

The Study on the Aesthetic Design of Ecological Garden

【作者】 左卫尹

【导师】 陈碧;

【作者基本信息】 湖南工业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 生态园园林属于生态旅游的范畴,是以绿色消费为基础、现代园林和环境美学结合的一种新型休闲度假场所。对于当前“两型社会”的建设,实现资源节约型、环境友好型、可持续发展的国策具有重大现实意义。目前,国内对生态园园林,尤其是豫北地区的研究比较薄弱,缺乏体系化的规划理论和方法作为指导。本文以生态园园林规划和审美为研究对象,从两型社会的大视野出发,运用现代景观生态学理论、现代园林规划理论实践考查了豫北地区的生态园,在生态园设计原则、方法、景观要素和审美等方面进行深入的研究,并提出新的设计思路。内容分为六个部分:一、前言。阐述了论文研究的选题背景、意义、思路和方法,并概述论文的主要内容;二、相关理论与概念的界定。介绍了生态旅游、绿色消费、环境美学,及这些概念与生态园园林的关系,深入探讨了生态园园林的设计和审美趋向;三、分别对包括生态优先、因地制宜在内的设计原则、方法做了系列归纳,对景观要素包括植物、水景、建筑等做了详细的分析,并对生态园审美进行了探讨;四、豫北地区特色生态园设计概况。研究了国内生态园分布现状,着重对豫北地区生态园现状和专项市场进行了分析;五、河南省新乡市隆兴情生态园设计与审美进行个案研究。以新乡市隆兴情生态园区规划为案例,从区位资源、当前目标市场、项目定位、建设目标等方面对当前的功能分区及布局和景观设置进行了评价和分析,提出了自己的景观设计修改计划,并从审美的角度进行了多维解析;六、结论。概括了全文的主要观点,提出了研究的创新点和不足,并对未来生态园设计进行了展望。生态园作为近几年出现的新鲜事物,以环境美学为原则,遵循一定的自然规律和空间组织规则,借助各种景观设计艺术处理方法,最终目的是在协调彼此关系的基础上,吸收当代设计原则精华,结合休闲者的审美要求,形成有地域文化特色的现代生态园林。

【Abstract】 The ecological garden, which belongs to the eco-tourism, is a new leisure place which is based on the green consumption and combined with the morden garden and entirmental aesthetics. It has great practical significant for constructing the "two-oriented society," and achieving the national policy of resource-saving, environment-friendly and sustainable development. At present, the study of the ecological garden at home, particularly for the research of North He’nan is quite weak and lacks the systematical planning theory and approach as a guide.In this paper, from the view of "Two-oriented society",we research the theory of eco-garden planning and landscape aesthetics with the modern landscape ecology theory and landscape planning theory to study the Ecosystem Garden of North He’nan in the ecological garden design principles and methods, landscape elements, aesthetic areas and so on, and propose our new design ideas.This article is divided into six parts: 1.the preamble, it include the background, meaning, ideas and methods of the study, and the main content; 2.the related theory and concepts, it introduce the concept of eco-tourism,green consumption,environmental aesthetics and the relationship between them and Ecosystem Garden, study deeply on the eco-garden design and aesthetic trends; 3. We make a Series of conclusion about the design principles such as environment-concerned treatment and the ecological priorities, and make a analysis of a series of landscape elements and the eco-garden aesthetic, including plants, water features, architecture, etc.; 4.the design overview of the eco-garden in North He’nan. We study the domestic eco-garden’s location, and focus on the status in North He’nan and markets’analysis; 5.The case study about eco-garden and aesthetic design on Longxingqing Ecosystem Garden, Xinxiang, He’nan Province. From studying Location of resources, the current target market, project location, construction and other aspects of the target function, I put forward my own amendments to the landscape design plan and make the multi-dimensional aesthetic analysis 6. Conclusion. Summarizes the main points, and point out the innovation, deficiency, and the prospect of eco-garden design.In recent years,as a new thing rising, the ecological garden takes the environment esthetics as the principle, follows certain natural laws and the spatial organization principles, with the aid of a variety of artistic methods of landscape design, which final goal is to absorb the essence of the morden designing principle and combine with the aesthetic requirements by the leisures, then to form the modern ecological garden which has the region culture characteristics, in coordination with their relations.


