

A Studying on "Jiu Jia Ji Zhu Du Shi"

【作者】 罗效智

【导师】 郝润华;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 宋代出现了“千家注杜”的杜诗学盛况,对杜诗的搜集、整理、编年、分类、笺注,蔚为一代之风,产生了许多单家注本和集注本。单家注本除赵次公仅存明清二抄本残帙外,今皆已亡佚。集注本现存七种,按时代先后依次为:阙名《门类增广集注杜诗》(国家图书馆藏残宋本);阙名《门类增广十注杜诗》(国家图书馆藏残宋本);郭知达《九家集注杜诗》(清武英殿聚珍版丛书本);托名王十朋《王状元集百家注编年杜陵诗史》(1981年江苏广陵古籍刻印社翻刻刘世珩影宋本);阙名《分门集注杜工部诗》(《四部丛刊》影宋本);蔡梦弼《杜工部草堂诗笺》(《丛书集成初编》本);黄希、黄鹤《黄氏补千家集注杜陵诗史》(《四库全书》本)。目前学术界对杜诗宋注的研究还较为薄弱,成果也较为零散。本文在前人研究基础上,对现存较早、卷帙较完整的宋代杜诗集注本之一的《九家集注杜诗》(原名《新刊校定集注杜诗》)进行全面探讨和深入研究。文章主要包括以下几个方面:第一章:郭知达生平与成书背景。通过文献梳理与分析,考察郭知达的生平、《九家集注杜诗》的成书背景和郭知达的编纂目的。第二章:《九家集注杜诗》的成书与流传情况。借鉴现有研究成果,并通过文献梳理与分析,考证《九家集注杜诗》的成书、刊刻与流传情况。第三章:《九家集注杜诗》各注家考证。通过序文中所列的“九家”与文本内容进行核查,钩稽出《九家集注杜诗》实际征引的注家有十二位。第四章:《九家集注杜诗》的注释体例与内容。深入研读注本,逐一概括出《九家集注杜诗》的注释体例与内容,并就解题与集注在内容上的特点作出简单概括。第五章:《九家集注杜诗》的特点与缺失。通过综合考察,概括出《九家集注杜诗》具有引据广博、选摘精到、引入己注三个特点,同时也存在该注未注、注文有误、强求出处、任意删减原注四点缺失。第六章:《九家集注杜诗》的文献学价值。全面分析论述《九家集注杜诗》在辑佚、校勘、版本三方面所具有的文献学价值。

【Abstract】 In Song Dynasty,lots of people began to show their attention to Du Fu’s poems. They tried to collect,reorganize,arrange the year ,sort and annotate Du Fu’s poems. At present,there is only one book writed by Zhao Ci-gong himself.There are seven books writed by more than one people.A generation of priority in turn is on time:“Men Lei Zeng Guang Ji Zhu Du Shi”(the Library national Tibet remnant Song dynasty block-printed edition);“Men Lei Zeng Guang Shi Zhu Du Shi”(the Library national Tibet remnant Song dynasty block-printed edition);“Jiu Jia Ji Zhu Du Shi”(keeps by Wu Yingdian in Qing Dynasty);“Wang Zhuang Yuan Ji Bai Jia Zhu Bian Nian Du Ling Shi Shi”(publishied by Jiang Su Guang L ing in 1981);“Fen Men Ji Zhu Du Gong Bu Ji”(Si Bu Cong Kan);“Du Gong Bu Cao Tang Shi Jian”(Cong Shu Ji Cheng Chu Bian);“Hang Shi Bu Qian Jia Ji Zhu Du Ling Shi Shi”(Si Ku Quan Shu).At present ,people know little about Du Fu’s poems. This article studies in the foundation in the predecessor, to extant early, one of book complete Song Dynasty Du poem variorum editions“Jiu Jia Ji Zhu Du Shi”(the old name“Xin Kan Jiao Ding Ji Zhu Du Shi”) to carry on the comprehensive discussion and the thorough research.The article mainly includes following several aspects:First chapter: Guo Zhida’s biography and background of the book.Combs through the literature with the analysis, inspects Guo Zhida the biography, and background of“Jiu Jia Ji Zhu Du Shi”.Second chapter: Deals with the process of writing and keeping. Profits from the existing research results, and combs through the literature with the analysis, textually researches“Jiu Jia Ji Zhu Du Shi”the book in circulation, the publication engrave with spread the situation.Third chapter: Make sure of the writers of“Jiu Jia Ji Zhu Du Shi”.By preciating and anylizing we found there were 12 people who express their ideas and understandings.Fourth chapter: Annotation style and content of“Jiu Jia Ji Zhu Du Shi”.Reads the note thoroughly, one by one summarizes“Jiu Jia Ji Zhu Du Shi”the annotation style and the content, and collect the characters in the content.Fifth chapter:“Jiu Jia Ji Zhu Du Shi”characteristic and flaw.Through the comprehensive survey, summarizes“Jiu Jia Ji Zhu Du Shi”is riched in annotation material,precise in annotation and has their own thinking three characteristics, simultaneously also has some problems such as false explainations and deleting improperly and so on.Sixth chapter:“Jiu Jia Ji Zhu Du Shi”literature value.The value lies in collecting,editing and version.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】126

