

The Research on the Eco-economic Coordinated Development of Spark Industrial Belt in Gansu Corridor

【作者】 白洁

【导师】 赵成章;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 经过30年的改革开放,中国已经成为全球经济中最有影响和最不可预知的力量之一,经济社会发展取得举世瞩目成就。但是,中国经济发展也面临着前所未有的挑战。大量数据显示,当前中国经济存在的最大问题不是电力、钢铁供求紧张,以及投资增长过快等可能引起的传统性产业结构失衡和金融风险,而是经济高速增长过程中忽视生态所出现的生态环境危机。星火计划是1986年由党中央国务院批准实施的依靠科技振兴农村经济,促进农村科技经济一体化的重大科技产业性计划。河西走廊星火产业带作为国家批准建设的12个国家星火产业带之一,旨在通过实施农业产业化战略、可持续发展战略、工业强省战略、开放带动战略、协调共振战略,实现农村经济的发展、农业技术的进步和农民收入的提高。自2003年项目启动5年以来,产业带的总体经济实力显著增强,GDP年均增长率为18.2%,经济效益显著。河西走廊星火产业带在取得巨大发展成就的同时,因产业结构不合理及粗放的经济增长方式等因素,致使其生态环境问题十分突出,良好的生态环境已成为十分短缺的生产要素,其对经济社会发展的约束日益增强,生态安全问题面临严峻的挑战。生态环境与经济协调发展是实现河西走廊星火产业带可持续发展的重要途径。本文以生态经济协调发展的现实要求为逻辑起点,在细致梳理国内外生态经济协调发展相关领域的理论与实证研究基础上,从城市竞争力、城市生态经济联系、城市生态经济协调发展三个维度,建立了城镇竞争力评价指标体系、城市竞争力评价指标体系和城市生态经济系统协调发展指标体系,分别运用生态位模型、生态经济联系度模型和生态经济协调发展度模型,核算河西走廊星火产业带生态经济协调发展现状。针对运算结果,提出相应的生态经济调控对策,为生态脆弱区生态经济协调发展探索了一条有效、切实的生态经济管理途径。论文共四部分:第一部分,包括绪论、第2章。阐述河西走廊星火产业带生态经济协调发展的研究背景和意义,综述生态环境与经济协调发展的国内外研究进展。第二部分,第3章,深入分析河西走廊星火产业带发展现状与存在的问题。第三部分,包括第4,5,6三章。第4章在生态学视角下基于生态位理论,从县域、市域两个维度构建了城镇、城市竞争力评价指标体系,运用生态位模型对研究区县域、市域生态位及其属性进行定量分析并将其作为分类实体进行聚类、比较分析。第5章将城市生态系统服务价值引入区域生态经济联系系统,基于改进的万有引力模型,测算河西走廊星火产业带城市间生态经济联系强度及隶属度,为城市生态经济的空间组织、城市实体空间发展方向、交通运输的合理组织提供科学依据。第6章在对河西走廊生态环境与经济发展现状深入分析的基础上,构建了城市生态经济系统协调发展指标体系,采用熵权法,运用协调发展度模型,对6个城市生态经济系统及其子系统的协调度及协调发展度进行了定量分析。结果表明:各城市生态效益、经济效益水平均很低,尚不存在良好协调发展区域;城市生态经济协调发展能力呈现出嘉峪关>兰州>金昌>张掖>酒泉>武威的格局,嘉峪关属于勉强协调发展类生态滞后型区域;兰州、金昌属于濒临失调衰退阶段,其中兰州属于生态经济同步型区域,金昌属于生态滞后型区域;酒泉、张掖、武威同属于轻度失调衰退阶段,其中酒泉属于生态经济同步型区域,张掖、武威属于经济滞后型区域。第四部分,包括第7,8两章。第7章基于研究区生态经济协调发展现状分析,提出该产业带建设规划与生态经济协调发展的具体对策。第8章为研究结论、创新点、不足与展望。

