

An Investigation into the Influence of Non-English Majors’ Language Attitude on Language Attrition

【作者】 胡敏

【导师】 权晓辉;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 语言磨蚀的研究在国外已经开展了30余年,自1980年,美国宾夕法尼亚大学召开的“语言技能损耗研讨会”之后,众多语言学工作者才开始较多关注这一课题。而国内研究者对语言磨蚀领域的研究仍然关注较少。目前为止,除了一些围绕该领域的文献综述和理论研究之外,只有为数不多的几篇调查研究致力于中国英语学习者的英语磨蚀情况。本研究试图调查我国英语学习者系统英语学习结束后的语言技能磨蚀情况及英语语言态度与语言磨蚀的关系。本研究试图通过定性与定量研究相结合的方法揭示语言磨蚀与语言态度之间的关系。主要通过语言态度的调查问卷和语言水平测试,即大学英语四级测试题的数据收集与分析,并结合访谈来调查学习者的语言态度对语言技能是否存在影响。本研究的被试是34名来自于兰州市6所普通中学的各学科教师,他们分别于2006年6月和2007年6月毕业于西北师范大学,并在大学期间通过大学英语四级考试。本研究主要探索以下两个问题:(1)在系统学习结束后,学习者的语言技能是否出现磨蚀现象?听力,阅读和写作,三个语言技能的哪一个方面更容易磨蚀?(2)学习者的语言态度是否对语言磨蚀程度有影响?如果有,语言技能的听力,阅读和写作,哪一个方面更容易受到语言态度的影响?该研究发现:一,在不考虑语言态度差异的情况下,所有的被试在系统学习结束后,均出现了明显的语言技能磨蚀情况。听力技能磨蚀最为明显,写作技能次之,而阅读技能未出现显著性磨蚀。二,不同的语言态度对语言磨蚀程度有不同的影响,即积极的语言态度者磨蚀程度较低,而消极的语言态度者则出现较大程度的语言技能磨蚀情况。消极的语言态度对听力技能和写作技能的磨蚀有显著性影响,积极的语言态度对听力,写作技能的保持具有一定作用。相关分析进一步证明,语言态度与语言水平呈正相关,但不显著。而语言态度与语言磨蚀呈显著性正相关,这一发现有别于国外该领域的研究结果,需要进一步的深入研究。本研究表明,我国英语学习者的语言态度对语言技能的磨蚀有一定影响,该研究对语言政策及语言教学有一定的启示:教育者不仅要注重将学习者培养为成功的英语学习者,更重要的是成为成功的英语技能保持者;教育规划部门应该根据不同学习者未来的职业规划和发展制订不同的教学计划,通过有针对性的教学促使学习者树立积极的学习态度并在系统学习结束后较为有效的保持学习英语成果;尝试开展定期的英语水平测试,鼓励学习者不间断的练习和巩固已经掌握的英语语言知识和技能;语言教育者有必要首先引导学生培养正确和积极的英语语言态度,再进行语言内容和语言技能的培训。语言磨蚀是一个较为复杂的过程,其间受到很多因素的影响,本研究仅探讨了语言态度这一个因素,研究者应关注更多的影响因素,试图通过语言磨蚀领域的研究为我国的英语教学提供更具体更详尽的方法和目标。

【Abstract】 The study of language attrition as a field of academic research was first recognized at the Conference on the Attrition of Language Skills convened by Richard Lambert at the University of Pennsylvania in 1980. More than few decades have passed since a systematic research for language attrition has been started. However, compared with its popularity abroad, language attrition receives little attention in China. Till now, few domestic scholars have reported the language attrition and the influence factors of EFL learners in China. In the present study, the researcher aims to investigate the attrition of English skills and the influence of language attitude after the termination of formal English training of EFL learners in China.The present study attempts to investigate the relationship between English language attrition and college graduated students’language attitudes through qualitative and quantitative methods. The study is based on the data obtained from a language attitude questionnaire and English proficiency tests. The interview is conducted to complement the findings of questionnaire. The participants are high middle school teachers teaching non-English subjects and having passed CET-4 test. They had graduated in 2006 and 2007 from Northwest Normal University. Two research instruments, the attitude questionnaire and the CET-4 test paper, were used in the study. Data were analyzed with SPSS 13.0. The study mainly addressed the following two questions:(1) Is there any attrition of EFL learners’language skills after systematical English learning? Which aspects of language skill, listening, reading and writing, are more vulnerable to suffer attrition?(2) Whether language attitude has influence on language attrition? If so, which aspect of language skill, listening, reading and writing, are most vulnerable to be influenced by language attitude? The main findings are: 1) Regardless of their language attitude, participants undergo attrition after the termination of formal English training. Listening skill is more vulnerable to suffer attrition than writing skill, which is more vulnerable than reading skill; 2) Different attitudes groups have significant difference in their language attrition rate. The negative attitude group suffers more attrition than the positive group. Besides, the present study indicates that language attitude has no significant correlation with language proficiency on listening, reading and writing skills at test1. However, it has significant positive correlation with language attrition on listening and writing skills at test2.It is suggested that attitude of participants has positive influence on language attrition, the present study gives some implication to the language policy and English teaching and learning in China: it is more important to cultivate successful English keeper, but not only English learners; it is necessary hold a positive attitude on English for learners and make different teaching plans for different learners which related to their career development. However, language attrition is a complicated process which is influenced by several of factors, and the present study only involved one variable. The more attention should be paid on researches in this field.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】682

