

Research on System Innovation and Problem of Collective Construction Land Circulation

【作者】 许海燕

【导师】 梅昀;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市化、工业化进程的不断推进,我国大量非农建设用地都在自发流转,客观上集体土地市场已经形成,但在制度和政策上并没有建立起来。国家相关法律、法规和政策的模糊以及学术界理论研究上的匾乏,使得各地的集体建设用地流转管理混乱,带来了一系列诸如土地利用混乱、交易不安全等社会、经济问题。因此,规范集体建设用地流转是当前土地管理理论和实践中急需解决的现实问题。集体建设用地流转制度创新的意义,不仅仅在于可以更加合理有效地配置土地资源、提高土地利用率、加快农村城市化的步伐,它还可以通过盘活存量建设用地,达到保护耕地的目的;通过重新建立土地收益分配机制达到促进农村经济发展、农民增收和社会稳定的目的;并且可以推动农村土地产权制度、土地产权的实现形式、征地制度等方面的一系列改革。本文共分为六个部分,第一部分主要介绍研究背景及意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法与技术路线,为后面的进一步分析做铺垫。第二部分是理论基础,主要是介绍制度及制度变迁理论、博弈理论,这些理论将综合运用于本文的分析研究当中。第三部分概括并分析了现阶段集体建设用地流转的现状,以北京市为例分析了集体建设用地自发流转的不争事实,并在此基础上提出集体建设用地隐形流转所带来的负面影响,同时对现阶段具有代表性的集体建设用地流转试点的创新实践进行评析,从而为论文的进一步研究奠定实践基础。第四部分通过模型化考量,对集体建设用地流转禁而不止现象进行反思,从而找出集体建设用地流转禁而不止现象的根源。该部分首先对集体建设用地流转过程中涉及的各个利益主体进行分析,然后构建了博弈模型进行相关分析,为集体建设用地流转制度创新进一步提供理论支撑。第五部分在分析相关理论对集体建设用地流转制度创新的启示的前提下,提出集体建设用地流转制度创新的目标与总体思路及在制度创新过程中需明确的关键因素,并相应地构建了完善集体建设用地流转的相关机制。第六部分对全文进行总结并给出研究的结果,指出研究不足之处和今后进一步努力的方向。

【Abstract】 With the process of urbanization, industrialization was to promote,in our country the consturction land has being on the move without governmental pemrission, which embody the land market in the country has been estbalished, the vaugeness of the relative national laws, regulations and policy together with the deficiency of the theoretical researches on this problem in academic groups have caused a lot of problems, such as the disodrer in consturetion land-use, the unsafe in the transaction of land-use rihgt and so on. How to regulate consturetion land is the urgent problem that needs to be solved in the theory and paretice of land administration. The innovation of system for rural collective construction land circulation plays a great role in rational disposing land resources,improving land utilization ratio and quiekening the step of rural urbanization. It can also protecting cultivated land by moving reserved construction land, promoting rural economy development and increasing peasants’ income,pushing forward a series of reformation of rural landed property rights institution and land requisition system etc.The paper is composed of six parts. In the first part, something about research background and sense, current situationat home and abroad, research approaches and technical line, which will lay foundation for further analyses. The second part is about basic theories, including system and system change theory, game theory, which are comprehensively applied to analyses research in this paper. The third part summary and analyse the collective construction land transfer at this stage the status of the situation, analyse the indisputable truth about collective construction land spontaneous circulation to Beijing as an example,on the basis of which made a negative impact of collective construction land stealth circulation. At the same time, appraise the practice of innovation for collective construction land circulation, so establishing basic for further study of the paper. In the fourth part, consideration of the adoption of model,to reflect on the phenomenon about stealth circulation of the collective construction land,in order to identify the root causes of the phenomenon.the interest subject involved in the process of circulation of the collective construction land expropriation are firstly analyzed, then game model is constructed and then equilibriously analyzed,lay theoretical foundation for further analyses .While in the fifth part, under the premise of analyzing the enlightenment of the relevant theories for institutional innovation of collective construction land circulation. Pose the objectives and the general concept of institutional innovation of collective construction land circulation, as well as to be key factors in determining. And to build a sound mechanism for collective construction land flow path. Then the last part summarizes the whole paper and illustrates the result of research, from which we can see deficiency of the research and the direction of further efforts.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】400

