficient and Environment-friendly Type Society

【作者】 胡蓉

【导师】 黄福华; 刘望;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,我国经济快速发展主要依靠粗放式的外延扩张,以“高投入、高消费、高排放、低效益”为特征,以牺牲生态环境为代价,实现了经济快速增长,也造成了资源和能源的日趋短缺。党的十七大报告再次强调要加强能源资源节约和生态环境保护,并指出,必须把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会放在工业化、现代化发展战略的突出位置。经国务院同意,国家发展改革委员会于2007年12月14日批准长株潭城市群为全国资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设综合配套改革试验区。配合这一进程,对两型社会目标下长株潭城市群物流政策的研究也势在必行。因为被批准为综合配套改革试验区,所以长株潭城市群的物流政策研究有了更大的可尝试空间,少了很多的规章体制的束缚。本着“勇于创新、敢为人先”的原则,本文就两型社会目标下长株潭城市群物流政策体系进行深入的探讨和研究,希望能够为政府部门就如何为物流产业更快更健康的发展,既注重经济效益又对环境不造成损害的支持保障政策提供一些有参考价值的建议,并能够由物流产业的发展带动其他产业的良性发展。目前国内对构建两型社会物流体系的政策研究极为匮乏,有少部分学者从和谐社会物流政策、绿色物流政策等方面稍有研究,如加快环境立法建设、市场管理与行业规范化政策、建立城市物流管理协调机制、“绿色补贴”政策等,但还不够全面和具体。本文在对长株潭城市群现代物流发展的基本现状分析和国内外物流政策分析的研究基础上,结合实际情况构建了长株潭城市群物流立体网络模型。此立体网络模型由横向结构和纵向结构构成:横向结构包括面状结构(物流基础设施平台、区域信息系统平台、区域一体化物流政策环境平台、辅助支持体系),线状结构(物流和交通道路结构)、点状结构(长株潭城市群的物流企业发展);纵向结构包括政府-物流企业-产业纵深结构的建设和发展、区域价值链建设、资源节约型、环境优化型物流建设以及人才网络的建设。结合符合两型社会建设要求的共同物流和绿色物流战略,本文最后针对模型中的横向结构和纵向结构的各个构成部分系统性地提出了两型社会目标下长株潭城市群物流政策建议。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of China’s economy has mainly depended on the extensive expansion of "high input, high consumption and high emissions and low-effectiveness" for a long time, and to achieve rapid economic growth at the cost of destroying the ecological environment, has also resulted in the increasing shortage of resources and energy. The party’s 17th report stressed the needs to strengthen the resources conservation and environmental protection again, and pointed out the prominent position of building a resource-efficient and environment-friendly society of the industrialization and modernization development strategies. Approved by the State Council, National Development and Reform Commission authorized the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan city group as the national resource-efficient and environment-friendly society comprehensive reform experimental area on December 14th, 2007. To cooperate with this process, policy research on the Construction of modern regional logistics center of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan city group is imperative. Being authorized as the comprehensive reform experimental area, logistics policy research of Changsha-Zhuzhou -Xiangtan city group has more space to try and less restriction of rules and regulations. With the principle of "innovation, pioneers," this paper in-depth explore and study on logistics policy about how to promote Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan City Group to build Resource-efficient and Environment-friendly type society, and hope to provide some useful recommendations for government on developing logistics industry faster and more healthy, not only for economic benefits but also pay attention to environment protection, and benign promoting the development of other industries by the development of logistics industry.At present, policy research on building a logistics system of Resource-efficient and Environment-friendly type society is very scarce, a small number of scholars has done some research on the logistics policy of a harmonious society and green logistics policy, such as speeding up the construction of environmental legislation, market management and business rules-based policy, the establishment of the City logistics management coordination mechanism, and "green subsidy" policy, but they are not comprehensive and specific. In this paper, three-dimensional network logistics model of Changsha-Zhuzhou - Xiangtan City Group is constructed based on the actual situation analysis of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan City Group and the research on domestic and international logistics policy. This three-dimensional network model is make up by the horizontal structure and vertical structure: the horizontal structure, including surface-like structure (logistics infrastructure platform, Regional Information System Platform, regional integration platform for logistics policy, and assisted support system), linear structure (the transport hub and logistics structure), and point-like structure (logistics enterprise development in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan City Group); vertical structure, including government - logistics - industry structure construction and development, regional value-chain construction, resource-efficient, environment-optimized logistics building, and personnel training and building networks. Combined with the common logistics and green logistics strategy which fit the requirements of the Resource-efficient and Environment-friendly type society, this paper puts forward the systematic Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan city group logistics policies according to the various components of the horizontal structure and vertical structure in the model.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】F259.27;F299.27
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】247
  • 攻读期成果

