

Study on Zhouwengui

【作者】 杨爱军

【导师】 伏俊琏;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 文学评点是中国古代文学批评的一种重要形式,一般认为发端于南宋,到了明代中后期,这一传统得到空前发展。旧题为钟惺所编的《周文归》系统地编选先秦散文,并汇集宋明诸家评语,较为集中地体现了明代文学评点本的特点。本文在评述钟惺生平和著述的基础上,对《周文归》的成书背景、编选特点、评文特点作了较深入的考论,从而探讨本书对先秦散文的接受情况,为文学评点本研究提供个案。论文分为正文和附录两大部分,正文分为四章:第一章:钟惺的生平、文学活动和著述。首先对钟惺的仕宦经历、政治遭际作简单的介绍;其次,阐述钟惺的交游、文学活动和文学主张,重点分析钟惺关注现实的诗文作品。再次,梳理钟惺的主要著述,分析其诗文选本的选文倾向和评文特点,并予以评价。第二章:明代选本编选的背景、特点和《周文归》的成书。通过分析明代政治、思想、学术的特点,观照明代文学评点风气形成的背景。通过对明代各类选本的分析,从宏观上把握明代对前代散文的接受特点,在此基础上分析了《周文归》的成书情况和全书体例。第三章:《周文归》编选先秦散文的特点。分析了《周文归》的编选思想、选文范围和选文特点,并结合后人评价对该书的编选特点作重新认识,分析了古代“泛文学观”的特点和前代文章选本的编选传统对《周文归》的影响。第四章:《周文归》的文章评点及对后世的影响。首先总体分析文学评点本的特点,其次通过对《周文归》评语的逐篇解读和分类探讨,分析了该书评点的侧重和特点,并分析《周文归》评文的得失及清人对文学评点之习的评价。附录部分为笔者所作的《明代散文选本提要》,本文以《四库全书》和《四库全书存目丛书》涉及到的明代“总集类”选本为主,粗线条地勾勒出明代散文选本的编选特点,初步探索明代对先秦散文的接受情况。《周文归》的评选上承南宋以来文章选本的传统,并对当时和清初选本产生了一定影响,在明代文学评点本中理应占有一席之地。

【Abstract】 Literature critique is an important form in ancient Chinese literature criticism. It is believed that it was originated from Southern Song and it has developed unprecedently in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. The Zhouwengui edited by Zhong Xing systematically selected and edited the prose in Early Qin and collected the remarks of every specialist in Song and Ming Dynasty, in which intensively embodies the characteristic of literature critique in Ming Dynasty. Based on the comment on zhong Xing’s life and writing, the present study inspected and discussed the background, editing characteristic and critiquing characteristic of Zhouwengui, consequently to investigate the acceptance and critiquing characteristic and provide an case for the similar study.The thesis has been divided into two parts: body and appendix, there are four chapters in the body. The first chapter is zhong Xing’s life, literary activities and writings. Firstly, his political experience is introduced. Secondly, his social association, literary activities and literary viewpoint is introduced, and his special attention on the reality is mainly analyzed. At last, his main writings is list systematically, the selection tendency and critiquing characteristic is analyzed and evaluated.In the second chapter is about the selection background in Ming Dynasty and the writing process of Zhouwengui. The political, ideological and academic characteristic is analyzed to mirror the background which the literature critique was prevailing in Ming Dynasty. The various selections in Ming Dynasty are analyzed to grasp the acceptance characteristic to the previous prose in Ming Dynasty; Then the writing process and writing style of Zhouwe gui is analyzed.The third chapter is about the section and edition characteristic of the prose in Early Qin. The edited thought, selection scope and edition characteristic is analyzed and revalued with the reference to the evaluation of the later generation; and the characteristic of the“pan-literary thought”and the influence of the previous prose selection on Zhouwengui are analyzed.Chapter four is about the specific critique to Zhouwengui and the influence on the later generation. The critiquing characteristic is generally analyzed firstly. Then the extra emphasis, the success and failure and the evaluation to this book in Qing Dynasty is analyzed by unscrambling the book and discussing individually.The appendix is the Summary of prose selection from Ming Dynasty written by the thesis writer. In this article, the writer mainly used the“omnibus”selection in Ming Dynasty, which is involved in Imperial Collection of Four and Contents Series of Imperial Collection of Four, to simply outline the prose selection characteristic of Ming Dynasty and initiatively mirror the acceptance to the prose in Early Qin.Zhouwengui continues the selection tradition from Southern Song, and influences the selection at that time and Early Qing. It should have a place in literature critique edition in Ming Dynasty.

【关键词】 钟惺《周文归》编选评点
【Key words】 Zhong XingZhouwenguiSelectionCritique
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】77

