

Effect of Planting Dendisity and Fertilizer Application on Yield and Quality of Ramie Cultivar Huazhu No.4

【作者】 王辉

【导师】 彭定祥;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 苎麻(Boehmeria nivea(L.)Gaud)是我国重要的韧皮纤维作物之一,在国民经济中具有重要意义。长江流域是我国苎麻生产集中产区,也是进一步发展苎麻生产的重点区域。苎麻分布面积广,增产潜力大,但由于特殊的生态条件及高产、优质栽培技术研究和应用的滞后,使得长江流域苎麻产量增长和品质提高受到了制约。本试验针对长江中游特殊的生态条件,以密度、施氮量、施磷量、施钾量为参试因子,采用四元二次回归正交旋转组合设计,研究各因子对苎麻品种“华苎四号”新栽麻和成龄麻产量和品质的影响。建立数学模型进行解析和模拟寻优,目的是要找出适合长江中游地区的良种配套良法。研究结果表明:1.氮肥对成龄麻原麻产量影响显著,氮肥和磷肥的交互作用对新栽麻和成龄麻原麻产量影响显著。4个参试因子对新栽麻原麻产量的影响顺序是:磷肥(χ3)>氮肥(χ2)>密度(χ1)>钾肥(χ4);对成龄麻原麻产量的影响顺序为:氮肥(χ2)>磷肥(χ3)>密度(χ1)>钾肥(χ4)。频率分析结果显示,无论是新栽麻、还是成龄麻获得高产的最佳栽培措施为:密度22500~30000株/hm2;氮肥450~525kg/hm2;磷肥120~150kg/hm2;钾肥300~390kg/hm2。2.新栽麻试验中,密度、密度与氮肥的交互作用对纤维直径影响显著;成龄麻试验中,密度、氮肥、钾肥对纤维直径影响显著。4个参试因子对新栽麻纤维直径的影响顺序是:密度(χ1)>钾肥(χ4)>氮肥(χ2)>磷肥(χ3);对成龄麻纤维直径的影响顺序为:钾肥(χ4)>密度(χ1)>氮肥(χ2)>磷肥(χ3)。频率分析结果显示:新栽麻获得高支数的优质纤维的最佳栽培措施为:密度37500~45000株/hm2;氮肥450~525kg/hm2;磷肥120~150kg/hm2;钾肥300~390kg/hm2;成龄麻获得高支数的优质纤维的最佳栽培措施:密度37500~45000株/hm2;氮肥450~525kg/hm2;磷肥30~60kg/hm2;钾肥390~480kg/hm2。3.无论是新栽麻、还是成龄麻都表现为:氮肥、磷肥、钾肥、密度与氮肥的交互作用对单纤维强力影响显著。4个参试因子对新栽麻单纤维强力的影响顺序是:氮肥(χ2)>钾肥(χ4)>磷肥(χ3)>密度(χ1);对成龄麻单纤维强力的影响顺序为:钾肥(χ4)>氮肥(χ2)>密度(χ1)>磷肥(χ3)。频率分析结果显示:新栽麻和成龄麻获得高强力的优质纤维的最佳栽培措施相同,其各因素优化值为:密度15000~22500株/hm2;氮肥225~300kg/hm2;磷肥120~150kg/hm2;钾肥300~390kg/hm2。4.4个参试因子对新栽麻和成龄麻的纤维断裂伸长率的影响不显著。5.磷肥、密度和氮肥的交互作用对新栽麻和成龄麻含胶量影响显著,氮肥只对新栽麻含胶量影响显著。4个参试因子对新栽麻含胶量的影响顺序是:氮肥(χ2)>钾肥(χ4)>磷肥(χ3)>密度(χ1)。对成龄麻含胶量的影响顺序为:磷肥(χ3)>钾肥(χ4)>密度(χ1)>氮肥(χ2)。频率分析结果显示:新栽麻和成龄麻获得低含胶量原麻的最佳栽培措施一致:密度30000~37500株/hm2;氮肥450~525kg/hm2;磷肥30~60kg/hm2;钾肥120~210kg/hm2。6.4个参试因子对新栽麻和成龄麻的纤维主要化学成分的影响不显著。7.新栽麻单季原麻产量≥225kg/hm2,成龄麻原麻产量≥3000kg/hm2,纤维支数≥2000m/g,单纤维强力≥45cN,原麻含胶量≤29%的优化栽培措施:密度30000株/hm2;氮肥375~450kg/hm2;磷肥90~120kg/hm2;钾肥300~390kg/hm2