【Abstract】 After 30 years’ reformation and development, China has become one of the most influential and unpredictable countries in the global economy, the achievements of economic and social development have attracted worldwide attention. However, China’s economic development is also facing unprecedented challenges. A large amount of data shows that the biggest problems exist in China’s current economic are not supply and demand tension of electric power, iron and steel, as well as imbalance of traditional industrial and financial risks may caused by excessive investment growth, but the ecological environment crisis neglected in the process of rapid economic growth.Spark Program is the major technology industry plan approved by the Party central committee and state council in 1986, relying on science and technology to revitalize the rural economy, rural science and technology to promote economic integration. Spark Industrial Belt in Gansu Corridor (SIBGC) as one of 12 national Spark Industry Belts with the approval of the State construction, through the implementation of agriculture industrialization strategy, sustainable development strategy, strong industrial strategy, open-led strategy, coordination of resonance strategy, to realize the rural economy development, agricultural and technological progress and raising the income of the farmers. 5-year passed since the project started in 2003, the overall economic strength of SIBGC has markedly increased, and average annual growth rate of GDP is 18.2%, which has significant economic benefits. SIBGC in possession of a huge industrial zone development, at the same time, due to the irrational industrial structure and extensive mode of economic growth and other factors, resulting in its ecological environment is very prominent, and a sound ecological environment has become a great shortage of production factors, its effects on the economy social development, the growing constraints, ecological security issues facing severe challenges. Coordinated development of ecology and economy is the major avenue to realization sustainable development of Spark industrial beltin Gansu corridor, which can do well to its fragile ecological environment and high binding character of the economic development.In this paper, the coordinated development of ecological and economic reality required a starting point of the logic, and meticulous grooming at home and abroad in the coordinated development of ecological economic theory and related fields based on empirical research, perspective from the urban competitiveness, urban ecological economic relationship, urban eco-economic system coordinated development in three dimensions, the town competitiveness evaluation index system, urban competitiveness evaluation index system and indicator systems of urban eco-economic system coordinated development were established. Respectively using niche model, eco-economic relationship degree model and eco-economic coordinated development degree model, accounting the status of eco-economic coordinated development of SIBGC. According to the results, computing the corresponding eco-economic control measures, exploring an effective practical means of eco-economic management for eco-economic coordinated development in fragile ecological areas.The paper is divided into four parts altogether:Part I , including exordium, chapter 2. Expounded the background and significance of eco-economic coordinate development in SIBGC, the ecological environment and economic development at home and abroad are reviewed.Part II, chapter 3, Deep Analysis the development status and problems of SIBGC.Part III, including chapter4,5,6. Chapter 4 designed niche evaluation indicators system of the county and the city perspective from two dimensions of cities and towns, based on the ecological niche theory with the view of ecology, the values of ecological niche amenity and its attributes of SIBGC were further analyzed. Finally, the method of hierarchical cluster analysis was adopted to determine the classification of ecological niche amenity and comparative analysis. Chapter 5 took the value of ecosystem services of urban into regional eco-economic relationship systems, based on an improved gravity model, estimated the strength and membership of eco-economic relationship between cities in SIBGC, provided a reasonable scientific basis for the space organization of urban eco-economic, the physical space direction of urban development and the organizations of its transportation. Chapter 6 constructed an index system of eco-economic system coordinated development of SIBGC, which is based on a thorough analysis of the status of the ecological environment and the economic development in SIBGC, and then the actuality of the coordinated development degrees of eco-economic system and the coordinated degrees of its subsystem are simulated and analyzed by using entropy method and the coordinated degree model. The results were as follows: both the ecological benefits and the economic benefits show a low level in 6 cities of SIBGC, there isn’t exists a favorable coordinated development region; The coordinated development ability of each city demonstrated the precedence order of Jiayuguan>Lanzhou>Jinchang>Zhangye>Jiuquan>Wuwei. Jiayuguan belongs to the region with the barely coordinated development but its ecological environmental regeneration is lagged; Lanzhou, Jinchang belong to the regions with the endangered imbalanced development, among them, the ecological economic regeneration of Lanzhou is synchronous, the ecological environmental regeneration of Jinchang lagged; Jiuquan, Zhangye, Wuwei belong to the regions with the mild imbalanced development, among them, the ecological economic regeneration of Jiuquan are synchronous, the economics of Zhangye and Wuwei are lagged.Part IV, including chapter7, 8. Chapter 7 proposed construction and planning of Spark industrial belt in Gansu corridor and countermeasures of eco-economic coordinated development of SIBGC based on its status analysis. Chapter 8 made the conclusion of the research, innovation, the lack of the paper and prospects.

  • 【分类号】F127;F205
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】204

