

A Comparative Evaluation of Two Editions of English Textbooks

【作者】 陈雁霞

【导师】 赵登明;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,英语教材的建设成为英语教学中备受关注的一个问题。教材是编者教学理念的体现,是教师实施英语教学活动的蓝本,它在完成教学内容和实现教学目标上发挥着重要作用。我国将逐步实现国家课程标准指导下的教材多样化政策。使教材的选择和使用逐步向地方、学校、学生的适应性方向发展。这就产生了一个新的问题:面对多套教材,教师如何科学地分析、评估教材的质量、以便对教材的选用做出合理、科学地判断?本文选择了两套教材进行对比评估,这两套教材是由人民教育出版社和汤姆森学习出版集团合作改编的《新目标》以及由河北教育出版社和DC加拿大国际交流中心合编的《学英语》。作者首先回顾了Sheldon和Grant等人关于教材评估的理论,在此基础上,参照McDonough和Shaw提出的内部评估和外部评估的框架,设计了本研究的评估模式。研究分为内部评估和外部评估两个阶段。作者首先对教材的版面,目录,插图前言等方面做了外部评估,然后从教材的内容,即语言、教学方法、教材的设计等方面进行了内部评估。本评估通过调查报告,访谈等方法收集了数据和资料,调查报告主要以教师提供的数据为依据。由于新课标倡导使用任务型教学,在内部评估中,作者采用了Littlejohn对于“任务”一词的诠释,将其定义拓展为既包括交际型任务,也包括传统练习形式,并据此整理分析教材中主要的任务形式,比较两套教材对实施任务型教学的难易程度。本研究分析和总结了通过访谈和问卷得出的数据,在分析数据的过程中采用定性分析和定量分析。分析结果表明两套教材都注重发展学生的总体语言能力,要求教师不仅培养学生的语言知识和语言技能,还要顾及到影响学生语言学习的其他因素,比如情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等。GFI能够很好的体现任务型教学的理念,使任务型教学在实践中便于实施。它的内容设计更符合学生的心理特征,提高了学生学习英语的兴趣。它倡导以学生为中心的教学理念,鼓励合作学习,发现学习,探究性学习。LE内容丰富,信息量大,扩展了学生的知识面。教材使用的语言真实,设计的活动内容生动有趣。通过教授LE,教师们改变了教学观念那就是新的教学理念必需用于实践教学。他们认识到:在教学中过多的关注词汇,语法,知识点是不利于教学发展的。LE采用了一种新的语言教学方法,即‘Project-Approach’所以在教学实践中不是很适合任务型教学。针对这些特点,作者提出了以后研究的方向。

【Abstract】 English language teaching has undergone great reforms in China. Among others, changes in course books are especially conspicuous. As a major component in the implementation of an English course, course books are best seen as an essential factor contributing to the accomplishment of teaching content and the achievement of teaching objectives.With the reform in curriculum putting into practice, Educational authorities gradually carry out the policy to diversify versions in textbooks under the guidance of National Curriculum Standards, which will improve the adaptation of textbooks to specific area, school and students. Therefore, a new problem has arisen among teachers. That is, facing to diversification in textbooks, what should teachers do to evaluate the quality of textbooks, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of textbooks and then make a sensible decision? Teachers and students need to be able to make informed and appropriate choices when selecting course books and supporting materials. So, choosing the right textbook is becoming more and more important at all levels of ELT schools. This has become a vital problem for teachers to be solved.As Go For It and Learning English are both used in junior middle schools in Gansu, the author makes survey for them in order to find out the merits and demerits of the course in use. Go For It edited by people’s Education Press of China and Thomson Publishing Group of America, Learning English composed by Hebei Education Press and DC Canada International Communicative Center. The author reviews Sheldon, Grant’s theories about material evaluation. Inspired by English language teaching material evaluation, the author sets up a working model according to McDonough and Shaw for the present evaluation which precedes two processes, external evaluation and internal evaluation (taking teachers view into consideration) the advocacy of the Task-based Language Teaching Approach in New English Curriculum Standards puts forward a new demand and challenge to the teaching materials development. So in the internal evaluation, Littlejone’s definition of‘task’, which has been broaden to incorporate both communicative tasks and traditional exercises, is adopted to analyze the task types in them to have a close look at how much do they suit to the Task- Based Language Teaching Approach.By means of documents, questionnaire, interview this paper produces a more realistic picture of reality. A number of qualitative data is analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively.Both of the two editions attach importance to developing students’comprehensive language ability. Teachers guided by these two editions do not only lay stress on developing students’language knowledge and skills, but also attach importance to other aspects which can take effect in students’English learning, such as emotional attitudes, learning strategies and cultural awarenessThe results shows: each edition has some strengths and weakness. All the teachers think that after using the textbook, learners’comprehensive ability, especially listening and speaking could be greatly promoted. GFI embodies the task- based language teaching approach. And the various task forms facilitate the language teaching in practice. Teachers admit LE consists of new form and abound content, interesting language and teaching activity. But the arrangement of grammar and vocabulary were not systematic and reasonable. LE offers a new pedagogy for language teaching:‘the project approach.’so in the teaching practice, it is not suitable to task-based language teaching approach very much.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】674

