

Sunan Yugur Autonomous County in Gansu Province Rural School Sports Current Situation and Countermeasures

【作者】 吴刚

【导师】 魏争光;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在甘肃省众多的少数民族中,肃南裕固族自治县的基础教育较早的实现了“两基”目标,基础教育取得了较快的发展。但由于其自然地理环境和各种主客观条件,肃南裕固族自治县农村学校体育则发展滞后,甚至在某些比较偏僻的村级小学还存在无专职体育教师、无场地设施、无体育器材的三无现象。在当今倡导素质教育、阳光体育运动、娱乐体育、终身体育的理念下,有必要对甘肃省独有的裕固族这一民族的农村学校体育的现状进行深入细致的研究,并提出符合本地实际的对策和建议。概括起来,达到以下目的:通过现状的分析,找出裕固族农村学校体育的长处和不足,从而作出有的放矢的对策;充分挖掘适合本地区农村学校体育课程资源,为有关部门提供一些理论和实践参考;提高认识,为本地区农村学校体育的发展和创新营造良好的舆论氛围。本文以甘肃省肃南裕固族自治县农村中小学为调查范围,具体包括九年制学校5所;村小7所;具体调查了95名初中生,290名小学生,14名中小学体育教师。深入地了解了本地区农村中小学体育现状。本文采用文献资料法,问卷调查法,实地考察法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,以裕固族地区农村中小学体育基本情况为切入点,主要对裕固族地区农村中小学体育的认识、体育课程资源现状、体育教学现状、课外体育活动现状等方面进行了调研,通过调查结果分析,得出如下结论:教育主管部门领导和校长对学校体育的认识还存在一定的偏差;裕固族地区农村中小学体育师资短缺,师资队伍整体素质较低;裕固族地区农村中小学体育经费奇缺,场地设施、体育器材匮乏,尤其村级小学更甚;得天独厚的自然条件为山区中小学体育提供了丰富的课程内容资源和广阔的活动空间,但开发利用不够;裕固族地区农村中小学体育课每周都是2节,开课节数远没有达到国家的要求,而且上课质量较低;虽然新课程改革进行的如火如荼,但本地区还是穿新鞋,走老路;体育课教学内容还是以现代运动项目为主,民族传统体育开发不够。

【Abstract】 At a large number of ethnic minorities in Gansu Province, the Autonomous County of Sunan Yugur basic education earlier implementation of the "two basics" target, basic education has made rapid development. However, because of its geographical environment and a variety of subjective and objective conditions, Yugur Autonomous County of Sunan PE is the development of rural schools lag behind, and even in some relatively remote village primary school there are still no full-time PE teachers, no facilities, no sports equipment Three non-phenomenon. In today’s advocate quality education, the sun sports, entertainment, sports, the concept of lifelong PE, it is necessary to Gansu Province Yugur this unique nation the status of PE in schools in rural areas to conduct in-depth and meticulous research, and in line with the local real countermeasures and suggestions. To sum up, achieving the following objectives: the adoption of the status quo analysis, to identify rural schools Yugur Sports strengths and weaknesses and to make targeted responses; fully tap the rural schools in this region fit PE curriculum resources, for the relevant departments to provide some theoretical and practical reference ; improve understanding of rural schools in the region of the Sports development and innovation to create a good atmosphere of public opinion.In this paper, Sunan Yugur Autonomous County in Gansu Province to investigate the scope of rural primary and middle schools, including nine-year School 5; villages of small 7; specifically investigate the 95 junior high school students, 290 pupils, 14 primary and secondary school PE teachers. Deeper understanding of the present status of rural primary and secondary PE.In this paper, literature, questionnaires, field trips law, logic analysis method, such as looking at ways to Yugur rural areas the basic situation of PE in primary and secondary schools as the breakthrough point, the main areas of rural primary and middle schools Yugur recognize the Sport, Physical Education curriculum resources the status quo, status of physical education, extra-curricular sports activities and other aspects of the status of research, through analysis of survey results, the following conclusions: Education Department director for School Leaders and principals of PE must recognize there are still deviations; Yugur rural primary and secondary school PE teacher shortage, the lower the overall quality of teachers; Yugur funding for rural primary and secondary schools Sports lack of venues and facilities, lack of sports equipment, in particular the village primary school is even worse; unique natural conditions for mountain sports in primary and secondary schools provide a wealth of curriculum content resources and the vast space, but not enough development and utilization; Yugur weekly physical education in primary and secondary schools in rural areas are two, the number of classes is far from attaining the country’s request, but the quality of the lower classes; Although the new curriculum reform in full swing However, the region or wearing new shoes, take the old path; physical education content and teaching of modern sports projects, not enough traditional national sports development.

  • 【分类号】G807.0
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】474