【Abstract】 Ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud) is one of the most important bast fiber crops and industrial materials and plays an important role in national economy. The area of Changjiang River boasts the large area of further improvement of ramie production. At present, further improvement of ramie yield and quality was restricted due to the ecological disadvantage in Changjiang River valley and lack of research and application on high-yield and top-quality cultivation techniques of ramie. According to the special ecological condition in Changjiang River valley, we chose four factors in the test including density, supplement of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and adopted the four-factor second-order regression with orthogonal, rotatable and central composite design. The effects of the four factors on yield and quality of newly planted ramie and mature "Huazhu No. 4" were tested. Then mathematic models on the relationship among the four factors affecting ramie production and quality were established and analyzed to optimize the four factors, which were used to establish optimum cultivation method of elite cultivar suitable in the area of Changjiang River. The results were as follows:1. Supplement of nitrogen (χ2) significantly influence fiber yield of mature ramie. Among interactive terms, supplement of nitrogen (χ2) and supplement of phosphorus (χ3) significantly influence fiber yield of newly planted ramie and mature ramie; The influence on fiber yield of newly plant ramie by four factors ranks as follows: Supplement of phosphorus (χ3)>supplement of nitrogen (χ2)>density (χ1)>supplement of potassium (χ4); on fiber yield of mature ramie ranks as follows: supplement of nitrogen (χ2)>supplement of phosphorus (χ3)>density (χ1)>supplement of potassium (χ4). Optimized cultivation measures for high-yielding in the newly planted ramie and mature ramie had been established. For instance, density was 22500~30000 plants/hm2, supplemeny of nitrogen was 450~525 kg/hm2, Supplement of phosphorus was 120~150 kg/hm2, supplement of potassium was 300~390 kg/hm2.2. As for the newly planted ramie, density (χ1), density (χ1) and supplement of nitrogen (χ2) interaction significantly influence fiber diameter; for mature ramie, density (χ1), supplement of nitrogen (χ2) and supplement of potassium (χ4) significantly influence fiber diameter. The influence on fiber diameter of newly planted ramie of four factors ranks as follows: density (χ1)>supplement of potassium (χ4)>supplement of nitrogen (χ2>supplement of phosphorus (χ3); the influence on fiber diameter of mature ramie of four factors ranks as follows: supplement of potassium (χ4)>density (χ1)>supplement of nitrogen (χ2)>supplement of phosphorus (χ3). Optimized cultivation measures for high fitness fiber in the test of newly planted ramie had been established. Such as, density was 37500~45000 plants/hm2, supplement of nitrogen was 450~525 kg/hm2. supplement of phosphorus was 120~150 kg/hm2, supplement of potassium was 300~390 kg/hm2; Measures for high fitness fiber in the trials of mature ramie had also been established. Such as, density was 37500~45000 plants/hm2, supplement of nitrogen was 450~525 kg/hm2, supplement of phosphorus was 30~60 kg/hm2. supplement of potassium is 390~480 kg/hm2.3.Supplement of nitrogen (χ2), supplement of phosphorus (χ3), supplement of potassium (χ4), density (χ1) and nitrogen (χ2) interaction significantly influence strength in the test of newly planted ramie and mature ramie. The influence on fiber strength in the two tests by four factors ranks as follows: density (χ1)>supplement of potassium (χ4)>supplement of nitrogen (χ2)>supplement of phosphorus (χ3). We have established optimized cultivation measures for high strength fiber in the two tests. Such as, density was 15000~22500 plants/hm2, supplement of nitrogen was 225~300 kg/hm2, supplement of phosphorus was 120~150 kg/hm2, supplement of potassium was 300~390 kg/hm2.4.The regression analysis indicated that the influence over the filament elongation ratio by four factors was not significant.5.Supplement of phosphorus (χ3),density (χ1) and nitrogen (χ2) interaction significantly influence glue content of raw fiber in the test of new plant ramie and mature ramie;Supplement of nitrogen (χ2) significantly influence glue content of raw fiber in the test of new plant ramie. The influence on glue content of raw fiber in the test of new plant ramie by four factors ranks as follows: supplement of nitrogen (χ2)>supplement of potassium (χ4)>supplement of phosphorus (χ3)>density (χ1); in the test of mature ramie by four factors ranks as follows: supplement of phosphorus (χ3) Supplement of potassium (χ4)>density (χ1)>supplement of nitrogen (χ2). Optimized cultivation measures for low glue content of raw fiber in the trials of new plant ramie and mature ramie measures was established. Such as, density was 30000~37500 plants/hm2, supplement of nitrogen was 450~525 kg/hm2, supplement of phosphorus wais 30~60 kg/hm2, supplement of potassium was 120-210 kg/hm2.6.The regression analysis showed that the influence on the main chemical composition of the fibers by four factors was not significant.7.The optimum cultivation scheme of new plant ramie yield≥225 kg/hm2, mature ramie yield≥3000 kg/hm2, fiber fitness≥2000, strength≥45 cN, glue content of raw fiber≤29% was: density was 30000~37500 plants/hm2, supplement of nitrogen was 375~450 kg/hm2, supplement of phosphorus was 90~120 kg/hm2, supplement of potassium was 300~390 kg/hm2.

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