

Study on Employment Assistance System in Chinese Transition Epoch

【作者】 朱英淑

【导师】 谢俊春;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 就业为民生之本。在构建和谐社会的今天,怎样使更多的有就业愿望、有就业技能、有劳动能力的人走上工作岗位,不仅关系到个人、家庭的切身利益,更关乎社会的稳定和发展。在产业结构调整和企业改组、改制过程及激烈的市场竞争过程中,出现了一些特殊就业弱势群体。弱势群体的就业困难及其救助,已经成为十分引人关注的社会问题。就业援助制度是国家建立的促进就业困难人员就业的援助制度,是适用于其中处于劳动年龄阶段,具有劳动能力,又有就业愿望,而失去就业资源禀赋的就业困难群体。就业援助的弱者对象大体包括:城镇下岗失业人员、农村进城务工人员、残疾人中具有一定劳动能力,而有就业愿望的群体;大学生中的就业困难群体。2008年汶川大地震给四川、陕西、甘肃等省就业工作带来巨大冲击,因此,因灾出现的就业困难人员也要纳入就业援助的范围。国外的就业援助制度相对我国来说发展的较早,也比较成熟。例如英国的就业援助协会以社会组织的形式,运用社会力量协助政府较好地解决了社会就业;日本在解决大学毕业生就业问题过程中,逐渐形成了成熟的大学生就业援助体系;而关于农村进城务工人员问题,各国政府也逐渐采取了相应对策,使紧迫的社会问题得到一定程度的解决,这都为我国建立就业援助制度提供了宝贵经验。我国要建立的有中国特色的就业援助制度,就是要在结合中国实际的基础上,借鉴国外经验,使弱势群体的就业问题得到解决,从而实现全社会的充分就业,达到胡锦涛总书记所描述的民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会。

【Abstract】 Employment is basement for the people’s livelihood. Nowadays, in order to built a harmonious society, how to have these people holding employment desire, employment skills, and employment ability to work, is not only related to the individual, the family’s vital interests, but also a more direct influence on the stability and development of society. In the enterprise restructuring and intense market competition process, there have been some special employments of vulnerable groups. The difficulties to get a job for these vulnerable groups or to help them have become a serious social issue. National employment assistance system is set up to promote employment of the difficult groups, and is applicable to these employment groups : Being in working-age phase, with the ability to work, and employment aspirations, but loss of employment resource endowment. In general the targets of employment assistance system are as these: urban laid-off workers; rural workers migrated to cities ; disabled persons with some ability and desire to work; university students who are in difficult of employment. Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 bring great impacts on employment to Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu and other provinces. Therefore, those people whose difficulties are caused by kinds of disasters should be included in the scope of employment assistance system.The foreign developments of employment aid system are earlier and more sophisticated than our Country′s. For examples, Employment Assistance Association of the United Kingdom in the form of social organization, with social forces assists the Government to solve the employment problem; In resolving the issue of employment of university graduates in Japan, a mature system of employment assistance to University Students is gradually formed. And on questions about migrant workers, governments have gradually taken appropriate measures, and have resolved some pressing social issues in a way. All these efforts provide valuable experience for our Country to set up the system of employment assistance.To set up our country with Chinese characteristics, the employment assistance system is to combine the actual conditions of China, based on experience from abroad, to resolve the employment of vulnerable groups, At last, to achieve full employment in society as a whole, to reach the target that the democracy, rule of law, equity, justice, integrity, amity, vitality, stability and order, man and nature living in harmony described by General Secretary Hu Jintao.

  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】370

