

On Shen Zengzhi’s Calligraphy Art

【作者】 狄德全

【导师】 包建新;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 美术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 沈曾植是清末民初伟大的书法家,通过对沈曾植书法艺术的研究以期对当代书法的研究带来有价值的启示。本论文分六章来论述。第一章为绪论,主要解释选题意义、文献资料综述与研究状况、研究方法几方面的问题。第二章主要介绍了沈曾植的生平。第三章揭示沈曾植的习书过程,本章将从初学期、过渡期、成熟期三个阶段论述沈曾植的书学过程。第四章论述了沈曾植的书学思想,本章从异体同势、碑帖结合、南北会通、尊晋褒唐以及笔法、墨法、书学方法等方面来论述沈曾植主要的书学思想。第五章分析沈曾植的书法特征,主要从结体、笔法、章法三方面总结了沈曾植的书法特征。第六章主要论述了沈曾植的书法意义。

【Abstract】 Shen Zengzhi is a great calligrapher in the late Qing Dynasty. The study on his calligraphy art aims to bring valuable enlightenment on contemporary calligraphy art study. This thesis contains six chapters .The first chapter is introduction ,it explains the significance of the research, literature review, research status and research methodology. The second chapter mainly about Shen Zengzhi’s life experience. The third chapter traces his learning processs of calligraphy. It can be divided into three phases: beginning , transitional period and maturity. The fourth chapter discusses his thinking about calligraphy art. It includes: different styles with the same spirit, combination of tablet inscription and rubbing, integration of North and South, respect for calligraphy art in Jin and Tang Dynasty and brushwork, ink technique, etc. The fifth chapter analyzes Shen Zengzhi’s calligraphy characteristic from the aspect of structure, brushwork and writing rules. The last chapter is about the significance of Shen Zengzhi’s calligraphy art.

  • 【分类号】J292.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】267

