

A Study on Spatial Pattern of Residential Area in Inland River Basin over the Arid Areas

【作者】 李秀丽

【导师】 赵军;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,由于对水土资源的不合理开发利用,石羊河流域生态环境严重恶化,已威胁到社会经济的可持续发展,引起国家领导人和公众的广泛关注。众多科研工作者也从不同的角度探讨石羊河流域的可持续发展问题。“人”和“地”发展不和谐会加剧区域的环境恶化程度,加大区域承载力等。本文从石羊河流域的居民点分布规律方面着手,利用GIS研究方法和手段,通过定量的分析以及定性的总结对石羊河流域居民点分布特征进行研究,以期找到石羊河流域“人”和“地”之间可持续平稳发展的规律。研究结果表明,石羊河流域作为典型的干旱区内陆河流域,其内部居民点的分布有着自身的特殊性:(1)区域内居民点平均中心向南偏离区域中心,区域内部居民点分布不均匀,南部居民点多余北部居民点,东西方向上居民点分布个数差异较小。居民点分布并非单纯的遵循择低分布原则。由于区内自然条件不均衡,流域内西北、东北、西南、东南四个方向上居民点分布差异很大。居民点沿西北-东南轴集中分布,西南-东北是流域从源头到下游的轴线,居民点个数分布形成上游到中游增加、中游到下游减少的特征。(2)石羊河流域居民点的分布类型整体上为随机分布。流域内居民点分布首先有明显的趋水性,沿石羊河主干道形成了“东北-西南密集带”;其次趋近交通线分布,沿铁路及公路主干道形成“东南-西北密集带”,水系和主干交通两个“带”交叉形成“T”形区将整个流域分隔为三部分:西南部的祁连山山地、西北部的巴丹吉林沙漠和北部的腾格里沙漠,这三处自然条件恶劣,居民地分布稀少且分散。(3)石羊河流域自然环境承载力较低,流域内居民点密度很小,每25km~2仅有1个居民点分布;聚落密度分布很不均匀,凉州区的聚落密度最大,肃南县最小,不足凉州区的五分之一。(4)石羊河流域的居民点分布与海拔关系密切,海拔越高,居民点分布越少。小于1700m的区域广布戈壁、沙漠,不适宜人类居住;大于2900m的祁连山区,海拔较高、地表破碎,亦不适宜人类居住,居民点分布稀少。流域内地形起伏度与居民点个数成反比,地形起伏度越大,居民点个数越少,居民地分布明显偏重低值,居民点个数与地形起伏度呈现指数衰减趋势。(5)线性地物对居民地个数有较大影响,但其有效影响距离不一致。公路对居民点分布的影响程度明显大于铁路,而河流对居民点分布的影响程度又明显大于交通线。(6)研究区分为河西走廊区和祁连山地区两个综合自然地理区,其内部居民点分布有很大差异:河西走廊区内的居民点较多,聚落密度较大,呈随机分布,多分布于水热情况较好、交通便利的绿洲区,与居民点分布极其稀少的荒漠区形成鲜明对比;祁连山地区的居民点较少,聚落密度很小,集中分布于河源附近,呈聚集分布。

【Abstract】 In recent years, due to the irrational development and utilization, the serious deterioration of the ecological environment of Shiyang River Basin has been a threat to the sustainable development of socio-economic; it caused the state leaders and the public’s attention. From many different angles, Researchers explore sustainable development issues of Shiyang River Basin.The irrational development between "people" and "land" will aggravate the discord of the environmental degradation in the region, increase regional pressure and so on. In this paper, from the distribution settlements of the Shiyang River Basin, use GIS methods, quantitative analysis and qualitative summary, explore the settlements characteristics of Shiyang River Basin, in order to find the sustainable smooth law between "person" and "land" of the Shiyang River Basin.The results show that the Shiyang River Basin as a typical inland river basin of arid region, its internal distribution of settlements has its own particularities:(1) The average center of the settlements in the region south deviate from the center of regional centers, the settlements distribution of intra-regional is non-uniform, settlements in the northern part is more than the southern, the differences of the settlements number on an east-west direction is small. The way of settlements distribution is not simply follow the principle of low distribution.because natural conditions is imbalance in the region, settlements distribution is largely different in four direction of northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast. Settlements distribution is along the northwest - southeast axis ,the Southwest - Northeast is axis of downstream from the source of the River Basin, the number of the settlements distribution is increase from upper reaches to middle reaches ,is decrease from middle reaches to lower reaches.(2) The settlements distribution is overall in the type of random in Shiyang River Basin. First, the settlements distribution is water-based,form a northeast - southwest intensive belt along the main road of Shiyang River ;second,it is convergence line, form the Southeast-northwest intensive belt along the railway and trunk roads , "T" shape area formed by cross of water system and the main road divide the basin into three parts: the Qilian mountains in southwest, the Badain Jaran Desert in the northern and Tengger Desert in northwest, the natural conditions of these areas is poor ,residents distribution is sparsely and decentralized.(3) Bearing capacity of the natural environment of Shiyang River Basin is low, residential areas is small, there is only one settlement in 25km ; settlement density is very uneven, the settlement density of Liangzhou District is largest, Sunan County, less than one-fifth of Liangzhou District, is the smallest.(4) the settlements distribution of Shiyang River Basin is close to the elevation, the more the elevation, the less the settlements distribution. The desert which is less than 1700m is unfit for human habitation; the Qilian Mountains which is over 2900m is high elevation, surface broken, unfit for human habitation, the settlements distribution is scarce. Basin relief is inversely proportional to the number of settlements, the greater the relief, the fewer the number of settlements, the residents distribution is low-value, the number of settlements and relief showe the trend of exponential decay.(5) Linear features have a greater impact on the number of residents, but the effective distance is inconsistencies. The impact of the road on the settlements Distribution is greater than the railways, and the impact of rivers on the settlements distribution is obviously greater than the line.(6) the study area is divided into the Qilian Mountains area and Hexi Corridor area, the settlements distribution of these internal areas are very different: more settlements in the Hexi Corridor region, settlement density, is randomly distribute, most in better hot water and transport facilitation oasis areas, sharp contrast with the desert of very few settlements; settlements of Qilian Mountains is less, locate in river head, concentrate gathered distribution.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【下载频次】216

