

Study on the Harmonious Legislation

【作者】 杨志成

【导师】 贾应生;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “构建社会主义和谐社会”理念的提出,为解决当代中国现代化进程中所遇到的困难和问题开出了一剂良药,同时也为当代中国立法提出了新的课题。当代中国立法应向何处去,已成为我们无法回避的现实课题。可以肯定的是,随着社会主义和谐社会的构建,社会主义民主法治的健全以及现代立法理念的勃兴,努力实现和谐立法应当是而且必须是当代中国立法者肩负的使命。和谐社会是法治社会的立法追求,和谐社会只能建立在法治的基础之上,而和谐立法是法治不可或缺的前提和基础,更是实现社会和谐的基础和保障。和谐立法内涵十分丰富:首先,它是指现代立法所应坚持的立法理念和所追求的一种法治理想。这种立法理念或法治理想表达了现代立法的一般诉求,即在人本立法理念的指导下,以公平、正义、平衡等为价值取向,在多元利益共生共存的基础上,通过公正、民主、科学的立法博弈来平衡相互冲突的利益关系,最终促进和实现人与人之间、人与自然之间的和谐。其次,和谐立法是立法者基于正当程序,以国家名义发现、认可和创制法律的一种现代立法过程。最后,和谐立法当然也要求其所立之法门类齐全、结构严谨、体例科学、协调发展、内部和谐。和谐立法产生于立法过程,而立法过程又是遵循程序规则而进行的。因此,和谐立法的实现必然在相当程度上依赖于正当程序和一系列完备的现代立法制度。当然,和谐立法的实现作为构建社会主义和谐社会的一个重要环节,还必须具备一定的社会基础。

【Abstract】 Construction harmonious society idea’s statement, not only providing the ideas for solving the difficulties in contemporary Chinese modernization process, but also bring new tasks for the contemporary Chinese legislation. Where contemporary Chinese legislation should be going, has become a practical issues. We can assure that, with the building of a harmonious society and, the sound of the rule of law and democracy, the boom of modern legislation idea, striving to achieve harmonious legislation is and must be the mission of contemporary Chinese legislators.The rule of law is the pursuit of a harmonious society, a harmonious society not only be established on the basis of the rule of law and, harmonious legislation is the prerequisite and basis for the rule of law, is the basis for achieving social harmony and security. Harmonious legislation has rich connotation, on one hand, it refers to a modern legislative process that the legislators on behalf of the state to find, recognize and create law; on the other hand, it also means the legislative idea and ideal of the rule of law that modern legislators should to pursuit. These idea and ideal express general concept of modern legislation,under the guidance of the concept of humanistic legislation, fair, justice, balance as it’s value orientation, on the basis of co-existence of multiple interests, through a just, democratic and scientific legislation game to balance the conflicting their relations of interests and achieve harmony between people, between people and nature eventually. Harmonious be industrial system which is complete in range, of a tightly knit structure, internal legislation request legislation harmony, style science, coordinated growth.Harmonious legislation arising from the legislative process and, the legislative process is followed the rules of procedure. Therefore, the realization of a harmonious legislation depend on the due process and a series of the modern legal system. Of course, harmony legislation as an important link to build a socialist harmonious society, must be built on a certain social basis.

  • 【分类号】D920.0
  • 【下载频次】22

