

Preliminary Studies on Flowering Control by Means of Photoperiod in Callistephus Chinensis ’Meteor’

【作者】 马芳芳

【导师】 胡惠蓉;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 ‘流星’翠菊(Callistephus chinensis‘Meteor’)是美国泛美种子公司培育的一种优良的切花品种,具有株型高大、茎杆粗壮、直立性好、花大、重瓣性强等特点,既是温室促生栽培的良好选择,也是田间栽培和庭院切花的理想品种。光周期调控具有简便、无公害的特点,本研究通过双向迁光对‘流星’翠菊的光周期特性进行了量化分析,以期为指导大规模的生产实践提供理论依据。本研究的主要结果如下:①‘流星’翠菊是一种长—短日植物。长日照下‘流星’翠菊株型高大健壮,花径较大,开花品质较好;短日照下,株型紧凑,分枝数多,花径较小。长日照条件诱导其花芽分化发育,相对于短日照诱导,长日照下‘流星’翠菊开花较早,表明长日照诱导对其开花的影响更为重要。②以出苗周数为依据,辅以真叶数的观测,采用交互迁光的方法测得:‘流星’翠菊幼龄期结束的时期约在出苗后2周,相应的真叶数约为2;限界性诱导光周期为13周,即长日照诱导结束的时期约在出苗后15周,相应的真叶数约为12。以出苗周数为依据进行迁光,简化了试验研究的过程,辅以真叶数的观测,为生产提供了可靠的参数。③将‘流星’翠菊的花芽分化过程划分为8个时期:营养生长前期、营养生长后期、花序原基分化期、苞片原基分化期、舌状花原基分化期、筒状花原基分化期、筒状花花冠和雄蕊原基分化期、筒状花雌蕊原基分化期。在自然条件下,‘流星’翠菊花芽分化的反应始于8片真叶期,即处于花序原基分化期。④‘流星’翠菊的出苗周数、株高、株幅、真叶数与花芽分化时期存在极显著的线性相关,其回归方程依次为:真叶数y=0.4289x-0.6573(R~2=0.9549),株幅y=0.4839x-1.0391(R~2=0.951),出苗周数y=0.4151x-1.9073(R~2=0.9047),和株高y=0.26x-0.3787(R~2=0.8611)。数据分析可以看出:真叶数与花芽分化时期的相关性最大,对光周期的敏感性最高。数据推导可以得出:长日照对‘流星’翠菊的开花诱导,结束于苞片原基分化期。

【Abstract】 Callistephus chinensis ’Meteor’ is an excellent cut flower cultivar of the Pan-American Seed Company with large and upright plant type,strong stem and big double flower trait.It is not only a good choice for greenhouse growth-promoting cultivation,but also an ideal cultivar of field and garden cut flower cultivation.Flowering control is necessary to meet the floriculture and consumption,in which manipulating photoperiod is easy and whithout environmental pollution.A quantitative analysis of photoperiod on Callistephus chinensis ’Meteor’ by reciprocal transfer could be directly used in guiding mass cultivation.The results are as follows:①Callistephus chinensis ’Meteor’ is a long-short day plant.The plant tended to have an upright habit with increase in height and bigger flower diameter under long days, a compact habit with increase in branch mumber but smaller flower diameter under short days.Long days condition can induce the differentiation and development of flower bud. The plant flowering is earier under long days than short days.Accordingly,long days is more important than short days for flowering of Callistephus chinensis ’Meteor’.②Reciprocal transfer plants from LD to SD and SD to LD according to growing weeks of seedling with leaf number observed.It is concluded that the juvenile phase of Callistephus chinensis ’Meteor’ ended at 2 weeks after seedling,corresponding at the 2 leaf number stage.The duration of limited inductive photoperiod is 13 weeks,it also means long days induced phase of Callistephus chinensis ’Meteor’ ended at 15 weeks after seedling,corresponding at the 12 leaf number stage.The process study is simplified by light transferring resting on growing weeks of seeding,simultaneously,a reliable parameter for floriculture is provided by observation on leaf number.③The flower bud differentiation process of Callistephus chinensis ’Meteor’ could be divided into 8 phases:vegetative growth prophase,vegetative growth anaphase, inflorescence primordium differentiation phase,bract differentiation phase,ligulate flower primordium differentiation phase,tubular flower primordium differentiation phase, tubular flower stamen primordium differentiation phase,tubular flower pistil primordium differentiation phase.The reponse of flower bud differentiation of Callistephus chinensis ’Meteor’ to photoperiod started at 8 leaf stage,which is at inflorescence primordium differentiation phase.④Very significant linear relationships existed between growing weeks of seedling, plant heiht,crown diameter and leaf number of Callistephus chinensis ’Meteor’ and its flower bud differentiation phase,the regression equations are as follows: y=0.4289x-0.6573(R~2=0.9549)(leaf number),y=0.4839x-1.0391(R~2=0.951)(crown diameter),y=0.4151x-1.9073(R~2=0.9047)(growing weeks of seedling),y=0.26x-0.3787 (R~2=0.8611)(plant height).It indicates that the most significant relationship between leaf number and flower bud differentiation phase,the most sensitive of leaf number to photoperiod.It could be drawn that the end of the long days flowering induction of Callistephus chinensis ’Meteor’ is at bract differentiation phase.

  • 【分类号】S682.11
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】185

